Orthodox Church for centuries had been relatively tolerant of isolated hermits groups sprang up everywhere, as long as they do not pose a danger to his supremacy or mounted rebellions against its hierarchy. On the other hand, they held true spirit of evangelization to bring their beliefs into different directions in the vast territory of the Russian empire.
But the eighteenth century, what was missing, had emerged even divisions and disputes, we saw the stars Nikon too long ago the division of the Church of Lithuania, who rebelled against the authority of Russia. The policy went into alliance with the church and was on the subject that many of the disagreements arose. Which so far we have considered have in common the rejection of politics, hierarchy and militarism.
Under these same assumptions, Ukraine emerged in the early eighteenth century a group called the Iconobors, who opposed the use of icons in churches and the doctrine of the Trinity. This small group received a big boost in the third decade of this century, it is known that the Russian government issued a decree in 1734, chasing the dawn of such agitators, which appear to protests and riots to the output of the temples, protesting against idolatry, creating mayhem in the crowd.
But it was through the work of a hermit preacher in Ukraine, possibly khlysty origin, named Sylvan Kolesnikov, that the small group of rebels take the form of consciousness and spiritual movement. His vision of what should be a religion, marks the beginning of a more pacifist in the ways of the iconobors. Kolsnikov In 1769, the leader of convritió iconobors, who renovated and endowed with theological and ritual structure they needed. He began preaching among the peasants in many Ukrainian villages, teaching that the Holy Spirit dwells within each person who was acceptable to God. It is therefore accustomed to the new iconobors, a reverential greeting to not grieve the Spirit. He came to worship in life, as a messenger of God, and so forth have been considered as different leaders who succeeded him.
Little else is known of Sylvan Kolesnikov, unless it was from the village of Nikolskoe in the Ukrainian province Ekaterinoslav. On the other hand we know that was a man of strong personality and charisma, as many ideas that soon endorsed iconobors were similar to those of Khlysty, except in corporal punishment, some people argue that they may Kolesnikov, was a retired khlysty or disenchanted with the excesses of that group of extremists. Anyway, Kolesnikov was revered in life for his followers, who considered him as the incarnation of Christ, as taught, that Christ was merely a prophet sent by God, he gave the same account to post or Messiah.
Thus, when Kolesnikov, died in 1775, hoped that God would send another Christ. A wool merchant named Pobhirokin, was the one who assumed that responsibility, establishing from the shipment line, with absolute power over the movement. Established fact that some leader is appointed twelve apostles who served advisers and communicators of their decrees and 12 other members known as the "angels of death" who would be responsible for maintaining order and justice apply to those who disagreed or were not applying the fundamental principles that the leader imposed under threat of expulsion community. Some people accused of providing these death to anyone who would leave the community or doctrines, but those were the typical enemies falsehoods published to draw attention of the authorities and that they were persecuted.
dujobors name was imposed by his enemies, in fact, that name was used in 1785 by Ambrosius, the Archbishop of Yekaterinoslav in mockery of their ways or beliefs. They from the beginning they called themselves "People of God", but before the arrival of Kolesnikov and were known for Iconobors, which in Russian means Icons fighters. Now they are branded as Dukhobortsy, which in Russian means fighters against the spirit, by their refusal to understand the Holy Spirit as the third person of the Trinity. They admitted the name, but adapted it to Dujobors or Doukhoboris, meaning "spirit wrestlers" or fighters of the Spirit, which was closer to his way of seeing things.
The foundation of Dukhobor belief is the rejection of the temporary authority (clergy, hierarchy, secular government) in favor of the divine spirit and also the Holy Spirit find their divine in each individual plot. Therefore, denied all idea of \u200b\u200bmediation between God and men, which led, in practice, leaving the vast majority of the characteristics of Russian Orthodox churches such as the liturgy, icons, churches, the sacraments, prayers and baptism. Beliefs about heaven and hell if they were integrated into their belief system, though very different from the traditional, so the dujobors buried their dead without ceremony, no prayers, as understood by the things were already decided in the life. On the bull side
rejected the Bible as the ultimate source of inspiration, believing that divine revelation was progressive and continued with the passage of time, apply the texts of Scripture as mere allegory, not as accounts of reality or Christian history. The song played an important role in the culture of the dujobors. So, instead of the written word, used the song to express their history and faith. His repertoire included a formal background in psalms and hymns, called "Live Book" and popular folk songs. Over time, their beliefs about a future heavenly life, filled with a strong utopian and millenarian elements.
pacifism was his main principle defended with any authority a sentence imposed. That's what led them more problems. On the other hand was very responsible and hard working people, so the authorities were facing a dilemma, sometimes some czars decreed persecutions, other times they were banished, as happened in 1799, which were sent to Finland, in other perm them
NRTI live in gated communities, remote, not to influence the general population.
<----Pieter Vasilevich Verigin, conocido como Pieter el Señor, lider espiritual en el cual descansan muchas de las costumbres y creencias de los actuales dujobors.
Over time, since 1894 under a different leader, Pieter Verigin, abstained from alcohol and snuff, and later became vegetarians. Shortly time before in 1866, perhaps in part by changes in doctrine and ritual that had begun Pieter Verigin, a split emerged. Some members, including Lukerya brother, the former leader, who died shortly before Verigin having designated as his successor, also added to the separatist Michael Gubanov and Aleksei Zubkov, they advocated a more moderate stance regarding relations with the Russian government, promising to abide by Russian laws, contrary to what was traditionally based on them and their doctrine. In fact, when it established the compulsory military service, Verigin urged its members not to enlist under any circumstances, including military uniforms were burning, indicating their aversion to anything that meant using violence or weapons, while the minority group of dissidents left the decision in each mimebro. That meant the leader's exile to Siberia and the confiscation of land attached to all dujobors Verigin, to give them to the separatists, who were a minority.
Over time, due to persecution by the intolerance of the new czars in the late nineteenth century, were allowed to seek refuge in America, in this case in Canada, where a Mennonite community was going to host. Everything was the result of negotiations made by a famous member supporter of the movement, the famous writer L eon
Tolstoy, who had much in common with them, in fact, says one of his books, Resurrection, was written inspiration from these and the money raised from sales were used to cover the cost of moving the dujobors community in Canada. You know also received help from the pacifist Quakers, with whom Tolstoy, also had some connection.
Thus in 1899, dujobors about 7500 settled in Canada in the province of Saskatchewan, eventually leading himself after spending nearly fifteen years in exile, managed to travel there to join theirs, which occurred in 1902. But in the interval when he was exiled, he maintained contact with his followers, so that they could practice an egalitarian system of community property and prohibiting the personal possession of animals and material things. It was striking the return of the animals which had surrendered to Canadian authorities and the community to reject them, cows and other animals camped across the valley. On arrival, he had to move to the interior valleys of British Columbia and prospered there, dedicating livestock, to the extent of a prestige purchase their meat out of the ordinary. Soon economic prosperity, made some began to own land and other possessions, and the very Verigin, adapted its precepts to the new reality.
For this reason, another radical group dujobors called Sons of Liberty, demanded a return to ancient principles of equality and communal sharing of wealth. Since no attention was paid to their requests, they separated, and protested violently against his former colleagues. Soon they forgot their original pacifist principles and then playing the role of "angels of death", as avengers of those deviating from the way they acted violently against his former colleagues.
also enacted a free mind and a utopia of life without laws or government advice, to the extent to processions which took off all clothes and walked naked, men and women, to preach freedom. But at the same time, increasingly acted violently against his fellow rich and began attacking their property, burning houses and farms often other dujobors. Accepted the use of violence, invoking divine advice, and some of the precepts of "the sons of liberty were
- violence is primarily an act dictated by a higher power divine. "She is a sacramental value.
However this contradicts their own songs in which are expressed as follows:
The blood of our brothers, do not shed; Enough of wars and all the destruction; Our goal: to restore the land. Join all brothers and sisters all: Why should we kill in war? Awaken the sleeping vision, And tell why we fought. Why if us are slaves to these extertores, And millions gather in? (Songs of Freedomite Doukhobors 3 "Enough of hate")
Thus, while not consider violence against wars stimulated by national governments or the state militarism, violence against those who consider materialistic or not slaves extertor condemnable. This explains why the authors of many acts that are now considered terrorists, are little affected by the moral or political constraints that may have other terrorists. For them, mass violence is permitted and justified and their targets are clearly defined only those who deserve it and divinely justify this under the protection of the spiritual purity of their community.
called up March of the Sons of Liberty in 1962, used to make gears naked to show their spirit free from materialism.
In 1924, Verigin himself, who had condemned the radicals, was killed in an explosion of a bomb, possibly by the sons of Liberty.
Shortly before the death of Verigin, the Canadian dujobors adopted the name Christian Community of Universal Brotherhood . Over time the ideals of the dujobors, have been diluted and their doctrines have become mere philosophy of life, but far from the religious, have adapted to the Canadian lifestyle and more than 40,000 people dujobors recognizing its roots, only about 8000 profess religious doctrines. It is also known in some isolated communities in the U.S., and Russia about 5000, which reached 30,000. While
called "sons of Liberty" is still shown from time to time, being remarkably striking, certain acts committed by them in the 90's of last century, is known for example the case of two women convicted in 1992 by fire against the property of another Dukhobor. There were naked before the judge and were forced to cover her, then one of them managed to fire the cell where he had been detained. Since then, the control of the authorities has appeased those fans, almost killing them. Even when visiting their villages, peace and tranquility, and kindness and caring treatment of its citizens says little of the violence that supposedly star.
But the eighteenth century, what was missing, had emerged even divisions and disputes, we saw the stars Nikon too long ago the division of the Church of Lithuania, who rebelled against the authority of Russia. The policy went into alliance with the church and was on the subject that many of the disagreements arose. Which so far we have considered have in common the rejection of politics, hierarchy and militarism.
Under these same assumptions, Ukraine emerged in the early eighteenth century a group called the Iconobors, who opposed the use of icons in churches and the doctrine of the Trinity. This small group received a big boost in the third decade of this century, it is known that the Russian government issued a decree in 1734, chasing the dawn of such agitators, which appear to protests and riots to the output of the temples, protesting against idolatry, creating mayhem in the crowd.
But it was through the work of a hermit preacher in Ukraine, possibly khlysty origin, named Sylvan Kolesnikov, that the small group of rebels take the form of consciousness and spiritual movement. His vision of what should be a religion, marks the beginning of a more pacifist in the ways of the iconobors. Kolsnikov In 1769, the leader of convritió iconobors, who renovated and endowed with theological and ritual structure they needed. He began preaching among the peasants in many Ukrainian villages, teaching that the Holy Spirit dwells within each person who was acceptable to God. It is therefore accustomed to the new iconobors, a reverential greeting to not grieve the Spirit. He came to worship in life, as a messenger of God, and so forth have been considered as different leaders who succeeded him.
Little else is known of Sylvan Kolesnikov, unless it was from the village of Nikolskoe in the Ukrainian province Ekaterinoslav. On the other hand we know that was a man of strong personality and charisma, as many ideas that soon endorsed iconobors were similar to those of Khlysty, except in corporal punishment, some people argue that they may Kolesnikov, was a retired khlysty or disenchanted with the excesses of that group of extremists. Anyway, Kolesnikov was revered in life for his followers, who considered him as the incarnation of Christ, as taught, that Christ was merely a prophet sent by God, he gave the same account to post or Messiah.
Thus, when Kolesnikov, died in 1775, hoped that God would send another Christ. A wool merchant named Pobhirokin, was the one who assumed that responsibility, establishing from the shipment line, with absolute power over the movement. Established fact that some leader is appointed twelve apostles who served advisers and communicators of their decrees and 12 other members known as the "angels of death" who would be responsible for maintaining order and justice apply to those who disagreed or were not applying the fundamental principles that the leader imposed under threat of expulsion community. Some people accused of providing these death to anyone who would leave the community or doctrines, but those were the typical enemies falsehoods published to draw attention of the authorities and that they were persecuted.
dujobors name was imposed by his enemies, in fact, that name was used in 1785 by Ambrosius, the Archbishop of Yekaterinoslav in mockery of their ways or beliefs. They from the beginning they called themselves "People of God", but before the arrival of Kolesnikov and were known for Iconobors, which in Russian means Icons fighters. Now they are branded as Dukhobortsy, which in Russian means fighters against the spirit, by their refusal to understand the Holy Spirit as the third person of the Trinity. They admitted the name, but adapted it to Dujobors or Doukhoboris, meaning "spirit wrestlers" or fighters of the Spirit, which was closer to his way of seeing things.
The foundation of Dukhobor belief is the rejection of the temporary authority (clergy, hierarchy, secular government) in favor of the divine spirit and also the Holy Spirit find their divine in each individual plot. Therefore, denied all idea of \u200b\u200bmediation between God and men, which led, in practice, leaving the vast majority of the characteristics of Russian Orthodox churches such as the liturgy, icons, churches, the sacraments, prayers and baptism. Beliefs about heaven and hell if they were integrated into their belief system, though very different from the traditional, so the dujobors buried their dead without ceremony, no prayers, as understood by the things were already decided in the life. On the bull side
rejected the Bible as the ultimate source of inspiration, believing that divine revelation was progressive and continued with the passage of time, apply the texts of Scripture as mere allegory, not as accounts of reality or Christian history. The song played an important role in the culture of the dujobors. So, instead of the written word, used the song to express their history and faith. His repertoire included a formal background in psalms and hymns, called "Live Book" and popular folk songs. Over time, their beliefs about a future heavenly life, filled with a strong utopian and millenarian elements.
pacifism was his main principle defended with any authority a sentence imposed. That's what led them more problems. On the other hand was very responsible and hard working people, so the authorities were facing a dilemma, sometimes some czars decreed persecutions, other times they were banished, as happened in 1799, which were sent to Finland, in other perm them

<----Pieter Vasilevich Verigin, conocido como Pieter el Señor, lider espiritual en el cual descansan muchas de las costumbres y creencias de los actuales dujobors.
Over time, since 1894 under a different leader, Pieter Verigin, abstained from alcohol and snuff, and later became vegetarians. Shortly time before in 1866, perhaps in part by changes in doctrine and ritual that had begun Pieter Verigin, a split emerged. Some members, including Lukerya brother, the former leader, who died shortly before Verigin having designated as his successor, also added to the separatist Michael Gubanov and Aleksei Zubkov, they advocated a more moderate stance regarding relations with the Russian government, promising to abide by Russian laws, contrary to what was traditionally based on them and their doctrine. In fact, when it established the compulsory military service, Verigin urged its members not to enlist under any circumstances, including military uniforms were burning, indicating their aversion to anything that meant using violence or weapons, while the minority group of dissidents left the decision in each mimebro. That meant the leader's exile to Siberia and the confiscation of land attached to all dujobors Verigin, to give them to the separatists, who were a minority.
Over time, due to persecution by the intolerance of the new czars in the late nineteenth century, were allowed to seek refuge in America, in this case in Canada, where a Mennonite community was going to host. Everything was the result of negotiations made by a famous member supporter of the movement, the famous writer L eon

Leo Tolstoy, famous for his book War and Peace, sympathized with the movement of dujobors, to the extent to finance part of its transfer to Canadian soil.
Thus in 1899, dujobors about 7500 settled in Canada in the province of Saskatchewan, eventually leading himself after spending nearly fifteen years in exile, managed to travel there to join theirs, which occurred in 1902. But in the interval when he was exiled, he maintained contact with his followers, so that they could practice an egalitarian system of community property and prohibiting the personal possession of animals and material things. It was striking the return of the animals which had surrendered to Canadian authorities and the community to reject them, cows and other animals camped across the valley. On arrival, he had to move to the interior valleys of British Columbia and prospered there, dedicating livestock, to the extent of a prestige purchase their meat out of the ordinary. Soon economic prosperity, made some began to own land and other possessions, and the very Verigin, adapted its precepts to the new reality.
For this reason, another radical group dujobors called Sons of Liberty, demanded a return to ancient principles of equality and communal sharing of wealth. Since no attention was paid to their requests, they separated, and protested violently against his former colleagues. Soon they forgot their original pacifist principles and then playing the role of "angels of death", as avengers of those deviating from the way they acted violently against his former colleagues.
also enacted a free mind and a utopia of life without laws or government advice, to the extent to processions which took off all clothes and walked naked, men and women, to preach freedom. But at the same time, increasingly acted violently against his fellow rich and began attacking their property, burning houses and farms often other dujobors. Accepted the use of violence, invoking divine advice, and some of the precepts of "the sons of liberty were
- violence is primarily an act dictated by a higher power divine. "She is a sacramental value.
However this contradicts their own songs in which are expressed as follows:
The blood of our brothers, do not shed; Enough of wars and all the destruction; Our goal: to restore the land. Join all brothers and sisters all: Why should we kill in war? Awaken the sleeping vision, And tell why we fought. Why if us are slaves to these extertores, And millions gather in? (Songs of Freedomite Doukhobors 3 "Enough of hate")
Thus, while not consider violence against wars stimulated by national governments or the state militarism, violence against those who consider materialistic or not slaves extertor condemnable. This explains why the authors of many acts that are now considered terrorists, are little affected by the moral or political constraints that may have other terrorists. For them, mass violence is permitted and justified and their targets are clearly defined only those who deserve it and divinely justify this under the protection of the spiritual purity of their community.

called up March of the Sons of Liberty in 1962, used to make gears naked to show their spirit free from materialism.
In 1924, Verigin himself, who had condemned the radicals, was killed in an explosion of a bomb, possibly by the sons of Liberty.
Shortly before the death of Verigin, the Canadian dujobors adopted the name Christian Community of Universal Brotherhood . Over time the ideals of the dujobors, have been diluted and their doctrines have become mere philosophy of life, but far from the religious, have adapted to the Canadian lifestyle and more than 40,000 people dujobors recognizing its roots, only about 8000 profess religious doctrines. It is also known in some isolated communities in the U.S., and Russia about 5000, which reached 30,000. While
called "sons of Liberty" is still shown from time to time, being remarkably striking, certain acts committed by them in the 90's of last century, is known for example the case of two women convicted in 1992 by fire against the property of another Dukhobor. There were naked before the judge and were forced to cover her, then one of them managed to fire the cell where he had been detained. Since then, the control of the authorities has appeased those fans, almost killing them. Even when visiting their villages, peace and tranquility, and kindness and caring treatment of its citizens says little of the violence that supposedly star.
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