theSometimes I do not think that the world would rather go blind to what is happening inexorably in front of their noses. What message is being given to their children? - Then, he is instilling to ignore their parents because they know they pass the item, no red blood can boil desperate situations unfair and unethical. Paradoxically are giving lessons to their children, but children are smarter than their parents.
is too well known to all linguistic imposition being exerted by politicians (PSC-ERC CIU etc. ..), from and for many years, I too say thanks largely under Mr Zapatero (shoemaker M. their shoes and not what you do not compete). Our blog aims to give voice to the news about the same and give a message to the people, EXIST! - We are real - there are many people against the dictatorship of language - are not lies, not an invention, to whom you want to hear ? How pathetic that we have the petty politicians in Catalonia? or the voice of the world this has to end once and for all. Become the question, why their children have so many misspellings? Here I will put examples of what is happening outside the wall of social blindness Catalan, culpable ignorance indisputable that our children suffer for their future. We are mortgaging their future and not do anything you want them, in my opinion soys Moveis bad parents if not the ass, because you care 3 peppers education of your children .
What the law says:
Article 21.2 of the Act of Parliament of Catalonia 1 / 1998 of 7 January, Language Policy: "Children are entitled to receive primary education in their usual language, either it Catalan or Castilian. The authorities shall guarantee this right and the means to make it effective. Parents or guardians may exercise on behalf of his sons urging that apply. " fulfilled? -NO, why? "Because he leaves the Catalans dictators cullones not apply, period, you can not argue .
Catalan, one of the two official languages \u200b\u200bof Catalonia, it adds. Castilian, the other official language of Catalonia, also adds, and multiplies the opportunities for communication with many people from the rest of Spain and half world. Bilingualism respects the rights of all Catalans, whose own the Castilian language and whose native language Catalan.
Castilian exclusion of rights and freedoms remains Catalan citizens who have that language as their own, dividing citizens Catalans among all citizens without rights and language rights and also seeking the division with the rest of Spain.

on Spain's special "The Economist" which discussed the language situation in Catalonia.
# The reactions of various media. That you see the duster ... (Felix de Azua) Where was the ambassador? (MA Prieto) Interview with Mike Reid (The Economist) "In English" (Arcadi Espada) Letter to the Editor sent to The Economist by READ MORE AT
The situation of persecution suffered by the Castilian in all areas of public life in Catalonia, is reflected in this World TV documentary broadcast in Telemadrid.
IntereconomíaTV issued a report on the dark practices of the Language subsidized per platform. Using a hidden camera shows an interview with Martí Gasull, one of the leaders of the radical nationalist organization, which explains in great detail the methods Sicilians used to pressure companies to use Catalan in their communications with their customers. Of course, as is common in Catalonia, funded with public money. The video lasts just under 14 minutes and not wasted. Fines
Language in Catalonia
Wednesday, January 20, 2010 * 2004: 22 fines. Total: € 46,300
* Year 2005: 119 fines. Total: € 122,050
* Year 2006: 194 fines. Total: € 55,675 Total sanctions from 2003 to 2006: 337. Total amount in euros of sanctions from 2003 to 2006: € 225,225
Some sanctions in 2008 and 2009:

Today, in Catalonia, the condition for the granting of licenses for opening or maintaining private institutions for compulsory labeling in Catalan, ignoring the Constitution and international treaties signed by Spain, also binding on the Catalan institutions proclaiming the freedom of expression and free enterprise.
Today, in Catalonia, a sectarian government is punishing those who do not have amounts necessary to fulfill this duty or who precede the freedom of expression and enterprise.
The excuse of the linguistic rights of consumers is used by the Government of Catalonia with the aim to standardize the business landscape in just one of the two official languages \u200b\u200band would not hesitate to fine and use all the coercive means at its disposal .
The lack of freedom to use any of the official languages \u200b\u200bin documents and signs of private facilities is unparalleled in any of the laws of other areas with linguistic plurality. Bigots try to confuse the public by hiding behind the excuse of the rights of consumers and impose discipline in a sector of a private nature, which should not fit the interference of public authority.

Unfortunately, this government turns its effort to enforce instructions inspector own sick totalitarian administration.
With its unjust actions, the Nationalist government headed by the PSC itself is reduced to a mere caricature, and is drawn as a government inflexible and ridiculous, that preys on the weak to impose fines on owners of timber, shoe, agents Real Estate, who besieged and forced to change labels, the restaurant menus, models of contracts, invoices.
A government that promotes the accusation and prepare the field for linguistic clashes that inevitably come to the Catalan society, can not be a good government. It is imperative for all to express our solidarity with all those who are visited by representatives of the Catalan Agency for consumption in compliance with the orders of tyrants language.
The obligation to use a language should not be imposed on private law relationships, especially when this should only be contemplated with respect to one of the official languages \u200b\u200bin Catalonia. In 1998, during approval of the Linguistic Policy Act, the Ombudsman said: "It is disproportionate mandatory and comprehensive use of Catalan in all signs, information signs of a fixed nature and range of services documents, without allowing the owner of the establishment or firm to decide in each case what is more appropriate, in order to satisfy the best mode preferences of their customers. "
Far from the wisdom proclaimed by the Ombudsman, the Government of Catalonia has developed an inexorable penalty regime that applies with an iron hand and has increased the campaign against the Catalan employers. Trapped repressive in its own dynamics now wants Parliament adopted the Consumer Code of Catalonia which gives the government powers to temporarily close private institutions and impose fines of up to 10,000 euros for minor offenses or up to 100,000 euros for serious violations if they thought negative labeling in Catalan is deliberate. By approving the new Code and protected by the duty of linguistic availability may also punish all those establishments that can not guarantee the comprehensive oral and written in the language chosen by the customer, bringing thousands of workers serving the public can see job stability conditional on that decision.
himself Government of Catalonia and the entities that provide support are blowing the living example of the Catalan people by implementing a system fed by fear, mistrust and confrontation. It is time to abandon the punitive measures and ensure that citizens voluntarily encourage a reasonable free use of official languages \u200b\u200bin Catalonia.
We therefore demand:
- That the government ensure freedom of choice of language in private relationships between clients and establishments open to the public.
- That the Government of Catalonia repeal the regulations governing so-called rights language, eliminating this type of conditions contrary to the principle of free enterprise in consumer relations, and to abandon the system of penalties in this matter.
- That the Consumer Catalan archive all open disciplinary proceedings against citizens and companies for linguistic reasons.
: Maçanet of the Jungle::
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