Wednesday, May 11, 2011

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Haiti: Martelly invited former dictator Duvalier to Haiti

Liom Writer Lima Census May 10, 2011, 11:05 Port au Prince, May 10 (Prensa Latina) Haitian president-elect, Michel Martelly, invited to his inauguration on Saturday to former dictator Jean Claude Duvalier, under house arrest and awaiting trial crimes against humanity.
According to Radio Metropole, the general coordinator of the presidential inauguration ceremony, Fritz Jean Louis, confirmed today that the new president extended invitations to all Haitians living former heads of state, including Duvalier and other de facto rulers as Prosper Avril. According
Martelly appointments, which also include dignitary ousted Jean Bertrand Aristide, obey the national reconciliation process to which it aspires.
Haitian human rights organizations, meanwhile, criticized the announcement, considering it an insult to the victims of the dictatorship from 1971 to 1986 and reported an alleged support for the former dictator.
In an interview with the Canadian daily La Presse in April, the new president declared that, under certain conditions, "might consider" amnesty Duvalier, however, following international criticism of the withdrawal.
He said then he did not think "interfere" in the judicial process against the also known as Baby Doc, but in January was one of the few defenders of exrepresor return after 25 years of exile in France. To participate
in the upcoming presidential inauguration on May 14, Duvalier could violate an order of home pressure, which forces him to stay at his home in Petionville, a suburb of Port au Prince.
The self-proclaimed president for life of Haiti is accused of killing thousands of people, violation of human rights, corruption, criminal conspiracy and embezzling between 300 and 800 million dollars during his regime.
Last week, the Swiss government initiated legal proceedings to return to Haiti Duvalier frozen funds, amounting to six million dollars.
mid April 2011, the Committee against Impunity and Justice in Haiti called those persecuted and tortured during the dictatorship to testify to open a new case against Baby Doc
According to the Haitian activist Michel Montas the Caribbean country needs help from other nations to break the system of impunity and bring the conviction because "the chances of a rigorous process are heavily mortgaged. "
mem / lio


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