To see Mr. Josep Cruanyes as you well know this country can not vote until age 18, the pamphlet demagogue, false and full of political fallacies which you are responsible (must be age - senility does nicks) that ye pride to present. It is totally ILLEGAL, but of course, You play with deceit You play and you think that people is a fool and you are so ignorant that you can put in your pocket taking advantage of their cultural ignorance.
Tell the people of Catalonia, as chairman of the platform for the right to decide all the lies and crap that you are getting into the head, surely you will be proud to have qualities unethical, but not to me or many people are convinced that string of fallacies, so you have something better you could currar not can be so frightening that ridiculous, have you no shame?
Do I want you to explain that means "the commission of dignity? I'll tell you what is dignity, because apparently neither you nor any of his family presumably means dignity. According to wikipedia
dignity means:
dignity is the value inherent in human beings as rational , endowed with freedom and creative power, as people can shape and improve their lives by making decisions and exercising their freedom. Dignity is largely explained by the "autonomy" of the human being, they saw and Plato, and Kant Pico della Mirandola, as only he knows and can govern itself, as a rational principle, it is "master of his actions" and therefore at least partly, a subject free, to regulate their behavior according to its own rules, according to the etymological meaning of the Greek word 'autonomy', and not a mere subject, and not under the dictation of another, but is a citizen. We understand that autonomy or dignity is just an "emancipatory potential" to the needs and impositions social and natural or universal history of mankind.

I have gone in order to help culturizarse a little more, I see what you need urgently, you can print it and give it to family members to learn from philosophy and ethics. I have highlighted in bold 3 important points that constitute the term dignity.
1, be rational
As you well know, radical separatists lack any rational sense, burned flags, attacks and many more. Therefore, they can not be attributed this term.
2 º Endowed freedom
As you well know, in Catalonia is fine to speak an official language other than Catalan, you tell me who is a lawyer, how popularly called those trying to eliminate freedom of individuals? I'll tell you one example, the Nazis, Franco. Live up to dictators language requirements. Is clarified.
3 º Power operator
As you well know in Catalonia there is no freedom to create, tell an employer you want YOUR BUSINESS label in Castilian, but in English if possible.
As you found, you ... yeah, yeah, you're not just a miserable lackey bufonero serving Catalan dictatorship. So the pamphlets distributed by the people, why not eat them with a English omelette?
not waste your time Mr. distinguished lawyer and historian of shoddy, if you want to give you some names of real lawyers and historians so that they can teach them something and not making a fool in front of his family. It's embarrassing. Know this
'citizens are those who have no language rights and territories' got it all with you? Moreover, he said a famous philosopher who know perfectly, Fernando Sabater, also listed in the group of the most influential people of our world.
I give names of famous people, so take as an example to follow and not to Hitler, Franco, Stalin, Pinochet and that kind of political garbage:

José Antonio de la Marina, Roberto Blanco, Sosa Wagner, Aurelio Arteta, Felix de Azua, Carlos Castilla del Pino, Luis Alberto de Cuenca, Arcadi Espada, Alberto González Troyano, Antonio Lastra, Carmen Iglesias, Álvaro Pombo, Carlos Martínez Gorriarán Jose Luis Pardo, Ramon Rodriguez, as well as professors from the universities of Santiago, Cantabria, Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid and Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bnot counting the large cast of artists, philosophers, writers, columnists recognized international newspapers etc. .. A
fracesitas to cover education:
`Beware of people telling you what they are honest.` H Jackson Brown
`The demagoguery is the hypocrisy of progress. Pierre Joseph Proudhon
Redefining language: By phasing out or elimination of words that undermine their position, try changing or destroying the thinking that opposes their arguments. Numerous examples of this can be seen in the literature (the novel 1984 by George Orwell, The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood), but also in reality and particularly in politics.
diversionary tactics: is to divert the discussion from a sore point for the demagogue to a topic that dominates or where present any advantage over your opponent or opponents. Not respond directly to questions or challenges. Statistics
out of context: involves using numerical data to support a hypothesis or statement, but being out of context does not reflect reality. Here also are the use of statistical bias, also known as numerical demagoguery. Handling
meaning: words, plus a denotative meaning, connotative meaning are implicit, provided by the context and shared knowledge of the partners, who added ideas and opinions, often in a less conscious than sense denotative. In the choice of words, a neutral denotative speech, may connote (see connotation) additional meanings, dependent on its context and its relation to the opinion of the hearing, speech or hearing (see interpreting, pragmatic meaning.) In Thus, the contents involved are difficult to refute.
Source and images:
Drop On with more leaflets
(Les spare money for paper and printing as shown)
New members of the dictatorial regime are the small groups of music these are just really bad and musical projection null if not for the enlistment by the political regime does not eat a damn. Live thanks to the contributions that rob companies not labeled in Catalan, many of them are ones that I put below: SUMA
INCONTINENCE - LOKO MOTOR AND BANDA OF Camalea (or the Catalans know them) I think
name says it all of them, people who sold the lost cause of independence, but do not worry that when the language problem has been eliminated from our society, we are here to remind you that you were once part of dictatorship and all language what was done in favor of the despicable ideology. With names.
All this for this weekend coming. Do not forget "The movie" Catalunya-Espanya the head, lol, movie to eat more coconuts, manipulating opinion and information as is proper, just like in the Nazi era and Franco.
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