C OMMENTARY I see that the level of the blog is the same as the social base that underpins it: people not knowing, not only do not know Catalan (up there we could get there), but the Castilian as torture demeans (andiavisíoooo, ninioooos !!!). And let's not talk of any willingness to raise the spirit (WHEREOF?), Impervious to all manifestations of intelligence. We (and we know when and how he has been) the worst of the worst and now that's a slab for Catalonia.

In reply to your comment arrogantly pretentious political, here you vomiting following: We demonstrate the convoluted prose that gives us the English ... the street, not the SAR, that this anonymous, as an amateur philologist, can understand certain things in life, which otherwise could not unfortunately for the understand.
may be that when one fails to fall out of high birth, ie, when no life is seen in their faces, and still walking the planet and society as privileged floating tender, white, pure and placid clouds, will be familiar with such grandeur must be to live in cotton, as the viewer of a beautiful romantic comedy, rubbing shoulders with scholars from Pulitzer, monocle and right hand cup of tea.
But that will be in your small town ... the vast majority of the population, the social base, the social reality, our society, not yours (eeehHH!!), Are the ones who write without commas sufficient we put the leg with bes and the vee and to top it off, and right using our bilingualism, enter "y" and "i" when we want.
Unfortunately, we are the social base, we live in harsh environments and difficult access, where we learn by our media, because nobody gives us a complete basic education. Where we do not mix languages \u200b\u200bor learn none with the desired level, where the chosen few will have to bend, to see that their tongues will evolve as they have done all those in history, towards unification, not disappearing.
A society where Primero feel like home, "for those who understand, not need further explanation. And not all the fault of the social base, the real reason Catalunya (yes, i do not Catalonia Catalunya, Zaragoza Saragossa not) is that the 4 poor Lazarillos the Catalan government are and have always been more interested in forming an unsullied, clean and class, than in serving, if used, those that we feed them, seeking a decent life, because it is with this idea that people come to live Catalunya.
We came because we will find better work, because we come with the intention to work, not to benefit the work of other, better education for our children and more freedoms and above all, because we are in our right Moverman TOOOOOODAAAA freely by the European Union although the vast majority of political parties in Catalonia to convince us that Catalonia is not part of the English State, if part of the European Union, a post-romantic idea of \u200b\u200bthe union of cultures and freedoms .
is illogical that someone wants to be part of an organization that promotes equality regardless of race, sex, language, culture or social status, preaching and implementing a policy directly contrary.
All mankind, without exception, look the same,
to live and let die
When someone refers to the skills of grammar and spelling of another person, incurring in what is known as ad hominem fallacy
, exposes you to discover its less altruistic side and lower it may have, wanting to be above others.
minimally Someone intelligent, adapting to whatever level your partner if he is to be understood and when we speak of language level and if we need even gesturing for us to understand or interpret, we must. And the opposite is true as well, mind you.
Why? that the purpose of communication is an understanding or an attempt to understand, but ... maybe there will come many of our problems, right? Unsuccessful intelligence José Antonio Marina ... holy arrogance.
And after all this, I invite you to critically autoanalicéis you, if you have capacity to do so by reading the following definitions taken from the wikipedia: I hope you like
That attitude can be seen in all areas and activities of society, in any social group in any age group, and implies a way of thinking closely related to behaviors or attitudes of discrimination
. As the best known, indicating that the Catalan Catalan has to be above the Castilian of every single citizen no matter what they think.
The bias arises for convenience (Catalan public authorities) to discriminate, rule or dominate others or to accept preference (depending on your language), without remorse and without thinking if that's good or bad, or is an objective opinion or subjective. It is usually a hostile or, less frequently, favorable to a person belonging to a particular group simply because they belong to that group (Castilian-speaking), on the presumption that it has positive or negative qualities attributed to it.

Spain after the War of Independence settled here the same prejudice. So strong was the negative preaching, which ended the English themselves believing.
intolerance is a result of discrimination directed at individuals or groups (which can reach the segregation
or aggression) by the fact that they think, act, or are simply a different way.
The term refers to segregate away, sort of something or someone one thing from another. Thus the segregation policy is that which separates, excludes and away to groups such as racial minorities, women, homosexuals (gays, lesbians), religious minorities, people with disabilities, among others the rest of the human population approaches based primarily on racial, sexual, religious or ideological.
classism is
prejudice and discrimination based on membership or certain social classes.
According to the dictionary of the RAE, the attitude of those who defend discrimination based on membership in another class. The heir classism is a phenomenon of racism. The origin of non-discrimination in this case is based on ethnic differences, but in belonging to different social classes, due to the socioeconomic conditions of the individual or social group. Types
classism classism is usually divided by sociologists in two types: •
individual classism, which is characterized by a particular bias, where a person is the object of discrimination and the other is the subject of it. Such a measure is based on a series of stereotypes and prejudices in the society that the individual acquires as part of their worldview and beliefs.
• structural or institutional classism is the way in which the state and other institutions such such as school or church once socially stratified achieve the inhabitants of a country. Unlike individual classism, the way in which such division takes place is "hidden" and has been studied by authors such as Pierre Bourdieu, who defined the concept of symbolic violence.
what type is yours? or both
I hope that after giving my opinion on some arrogant people in Catalunya with which unfortunately we have to live, some people for allegedly giving and have the opportunity to change and be better, but the truth when a person is and never admit it, are functional idiots. Just to teach behavior inter-personal and social, the rest pagueselo you or go for free to the mental health section of the Social Security.
Catalan politicians, national slag, sooner or later become extinct, the trend is natural logic.
Catalunya and the political class by
: Maçanet of the Jungle::
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