While the Protestant revolution meant the breakdown of Catholic hegemony in Central European and North , but apparently had little effect on the remote Orthodox Church, divided only by political or territorial. So there were several independent Orthodox churches, with the Greek, Bulgarian and Russian, the most important, but all kept the same line that separated them from Catholics and somehow maintained an ideological cohesion.
But we have said apparently, because in reality, during the time from the sixteenth century Protestant explosion, until the eighteenth century, when outbreaks emerged dissidents within the Orthodox church, in some cases because some Protestant groups sought refuge in Russia, during a time when religious tolerance.
Such was the case of Hutterite Anabaptists, who by the seventeenth century, after becoming nomads chased from one place to another, found refuge in Russia, where under the reign of Catherine II, called Catherine the Great, established a degree of tolerance in religious matters, making them possible to form several communes in Russian lands, as well as the Society of Jesus, while all Europe was dismantled what order, Russia has remained protected, even prospered.
Some of these influences, of course had to do with the resurgence in this period of time, some religious movements that would break the absolute hegemony of the Orthodox Church.
One of the first groups to call attention, became known as the Molokan, or "milk drinkers," a funny name who was a famous religious group that today is a great community in California and New Mexico, best known for the development of fine wines. Other than that, its origins seem lost in the darkness of the times, who said there could even be descendants of the ancient Paulicians, from Armenia. In any case touches clarify these details and know the truth about the real "Spiritual Christians" as they call them.
On the origin of this group is difficult to establish specific date, especially since the name was given about long after its inception. Molokan name actually was appointed by his enemies in 1670 for his opposition to the obligatory fasts imposed by the Orthodox Church, which required fasting to avoid every kind of meat products, dairy products, including fish and other foods. The practice of fasting was imported from the church Catholic, but that over time the Orthodox were adding more periods, until after the Middle Ages, could be counted almost two hundred days of obligatory fasts, today remain more than 100 days per year in different periods or stages of up to 30 days.
Then there was a group that had separated years ago and who opposed the restrictions on eating, they were not supported in scripture. Those who called themselves "Spiritual Christians" began to object to fasting in the early seventeenth century. But it drew attention to the year of 1670, perhaps by suspicions of his adversaries. In some cases since mandatory fasting, had been controlled by the government. Apparently, some of them was drinking milk in the call Lent March 15 to April 3 and that caught the attention of church authorities, who complained to the government and were brutally punished.
Molokan seems that the name given by opponents, was somewhat taken by the Spiritual Christians, to the extent of it his own, as happened with so many religious movements. In this case they justified by the fact that the scriptures speak of milk as a staple, in 1 Peter 2:2 which says, c omo newborn babies, to develop a longing for the unadulterated milk que pertenece a la palabra, para que mediante ella crezcáis a la salvación..., Así, ellos que buscaban el entendimiento y conocimiento bíblico por encima de las tradiciones de los ortodoxos y católicos, entendieron que el nombre molokan, aludía a su amor por el alimento espiritual.
Pero la primera vez que se habla de estos llamados Cristianos espirituales o molokan fue allá durante el reinado de Iván el terrible entre los años 1547-1584, entonces se menciona a un tal Mateo Simón Dalmatov, un humilde obrero bajo las ordenes de un terrateniente, quién empezó a hablar de una nueva fe a su familia, su amo, y a miembros locales de la aldea y alrededor de la ciudad de Tambov. Dalmatov, de alguna manera managed to bring this belief to Moscow, where a group of ethnic immigrants of Mordvianos, who had arrived in Russia from the south, heard his preaching and many accepted the message, even though these sheltering ancient dualistic beliefs about gods faced . Dalmatov
preached a pacifist religion, in which members were forbidden to bear arms and take them, which caused problems, especially for mandatory military service in Tsarist Russia. Therefore succeeded mainly in isolated populations and ethnic groups away from the main cities. They also tended to form communities where the practice of their religion was more easily without leaving yet evangelize in other villages and ethnic groups. You may have contacts with some settlers from Armenia between XVI and XVII century, due to the invasion of the territory by the Ottoman Empire, which tried to Islamize the entire region of Armenia, remember that there still remained small community waste Paulicians, mezlcadas with other minorities, while coexisting with the Armenian Christian churches, more or less thrived or remained in the shelter, but now the situation would change. Especially when Armenia became an integral part of the Ottoman Empire under the reign of Selim II (1524-1574). While the Ottomans were tolerant, women tended to marry Christian convert to Islam. Also apply certain laws giving preference to Muslims, so some chose to seek a new life in other regions, on the other hand, the prosperity that many other Armenian merchants traveled throughout the region, reaching to the Caucasus and settled in central Russia, the Dalmatov her area. It is possible that by this means came to know and then Dalmatov preach these Doct

The bond that united with the former first Molokan Paulicians was apart of his pacifism, rejection of the doctrine of the Trinity, icons, and the rejection of certain celebrations or festivals were not established in the scriptures. Of course by that time many groups from Western Europe were coming to the area from persecution, including the Hutterites, who perhaps might have some influence, especially as the pacifism and living in communes and rejection infant baptism. Dalmatov
was martyred by Orthodox priests and taken to a prison near Roda monastery, where he apparently died. However, the movement grew in number and established congregations across Russia, Dalmatia, including Armenia.
But the movement has evolved, both in doctrine and forms as I think separatism and factions among them. For example, in the early eighteenth century, there were several breaks between Molokan, especially since discussions began regarding the manifestations of the Holy Spirit, some claimed Molokan receive during their meetings, which were stirred up and breathed gave bounds strong emotion. These became known as Pryguny (which literally means bridge), were also known by divers, dancers and bouncers, for their conduct during the meetings at which said they received the Holy Spirit. In any case with reference to their religious trances, when receiving the Holy Spirit said, was very similar to what is observed in many groups pentescotales today.
Although they were a minority, called much attention from the authorities and were more severely persecuted, often spoke of a revival of zeal which they said was by the Spirit impelled them, so intense that talk about the performance of miracles is well rivaled those of apostolic times. The same took some holy days from the Orthodox Church, as was the Sunday rest, they called Sabatto and meticulously fell short, with reference to this, criticized the change of the celebration of Passover and Sunday as a day of break, in place since the Council of Nicea, which led council considered the beast. Accused the Orthodox and other Christians to change the holidays that God established: with which they hindered the heavenly planets: they changed the heavenly days, the days of rest, established by Moses on Mount Sinai, and instead, establishing their own parties - in the fourth century after the birth of Christ, during his bestial ecumenical council, (Book of the Spirit and Life p. 235 MGR. 2.5) . They interpreted
to be closer to the regulations of the Israel of God which referred to the scriptures, as expressed in his main book base, after the Bible: However, as for us brothers, is a must for us to approach the sealed assembly in the number of the twelve tribes of Israel, which are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus, those that are crossed by the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. (Book of the Spirit and Life MGR. 2.12)
The largest group among the Molokan Postoyaniye were called, (which stands for Constant, who remain), tried to maintain sobriety in their meetings, avoiding the excesses and typical screaming "Pryguny" and were in principle more, but because of certain circumstances pryguny soon became the majority. The Molokan postoyaniye, adhere to the Old Testament dietary laws accepting Mosaic law, so do not eat pork, shellfish, or other foods "unclean" and are more intimate in their meetings.
On the other hand, Pryguny starting to stir some philosophical arguments that postoyaniye rejected, and added his belief the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Holy Spirit . It may be shocking to hear that expression, but this term refers to the divine substance, with which they felt involved, in fact they began to harbor principles close to Trinitarianism therefore understand that alcohol or substance Holy Ghost was the Holy Spirit , as part of divinity, considered him to act in concert with this and share an essential nature with God the Father and God the Son. Antitrinitarians soon abandoned the precepts of the first Moloko, so you can read the following at some excerpts from the Spirit and the life: the Holy Trinity and the Spirit of our God and His Lamb. ( Book of Spirit and Life MGR 5:13:7) In this one seem to have clear, however, the concept of the doctrine: The Trinity in the spirit of an invisible Deity, ( Book of Spirit and MGR Life 5:14:9) Even today, some still Molokan not clearly expressed with respect to the Trinitarian concept, contrary to earlier Molokan who is clearly rejected any doctrine of post- Nicaea.
Apart from the Bible, there is a letter in which Moloko, in

Gavrilovich Rudometkin, whose birth date is unknown, some say that may have been born between 1808 to 1818, only knows it came from Algasova, near Tambov Oblast, south of central Russia. As a child, when he was only eight years, his entire family left the Orthodox Church and joined the movement Molokan pryguny. He lived a simple life in a factory crafted carriage wheels, there married a young Moloko, called Maodrea Matvevna, with whom he had three children Ermalie, Alexie and Vassily.
But it was in 1848 shortly after marriage, which was under a vision in which the almighty God and his son told him he should be appointed to govern the people of God on earth during the 1000 years of paradise. Shortly after this
Maxim appealed to all Moloko, also extended the invitation to others the people, all gathered in the church where it is said, saw a vision. In the vision that apparently were all present, a ray of light came down from heaven and came down on Maxim and said that because he had done God's wishes would be given the title of King of Spirits. And during the time that everyone who saw the vision, all jumped in ecstasy, as if possessed, agitated and jumping from side to side. No doubt this incident, whether accurate or not, was picked up by a Russian historian, and marked a before and after in the direction taken by Moloko. According to some records, in 1850 more than half of the Transcaucasian Molokan accepted Maxim Gavrilovich as "the King of Spirits." Some of the titles assigned to Maxim from that time were: King of the Seven Spirits of God and Saints of the New Israeli leader.
While not the first time between Moloko, accepted the presence of prophets among them, is even talk of a boy named Efim G. Klubnikin, who at the age of 12 was surrounded by so-called "Holy Spirit" and drew plans, wrote songs and prayers for the Molokan. In these plans he said that God had chosen the lamb that has similarities with Jesus Christ. These words were also applied to Maxim, which were gradually regarded almost as a superior being. This was so another Molokan writer of the time G. Rudometkin told him: "the writer of this new revelation is a man, by birth a resident of this world, whose name is ULES (King Ures, new Messiah of Judea, or in Russian) An angel clothed in flesh for work Santo alcohol.
Russian authorities began to worry that the growing number Molokan were, in fact the end of the nineteenth century the Caucasus was accounted for over half a million and began to become a challenge to the Orthodox faith. As it happened with the European inquisitions they decided to arrest the leaders of the prygunys and send to prison.
So in September 1858 Maxim was exiled on charges to preach against the Orthodox Church, although he defended himself by claiming that he moved his desire to worship God in Spirit and Truth. Convicted, Molokan leader was taken to the prison Solovetsky Monastery, a dirty and disgusting, but after being seen by the Holy Synod sobreprocurador, Dimitri Tolstoy (writer's family pacifist Leo Tolstoy) and see the conditions in Molokan which the leader was, and seeing their ideas, that man did not deserve a life sentence to which he had been convicted, decided to send him to the monastery in Suzdal, where he would be given humane treatment. It seems according to tradition, it was not, as is said, survived for 9 years in a hole in the ground. And there he died in 1877, although some of his followers believe he was actually ascended to heaven because, as he prophesied, would never die. There are a few who believe that he remains alive to this day and live in the most remote corners of the earth. Maxim
Rudometkin, while he was in prison he wrote his famous work, The Book of Spirit and Life, which was smuggled out by friends and relatives who came to visit, and this paper later became the basis for a relaunch of the faith Molokan. This book is used as a companion to the Bible, known as the Book of alcohol and life. In fact the book is also added the writings of other leaders Molokan. Among this Lukia P. Sokolov (Anikei Ignatievich Borisov), David Yesseyevich (Feodor Osipovich Bulgakov) and the prophet Efim G. Kublikim.
But persecution against minorities in Russia were tightened, the czars took the policy of forced displacement of so-called sectarian, to remote areas and extreme, such as Siberia, the Caucasus, Asia, southern Ukraine and elsewhere in the Russian periphery.
The situation became unsustainable, leading to that for 1900 a 2.000 Molokans especially those pryguny (Bridges and jumpers), went to United States and settled in the area of \u200b\u200bCalifornia, near Los Angeles. Somehow their religious rites and ceremonies, full of thrills and excitement, somehow influenced by Renaissance American named after "the Renaissance Plague costal Azusa Street" in which we attempted a return to the last century. In California were well received by the governor and were given land to devote to the tasks they performed in their communities in Russia. Followed by more waves of Moloko, who came to America in search of freedom, and other communities received a grant of land from the Mexican government being installed in the Valle de Guadalupe in Baja California, Mexico. A smaller group of Molokan postoyaniye escaped from Russia and settled mainly in areas of San Francisco, California and Sacramento.
Meetings Moloko, American communities are still held in Russian, in most cases. Normally the church service is divided into two parts: the first all seated, women and men separately, the highest in the front rows, and some groups of male and female singers, each one in place, while reading the poems, some are sung and shares a religious reading, then the second part consists of prayers and songs, where the other members take part. Later the prophets arise spontaneously, with a message and lighting.
Normally each separate congregation consists of priests, the besedniki or vowels, pevtsy or singers, Skazateli or readers, and sometimes a pomoshchink or assistant priest.
two groups, both Pryguny as Postoyaniye, have similarities with that except that the first place also called Proroki or prophets, among them also have female prophet. And while postoyaniye, simply read from the Bible, pryguny, so do the Book of Spirit and life and other books of prayers.
The work of the priest is not to give sermons, do besedniki thing, they just coordinate the religious service to be conducted according to an established order and made the prayers. Today, some congregations are beginning to use English, as many young people begin to leave the traditional Russian Moloko. Within
do the same church potlucks, in certain celebrations esp ecial

community Moloko, known by the acronym UMCA, is famous for the production of highly prized wines in California and worldwide fame. Although religiously have been declining, after many forced population movements, the breakdown in Soviet Russia and mixing with other cultures, it is known that the actual number of Molokans in Russia is about approximately 20,000 people. There are also approximately Molokan 200 churches, 150 of them in Russia and Azerbaijan. Approximately 25,000 Molokans living in the United States, of which only about 5,000 are identified as ethnically Molokans, others are members converts among Americans, with most residing in California, Arizona, Oregon, Washington, Montana and Wyoming. There were also shipments of Moloko communities in Alaska and Canada where there is also an important community, more than 1,000 residents of the province of British Colombia and hundreds more in Alberta with their traditional communal way of life remain intact until today.
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