Khlysty speak of, (in Russian, literally Flail or whip) in the West perhaps completely unknown, but led to an extremist religious group, as flashy and flamboyant as the famous Ranters of England, by mixing punishment bodily alleged unethical practices.
Movement Khlysty actually began in 1631, and was founded by Daniil Filippovich, a devout farmer, a native of Russia's Kostroma province. Little more we know about this peculiar character, who apparently believed the same as Christ said and began to preach a religious system in which its main doctrine was the claim that they could expect to receive the Holy Spirit somehow reincarnated in Christ all those who follow the ritual correctly. Daniil
advocated a vegetarian diet and also by alcohol withdrawal, resigned from the priesthood, as taught by all members to receive communion with God for themselves, without intermediaries. Neither used books, except the Bible and in rare cases, perhaps only to apply certain biblical texts to their customs, one self-flagellation, and interpreted the words of the Apostle Paul when he said the following advice: therefore your members mortified land (Colossians 3:5 ) Or when he said the following about him: ... beat my body and I drive as a slave, so that after preaching to others I myself do not become discouraged. (1 Letter of Paul to the Corinthians 9:27) They understood these words as an invitation to corporal punishment, since being whipped or give yourself lashes purify them of any wrong committed, so they were accused of immoral practices and then whipped and as they get rid of guilt.
They called themselves Men of God were known elsewhere as "Carriers of the Cross", "Brothers of the Cross", possibly because they were carrying out a kind of ritual where they had an imitation of the torments of Christ and in some occasion a member of them was forced to carry a wooden cross-shaped. The group grew rapidly in Russia, particularly after some controversy arose within the Orthodox church, which made many leave the church disillusioned of their intrigues and political ambitions. For just
at the time, in 1650, Patriarch Nikon tried to give the Russian Orthodox Church to expand beyond their nation, meaning that Christianity was not intended to reach only a nation, however great it may be, or under the authority of the state, because he understood that this was or should be above governments, not governments, leading to the church. Follower of the theocracy, wanted to reach its fullest expression in the splendor and demonstration of supremacy through religious rituals, for it is said that under Nikon, the celebrations in the central cathedral became especially pompous and endless.
Its purpose was that the church dominate the state, as happened in other states Orthodox therefore sought the approach to other Orthodox churches, including Greek, went to a group of Greek scholars, to change the liturgical books and forms of religious ceremonial, adapting these to the Greek model. That upset many among them Avvakum Petrova, who aspired to be the next Pope of the Russian Orthodox Church. The way they attacked Avvakum and was exiled, humiliated and mocked, I think an upset among the people and there were many who left the church, that favored the growth and emergence of numerous separatist groups disillusioned with a religious system that was too allied with politics.
Among the groups that took advantage of these situations, attracting many disillusioned are the Moloko, we have dealt with already, the khysty, and subbotniki, or Sabbath-keeping, which are discussed in subsequent chapters. Therefore
between khysty, did not allow church hierarchies, deeming it not a form of theocracy, but a corruption of true Christianity that was more close and personal. The central idea of \u200b\u200btheir ideology lay in Radeniya , rituals in which men and women summoned to corporal punishment. They also had a pillar of his doctrine, the reincarnation of Jesus made continuously, that is, they thought that the death of the Son of God, this is then reincarnated into another person, who in turn should also go through similar suffering, for thus manifesting the permanent salvation of man. They wanted to reincarnate to do go through the same suffering and to transform sin into virtue, however, one of the practices most attention was the fact that believing they were already saved, welcomed all the sins and sinful actions, being very sure that this does not affect them. According to them, God was pleased to demonstrate His power to forgive His creatures, therefore, also believed that he was happy when man sinned. Hence came the accusations of secretly practicing sexual orgies, then whip, something that has not been proven, nor to practice the physical punishment on a regular basis in fact shall be carried out only at certain times of year. What happened is that in those meetings, to celebrate the Radeniya, used to do a circle dance to reach ecstasy and crowding may have incidental and occasional friction, but never scheduled orgies. While it is true that allowed sex between unmarried members, which gave rise to the promiscuity among them, knowing that later they would be forgiven.
also they were accused of celebrating ancient Slavic gods, as Yarilo and Rusalka, which in antiquity was considered the epitome of passion and desire, and who worshiped a god named Domovoi, the tutelary genius. That was not without an interest charge by members of the Church who wanted to these charges the rejection of the people and the state to practice and teach about pagan gods.
At first, Daniil, not even intended to create a new church, as it allowed its members to continue attending the Orthodox churches. The persecutions forced these to be isolated and meet secretly, and at other times to spread even outside Russia, reaching with its usual even France.
A famous member of khlysty was Gregori Rasputin, the Russian mystic with an influence on the final days of the czars, was known as "the Mad Monk and his income in khlysty, possibly in his native Siberia , marked the Siberian prophet for life. Some attribute the notorious sex life in later years was as a result of its entry into the khysty, we talk about relationships with his disciples, visiting room, mostly women of Russian high society. Even attributed to him, the following quote: " should commit more heinous sins, because God will feel a greater pleasure to forgive great sinners ", in clear reference to the ideas of khlysty.
But there is no evidence of such a wanton attitude, it is possible that the reputation of khlysty he attributed such customs, or otherwise, by the attitude of as flashy, womanizing character, he cataloged the communal orgies khlysty to practice in any case the most licentious times, was abandoned after khlysty movement. In fact, after leaving the Khlysty met another called Makariy lit, which exerted an enormous influence on Rasputin. After that, in 1889 married Fyodorovna Praskovia Dubrovin with whom he had three sons: Dmitri, Varvara, and Maria. We know who fathered more offspring with other women. In 1901, he left his native region and became a pilgrim. He spent two years traveling in Slavic lands, Greece and the Holy Land. He learned much from history, esotericism, theosophy, old religions and traditions. In 1903 returns to Russia, where it moves through the streets of St. Petersburg where he is regarded as a prophet, still very popular and busy your questions, it was then that he began to harbor the goal of relating to the royal family.
This mysterious and provocative character, intended to give an appearance of Jesus Christ even came to fame as a healer with prayer, reason and because a friend of the Tsarina call Anna Výrubova in 1905 was called to the palace of the czars to cure the serious illness of her only son Alexis Nikolayevich, who suffered from hemophilia. Thus came into contact with royalty, and always maintained a love-hate relationship, which led to death, but not before done in a group of followers and admirers, especially among females, it passes through the ideology will only khlysty later served to justify their excesses.
doctrinally speaking, khlysty eventually came to reject the worship of images and icons, and radicalize their positions on the liturgy. Thus over time were distancing themselves more and more of the Orthodox Church. Especially when came a split that opened the way for other notable extremist movement. .
A khlysty leader, called Kondrati Selianov, did not see well the degree of morality of some members that justify
sin caban provided then whipped.
\u0026lt;-------- Selianov, was born in the district of Oriel, Russia in 1730, being orthodox, was drawn from very young to the faith of the Khysty, but a few years after , differently understood the meaning of Christianity discipline. While I thought that flogging was necessary to purify the spirit and approach God, the apostle mortify or otherwise encouraging its members also had the sense to avoid falling into the degrading practices that members of the body could take and apply strict control so against them. So do not look right to allow free sexual behavior and called for greater self-discipline, which together with the floggings actually lead to purification and closer to God. He also understood that sexuality was the root of all evil, thus preached absolute sexual abstinence, which led him to preach the castration and amputation of elements of sexual attraction. As Origen in the second century, well understood and therefore used its own castration. Before the thirties, it was Selianov gelding, for example to his followers, soon to be separated from the khlysty and formed a separate group, but with similar teachings and some rituals. These were called Skoptzy or eunuchs and soon established certain criteria in respect of castration, for example, men were allowed to bear children before undergoing the so-called bloody baptism, which was amputated when their sexual attributes, which For women, was sometimes in the nipples or cuts or total amputation of the breasts. At the same time, members of the movement noted for their diligence, honesty, and spiritual commitment, which, despite being persecuted and banned in Russia, also raised the admiration of many. Selianov himself was sent to Siberia as punishment, but managed to return to the delight of his followers and astonishment of his pursuers. Even the Tsar Alexander I, was intrigued by the character in question and visited him when he was in St. Petersburg, from that moment, strangely, disappeared and his persecution of the group. To the extent that in his last days of life lived in an Orthodox monastery, under the care and attention of monks. And with that permit concealed, the skopzy came to have up to one hundred thousand members in the early XX. But then on the last of the tsars, Nicholas II, returned to flare up the persecution of minority movements, a number of New York Times in 1910, lists up the news on lawsuits and reprisals against them. The group remained active well into the twentieth century came to a Soviet source in 1929 indicate that about two thousand skoptzy lived in the Soviet Union, especially in the west, many of whom died during the German invasion cruel World War II, they were used as human shields peaceful, too cruel by Stalin. But curiously, after the war, the press spoke of renewed mass mutilation of widows of particular religious group, most likely from the skoptzy, the latest news on voluntary castration in 1951. Then during the harsh Stalinist regime were moved to concentration camps, women and children to distant Siberia, where they used to send the Russian authorities to peace groups. They may have been isolated group in Romania, Moldova and Siberia, but as happened with Khlysty, no news of them since mid-twentieth century. Soviet repression failed with many of these extremist groups that, while looking for some tips applying biblical taken to end the application, without understanding that those councils have more symbolic meaning moral self-control and corporal punishment literal.
Movement Khlysty actually began in 1631, and was founded by Daniil Filippovich, a devout farmer, a native of Russia's Kostroma province. Little more we know about this peculiar character, who apparently believed the same as Christ said and began to preach a religious system in which its main doctrine was the claim that they could expect to receive the Holy Spirit somehow reincarnated in Christ all those who follow the ritual correctly. Daniil
advocated a vegetarian diet and also by alcohol withdrawal, resigned from the priesthood, as taught by all members to receive communion with God for themselves, without intermediaries. Neither used books, except the Bible and in rare cases, perhaps only to apply certain biblical texts to their customs, one self-flagellation, and interpreted the words of the Apostle Paul when he said the following advice: therefore your members mortified land (Colossians 3:5 ) Or when he said the following about him: ... beat my body and I drive as a slave, so that after preaching to others I myself do not become discouraged. (1 Letter of Paul to the Corinthians 9:27) They understood these words as an invitation to corporal punishment, since being whipped or give yourself lashes purify them of any wrong committed, so they were accused of immoral practices and then whipped and as they get rid of guilt.
They called themselves Men of God were known elsewhere as "Carriers of the Cross", "Brothers of the Cross", possibly because they were carrying out a kind of ritual where they had an imitation of the torments of Christ and in some occasion a member of them was forced to carry a wooden cross-shaped. The group grew rapidly in Russia, particularly after some controversy arose within the Orthodox church, which made many leave the church disillusioned of their intrigues and political ambitions. For just
at the time, in 1650, Patriarch Nikon tried to give the Russian Orthodox Church to expand beyond their nation, meaning that Christianity was not intended to reach only a nation, however great it may be, or under the authority of the state, because he understood that this was or should be above governments, not governments, leading to the church. Follower of the theocracy, wanted to reach its fullest expression in the splendor and demonstration of supremacy through religious rituals, for it is said that under Nikon, the celebrations in the central cathedral became especially pompous and endless.
Its purpose was that the church dominate the state, as happened in other states Orthodox therefore sought the approach to other Orthodox churches, including Greek, went to a group of Greek scholars, to change the liturgical books and forms of religious ceremonial, adapting these to the Greek model. That upset many among them Avvakum Petrova, who aspired to be the next Pope of the Russian Orthodox Church. The way they attacked Avvakum and was exiled, humiliated and mocked, I think an upset among the people and there were many who left the church, that favored the growth and emergence of numerous separatist groups disillusioned with a religious system that was too allied with politics.
Among the groups that took advantage of these situations, attracting many disillusioned are the Moloko, we have dealt with already, the khysty, and subbotniki, or Sabbath-keeping, which are discussed in subsequent chapters. Therefore
between khysty, did not allow church hierarchies, deeming it not a form of theocracy, but a corruption of true Christianity that was more close and personal. The central idea of \u200b\u200btheir ideology lay in Radeniya , rituals in which men and women summoned to corporal punishment. They also had a pillar of his doctrine, the reincarnation of Jesus made continuously, that is, they thought that the death of the Son of God, this is then reincarnated into another person, who in turn should also go through similar suffering, for thus manifesting the permanent salvation of man. They wanted to reincarnate to do go through the same suffering and to transform sin into virtue, however, one of the practices most attention was the fact that believing they were already saved, welcomed all the sins and sinful actions, being very sure that this does not affect them. According to them, God was pleased to demonstrate His power to forgive His creatures, therefore, also believed that he was happy when man sinned. Hence came the accusations of secretly practicing sexual orgies, then whip, something that has not been proven, nor to practice the physical punishment on a regular basis in fact shall be carried out only at certain times of year. What happened is that in those meetings, to celebrate the Radeniya, used to do a circle dance to reach ecstasy and crowding may have incidental and occasional friction, but never scheduled orgies. While it is true that allowed sex between unmarried members, which gave rise to the promiscuity among them, knowing that later they would be forgiven.
also they were accused of celebrating ancient Slavic gods, as Yarilo and Rusalka, which in antiquity was considered the epitome of passion and desire, and who worshiped a god named Domovoi, the tutelary genius. That was not without an interest charge by members of the Church who wanted to these charges the rejection of the people and the state to practice and teach about pagan gods.
At first, Daniil, not even intended to create a new church, as it allowed its members to continue attending the Orthodox churches. The persecutions forced these to be isolated and meet secretly, and at other times to spread even outside Russia, reaching with its usual even France.

A famous member of khlysty was Gregori Rasputin, the Russian mystic with an influence on the final days of the czars, was known as "the Mad Monk and his income in khlysty, possibly in his native Siberia , marked the Siberian prophet for life. Some attribute the notorious sex life in later years was as a result of its entry into the khysty, we talk about relationships with his disciples, visiting room, mostly women of Russian high society. Even attributed to him, the following quote: " should commit more heinous sins, because God will feel a greater pleasure to forgive great sinners ", in clear reference to the ideas of khlysty.
But there is no evidence of such a wanton attitude, it is possible that the reputation of khlysty he attributed such customs, or otherwise, by the attitude of as flashy, womanizing character, he cataloged the communal orgies khlysty to practice in any case the most licentious times, was abandoned after khlysty movement. In fact, after leaving the Khlysty met another called Makariy lit, which exerted an enormous influence on Rasputin. After that, in 1889 married Fyodorovna Praskovia Dubrovin with whom he had three sons: Dmitri, Varvara, and Maria. We know who fathered more offspring with other women. In 1901, he left his native region and became a pilgrim. He spent two years traveling in Slavic lands, Greece and the Holy Land. He learned much from history, esotericism, theosophy, old religions and traditions. In 1903 returns to Russia, where it moves through the streets of St. Petersburg where he is regarded as a prophet, still very popular and busy your questions, it was then that he began to harbor the goal of relating to the royal family.
This mysterious and provocative character, intended to give an appearance of Jesus Christ even came to fame as a healer with prayer, reason and because a friend of the Tsarina call Anna Výrubova in 1905 was called to the palace of the czars to cure the serious illness of her only son Alexis Nikolayevich, who suffered from hemophilia. Thus came into contact with royalty, and always maintained a love-hate relationship, which led to death, but not before done in a group of followers and admirers, especially among females, it passes through the ideology will only khlysty later served to justify their excesses.
doctrinally speaking, khlysty eventually came to reject the worship of images and icons, and radicalize their positions on the liturgy. Thus over time were distancing themselves more and more of the Orthodox Church. Especially when came a split that opened the way for other notable extremist movement. .
A khlysty leader, called Kondrati Selianov, did not see well the degree of morality of some members that justify

\u0026lt;-------- Selianov, was born in the district of Oriel, Russia in 1730, being orthodox, was drawn from very young to the faith of the Khysty, but a few years after , differently understood the meaning of Christianity discipline. While I thought that flogging was necessary to purify the spirit and approach God, the apostle mortify or otherwise encouraging its members also had the sense to avoid falling into the degrading practices that members of the body could take and apply strict control so against them. So do not look right to allow free sexual behavior and called for greater self-discipline, which together with the floggings actually lead to purification and closer to God. He also understood that sexuality was the root of all evil, thus preached absolute sexual abstinence, which led him to preach the castration and amputation of elements of sexual attraction. As Origen in the second century, well understood and therefore used its own castration. Before the thirties, it was Selianov gelding, for example to his followers, soon to be separated from the khlysty and formed a separate group, but with similar teachings and some rituals. These were called Skoptzy or eunuchs and soon established certain criteria in respect of castration, for example, men were allowed to bear children before undergoing the so-called bloody baptism, which was amputated when their sexual attributes, which For women, was sometimes in the nipples or cuts or total amputation of the breasts. At the same time, members of the movement noted for their diligence, honesty, and spiritual commitment, which, despite being persecuted and banned in Russia, also raised the admiration of many. Selianov himself was sent to Siberia as punishment, but managed to return to the delight of his followers and astonishment of his pursuers. Even the Tsar Alexander I, was intrigued by the character in question and visited him when he was in St. Petersburg, from that moment, strangely, disappeared and his persecution of the group. To the extent that in his last days of life lived in an Orthodox monastery, under the care and attention of monks. And with that permit concealed, the skopzy came to have up to one hundred thousand members in the early XX. But then on the last of the tsars, Nicholas II, returned to flare up the persecution of minority movements, a number of New York Times in 1910, lists up the news on lawsuits and reprisals against them. The group remained active well into the twentieth century came to a Soviet source in 1929 indicate that about two thousand skoptzy lived in the Soviet Union, especially in the west, many of whom died during the German invasion cruel World War II, they were used as human shields peaceful, too cruel by Stalin. But curiously, after the war, the press spoke of renewed mass mutilation of widows of particular religious group, most likely from the skoptzy, the latest news on voluntary castration in 1951. Then during the harsh Stalinist regime were moved to concentration camps, women and children to distant Siberia, where they used to send the Russian authorities to peace groups. They may have been isolated group in Romania, Moldova and Siberia, but as happened with Khlysty, no news of them since mid-twentieth century. Soviet repression failed with many of these extremist groups that, while looking for some tips applying biblical taken to end the application, without understanding that those councils have more symbolic meaning moral self-control and corporal punishment literal.
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