the great Catalan fascist party this Sunday, I shall report the trade, and other rogue entities attached to the fascist movement "Maçanet Decideix"
Associació cultural petits i grans small and large easy
handling some because they are children and others because they are too big to take mental faculties intact
Friends of the flame the fascist Amiguetes
Maçanet Associació d'Immigrants
A migrant is free to criticize something ? what made the country (easy)
Apart from that they risk losing subsidies.
repressaliats Association of the Francoist
not had enough with the Franco regime who now want to do what made us free, a group of people nostalgic for Franco, vergonzoso.Se I forgot, do you know what? Do you know that the largest entity antifrancoist of Spain deeply hates you? but I give a shit, right? what counts is rich, not principles. Pack of hypocrites!
Maçanet tennis club house

the house, they know they will never expand career paths "Mr. Albert Boadella know? No way, you are subnormal functional to serve the regime. Yes, yes, is this man in the photo, so may culturizarse something else, by the way a newspaper friend of yours the "avui" threatened to kill him, will you be proud right?.
Amb Joves
win new youth-loving fascists NAZI GERMANY
Artistic Patinatge Maçanet
sporting arm system
house Societat of Caçadors
Maçanet Taller d'història
Know a lot less of history, is primarily concerned with manipulating history, and disseminate new historical terms for children to be imbued with fallacies, to is beautiful in the eyes of the Catalan system.
Well everything is prepared as I said for the big party fascist seniors have their place well covered, for children was enabled for some attractions that you can leave more people and more individuals in the picture then will count, manipulate it at will as they always have in this type of illegal queries and then say "GREAT turnout .. AS IS"
"At some point the state of autonomous no longer be a passport for each regional taifa encroach on the freedoms of their subjects and will to become a State intended to protect the rights of its citizens?
language immersion, the Castilian-speaking repression, censorship in every way possible and for having, xenophobia toward the English .. more than 4 million unemployed in Spain, limitation of individual rights, blatant manipulation of minds powerless as children, violence.
THAT IS, everything worked like a charm, you have properly secured the next generation of functional illiterates. PERFECT!

According to the Federation of Press Associations of Spain (FAPE) for the Catalan Broadcasting Act:
"urges the government, parties politicians and organizations with the capacity to do so, to file a constitutional complaint against various aspects of the law. "
believe that the" powers of sanction in affecting the exercise of freedom of expression and information "which the law assigns Audiovisual Council of Catalonia, "is a clear restriction on the exercise of those freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution and represents a dangerous setback to the rights of citizens."
"What sets this Act is to revive a form of censorship already knew in the past, and administrative powers that impinge on the contents of the media and violate the constitutional mandate. "
"It seemed inconceivable that something could happen in democratic Spain XXI century, represents a return to the days of censorship of the 30"
"a law usurping of the functions with regard to disputes of objective truth, and its ability to impose penalties on the use (...) age of lies "(Arcadi Espada)
Source: Digital Journalist
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