Within the line of spiritualists, who rejected liturgies and temples, and preached a Christianity internal groups emerged to Protestantism and Catholicism more actively pursued and was considered as radical, we have tried to Schwendelkfienses, quietism, Ranters and the Quakers, but in the seventeenth century, English Christianity between the divided small minority groups continued to emerge about certain enlightened, from which some old tendencies resurfaced missing. Other
was Thomas Tany, who around the year 1626 had announced that he was a descendant of one of the tribes of Israel, more specifically from the tribe of Reuben, and that God had commissioned to gather the lost tribes in England.
The English preacher, born into a farming family, was a self-taught, it is said, the seven years he learned to read and write, almost single-handedly. Later in his mind, too, took depth Bible studies. Influenced by reading the Old Testament and the emergence of great prophets, he felt compelled to copy your system and apply it to Christianity, but with a special and peculiar interpretation. He felt his purpose was to commission and return to Israel as Zion Bible prophecies and incorporate new nation, from which brighten to all peoples. He came to change his name and brought together Tany Theauraujohn a small group of supporters who began to live in tents in the center of the camp set up a sort of tent-like Moses and Aaron in the desert. Tany
interpreted the United announced millennium in Revelation, was the restoration in Israel of the Kingdom of God, interpreting literally the words of Paul in the Epistle to the Romans, which states: P ecause I would not, brethren, the sacred secret, lest discrete you be your own eyes: a dulling of sensibilities has happened in part to Israel until the full number of people of the nations has come and so all Israel shall be saved. Just as it is written: "There shall come out of Zion the Deliverer and away from Jacob ungodly practices. (Romans 11:25,26) . interpreting these words literally identified as the deliverer to mentioned there, creating a sort of Jewish millenarianism, which was no doubt an inspiration for other movements later. He even published a pamphlet, with the help of a rich businessman known as Captain Robert Norwood, who covered the printing costs.
His message was strong, denouncing the clergy with harsh words: are as dumb evil dogs, shearing rather than help poor people , Tany said. While he spoke of bringing together Israel, that does not mention him away from Christ and the gospel, that way seems to be to create a new kind of Judaizing Christianity because it was circumcised and began to implement certain provisions of the law, including the Sabbath. He was accused of certain disturbances in London in those years, some riots and arson and other attacks, which led him to prison for some time. Because of these difficulties apparently went to the Netherlands, changed his name again by that of Johoram collide with the aim of bringing together the lost tribes in the Netherlands, but there they lost his trail, some say it is possible to die in a flooding due to their habit of living in tents.
According to his detractors, Tany's writings, now lost most touching themes of the varied and confusing, among other things, spoke of magic and mysticism, alchemy and astrology, numerology and angelology. It is said that he devoted much of his time reading works related to Neo-Platonism and Gnosticism, he realción with certain concepts of the Rosicrucians, reading and interpreting the Kabbalah. Although many of these claims have no firm basis. Their sources were varied, although they seem to have included almanacs, popular prophecies, and legal treatises, including the Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs and other books relating to Jewish mysticism. After his death, his disciples were dispersed and disappeared soon his legacy.
On the other hand had also emerged for the first decades of this century, the figure of a dark lit named John Robins, a former member of Ranters, who reportedly stated that it was the incarnation of Christ. Ensuring that came to judge the living and the dead, as was the Christ, his power had risen and had redeemed Cain and Judas Iscariot, and Jeremiah had also risen and many of the Old Testament prophets. His followers claimed to possess prodigious talents, making some strange effects on his wanderings through the cities with their message. No doubt it was usually charlatans who used magic tricks to use with certain devices manufactured by them to impress and attract followers behind them.
But this kind of enlightened, inspiring others and somehow influenced the emergence of a stream of characters that is attached himself to be recipients of household goods and special commissions, faced each other, as George Fox himself, founder of the Quakers struggled to not be identified or confused with some of them, as often imitated his style.
The name comes from one of its originators, Ludowicke Muggleton, London Taylor, born in 1609 who had contact with the Ranters and other radical groups of a spiritual nature, like the followers of Robins and Tany. Disabused of these, he joined his cousin John Reeve, also a tailor and a deep spiritual nature.
John Reeve, born in the small town of Wiltshire, England, was a visionary who in 1651 claimed to have received a personal revelation from God that this had instructed him to direct the call Third Committee in preparation for the final days of earth . Did call himself as "Reeves" or New Vespers It is also considered the Prophet of God in the manner of Moses, and Muggleton, as the new Aaron.
This light, called his mission, the Third Committee, considering that the work of Moses and Israel, was the first, Jesus and Christianity was the second and the was considered the third and final chance at redemption of mankind.
That happened on February 5, 1651, as Reeve's own account by the voice of the words of Christ, who gave orders include the following:
- I've given you all the understanding of Scripture above all men in the world. "It looks on the inside, there you will see the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of Hell. "I have chosen as the last messenger to a great commission, go to the bloody world of unbelievers. And Lodowick Muggleton have given the privilege of being your mouth. "I put the double-edged sword of my spirit in your mouth, so whoever I pronounced blessed by the mouth of yours, is blessed for all eternity, and whoever I damn rule by mouth to yours will be damned eternity.
also denounced the work of other enlightened of his time as Thomas Tany whom they accused of being 'a fake priest' and forgery of a prophet, marking it as a rant and his group the cave of Cain. John Robins was identified as the Antichrist because according to Reeve believed he was exalted in the place of God.
By April 1651, Muggleton had begun to feel doubts that haunted him, especially related to traditional doctrines of Anglicanism and persistent in Protestantism, including the fire of hell, the idea of \u200b\u200ban immortal soul, in direct contradiction to the teaching Biblical resurrection of the just and unjust. Since I could not find answers in the religious establishment of his time, he sought among the most obscure. Finally concluded that he must leave everything in God's hands. Especially when according to him, began to experience revelations that explained the meaning of writing. In February in 1651 his cousin John Reeve, who worked in the same workshop that ran suffered similar experiences was when the two began a mission.
At that time the book of Revelation, was rarely considered among Protestant movements, we saw what Luther thought the Book of Revelation, as in his Treatise on the New Testament books, criticized the book saying that it is neither apostolic nor prophetic, but if you wrote a bygone interpretation of its meaning. Calvin declined to comment on the complex biblical book, in fact even to accept it, was the only book of the New Testament did not write any comments, so the Calvinist groups, whether Presbyterians or Puritans, just took it as a study book. The Anabaptists considered the idea only previously understood by Waldensian and applying the term Paulicians Babylon the Great of Chapter 17 to the Church of Rome. And Baptists considered only in their meetings and studies, the first five chapters and the last two. True, the naturalist and Egyptologist Joseph Mede, a friend of Newton wrote in 1627 Clavis Apocalyptica, in which he explained his interpretation of the mysterious book, influencing the thinking and vision of others, including one's own Newton, who was also a student of Revelation, but we'll give the account in a later chapter.
Therefore, the interpretation of Reeve and Muggleton began to teach his followers about prophetic symbols of Revelation was revolutionary at the time. Among other things gave a different explanation of prophecies that in most cases they are applied to themselves. For example according to Revelation chapter 11 referred to two witnesses appointed by God, who preach to an unbelieving world, under trials and sufferings, in preparation for the beginning of the final days. Reeve and Muggleton were identified by their disciples as the two witnesses of Revelation. The Millennium issue was a topic almost forgotten since the time of Augustine of Hippo, but they started talking time it as close and as something that literally fulfilled. Soon its apocalyptic messages were echoed in the beleaguered London.
Soon had made those two lighted what would be the basis for a new religion, far from what they considered false religion of Satan. The six principles of Muggletonians are summarized in the following ideas:
"There is no God, but if the glorious Man Christ Jesus.
"There is no devil, it is the reason that dirty men.
"Heaven is an abode of light infinite and beyond the stars.
-The Instead of Hell will this earth when the sun, moon and stars are extinguished.
-Angels are the only beings of Pure Reason.
-El Alma dies with the body and thus be raised in the resurrection.
As for the origin of evil, but did not accept the Calvinist view of predetermination, spoke on a doctrine called for the two seeds. According to this, the natural process of generation did that, even at the time of Noah, all the people had in them something of September and some of Cain. The Muggletonians call this the doctrine of two seeds, the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent. Therefore there is always conflict within each person, as the seed of evil moves us commit crimes and do bad, and the seed of good to the search for God.
also said to not accept the trinity, but in reality simply because they did not accept the idea as the Council of Nicea said, but simply asserted that God is Christ and that is, the Holy Spirit is not mentioned for this were accused of being anti-Trinitarian.
The Muggletonians had a hostility to philosophical reason, a biblical understanding of how the universe works and a belief that God appeared directly on this earth as Jesus Christ. A belief that God is therefore not observe or intervene in daily events on land and generally do not intervene to take action to bring the world to an end.
The Muggletonians have avoided all forms of worship, including rituals, public prayer or preaching, and in the past, has been found only for the discussion of his writings or to socialize among their members. The movement was egalitarian, apolitical, peace and evangelism resolution has been avoided.
The Spiritual Transcendence Treaty became the main book Muggletonians. Written in first person by John Reeve, but appears under both names Reeve and Muggleton, considered by them as the latest true witnesses. The book was printed in 1652 in a second edition slightly different from the first, the following year. This was intended as a message of Christ to which they were chosen as the last prophet and precursor of the reappearance of God in the heavens above the earth on the Day of Judgement.
In 1653 both were convicted on the basis of denying the Trinity and sentenced to six months in the correctional Old Bridewell. During this period, Reeve wrote another booklet entitled Protest Eternal God, was printed and published by Jeremiah Mount and well received by people eager to learn new ideas. Reeve was so sure of himself, I get to write another book of his called Divine Mirror in 1656, more indicating its position as a prophet. At the opening of this book states that all Scripture comes from divine inspiration or human imagination, saying only the Commission of the last witnesses was of divine origin. In a letter written on August 15, 1656 to Alice Webb said if the Lord Jesus not our witness testifies and makes clear that he has sent us a few months then you may conclude that there has never been any true prophet.
At the same time going into poverty, partly because it was his full time to his work, leaving his family financially supplement, which by common consent must feed his wife, working, but in 1656, died this and the situation of Reeve, it becomes more complicated, ongoing incarceration will cause a disease that did not come out, dying in 1658.
members achieved a degree of public notoriety curse those who insulted their faith publicly, this was done in front of the temples Puritans, Quakers and other faiths of which receive more critical. This practice, which proved incredibly effective, stopped in mid-nineteenth century. But also brought them much persecution and imprisonment both its originators and those who succeeded them. After Reeve's death in 1658 Lodowicke Muggleton became sole leader of the group as the prophet exclusive. Muggleton eventually made changes to many of the ideals of John Reeve. For example, introduced the idea that God deliberately ignores the daily activities and does not interfere in human affairs. Some of his followers did not like this because it denies any personal relationship between the believer and God. This led, at one point in the history of Muggletonians, a division, there were those who felt they had more in common with John Reeve and Muggleton Lodowicke least.
The reasons why the changes occurred in the way of understanding some original ideas was that John Reeve was an ideologue something exalted while Muggleton had the virtues of a quiet man, and weighed more issues. On the other hand Reeve lived for six years in the faith, Muggleton 46. Reeve had announced calamities against London, which softened after his death Muggleton, otherwise it would become clear, since those harbingers of Reeve, never fulfilled. Muggleton
The animosity toward the Quakers, who should consider closer apparently due to three reasons. First, he believed guilty of witchcraft spiritual, that the claim of George Fox to be presumed to have cured some people, Muggleton saw it as a manipulation of Fox to attract supporters, believed that faith should be free and people should close to it without coercion or reward in sight. Second, the bounty of the doctrines among the Quakers, he considered the irreducible Ranters, it is possible that there might come accusations that linked with them, because to preach a religion without creeds. Third, the church Muggletonians considered the seventh, and last, the last day antiiglesia of days and so its very existence was seen as the removal of each and the journey of the person to paradise, while the Quakers did not do enough by prophecy, or by attacking the great whore, which were considered the established church, criticized the fact that Fox, be introduced into the churches Presbyterian, Congregational and other faiths to speak in their midst and dedicated as they are not announcing their destruction. Muggleton
tried to explain the text of Revelation in its own terms, he took as his text and assigned as a basis for faith Muggletonians. Postmodernism is guided by the reader and gives readers the power to interpret a text in real terms, belongs to the author.
The Muggletonians, especially after the premises are introduced by Muggleton useless prayer, public worship or preaching. The first two rituals are clearly pointless if God is deaf to world affairs. But the third does not have an understandable explanation. At first when both are considered the two witnesses and their dedication was simply to denounce people and announce its destruction, no sense preaching to make disciples, because the end was imminent. They did not encourage his followers to preach and his followers simply to study and have limited family tradition his teaching, waiting for the final day.
With the passage of time to tune many of those predictions, Muggletonians faced the situation of having to achieve more faithful as doing some preaching or proselytizing. Muggleton
same ruefully recorded in his memoirs, which his family, friends and neighbors he managed only convert their two daughters and his cousin Roger in Northamptonshire. If the truth is that those who converted to Muggletonians did as a result of inward contemplation, in some cases on its own mystical experience, but not for education or direct preaching. Although in the end, as recognized by Richard Farnham and John Bull who honestly claim that his own call was the result of reading the writings Muggletonians. After the death
and Muggleton, the fan group was active for a while, but then was silenced its work, says he became a group in the shadows, like Freemasons, Illuminati and other movements should be secret. A Muggletonians leader of the late seventeenth century, Thomas Tomkinson tried to mitigate the implacable hostility of the original motion explaining that he could testify with reason, that reason contained in the work of daily life, through good behavior, without being what no substitute for faith, but a demonstration of this. The term "moderate right" was coined to mean subordinate reason to faith. Tomkinson, was a scholar and tried to give a kind of rational philosophy Muggletonians ideas. He had a strange fixation on the biblical book of Judas, coming to give publicity to a case book of Enoch, which quotes the apostolic letter, as this rediscovered the book was of vital importance as announcing the end of the world.
Thomas Tomkinson Treaty on the Letter of Jude and the famous book of Enoch
Tomkinson For the time had finally accepted some doctrines that were not originally accepted in full, leaving his credo thus summarized:
Christ is God,
"The nature of the Trinity
" The Devil can not be found anywhere, but if the man
-soul must die to await the resurrection body
"The doctrine of the two seeds which predominates.
-Resurrection for the saints
Tomkinson argues that God can not be an infinite spirit, otherwise we all have something of that spirit within us and there would be an eternal distinction between creature and Creator changing immutable. Tomkinson was by far the most prolific writer Muggletonians, and for centuries his writings have been studied from the movement.
But the passing of time off and obscuring the movement Muggletonians practically limited to being a body of philosophical discussion, but a religious group, the silence of his work just a testament to their existence. Only brief mentions in books or journals, they note its existence. For example, in an edition of 1739 of the History of London, mention is made of two Muggletonians meeting places in and Aldersgate Southwack, but for the nineteenth century, those congregations were gone.
In 1846, he knew a Muggletonians Fresta named Isaac who published the book Two Systems of Astronomy, a book that defended well illustrated by antinewtoniana cosmology which postulated the Muggletonians. This activity was the brainchild of Isaac and his brother Joseph who having made his fortune in the copper smelting business of Derby continued to spend significant sums to the publication of his texts once they had moved to London. Much of the dedication of the Muggletonians was the subject chronologically, and numerology, besides the prophetic, but not so high-profile appeals to their origins.
faith to public attention in 1979 when Mr Philip Noakes Muggletonians last known, died on 26 February of that year, records of the movement, which he had kept, were transferred to the British Library. Many others of the published works of Muggletonians are still available at the Library Postal Westcliffe-Over-Sea, Essex. There remains much of the Muggletonians file including correspondence, papers general and historical interest publications.
Besides being the first to reject the idea of \u200b\u200bthe immortal soul, introduced Christianity in the third century, the path taken by these enlightened was not the most accurate, especially in rejecting the preaching or evangelism, work for which the Christianity has come so far. But his efforts to seek understanding of prophecy, but perhaps too early in the century XVII, with the aim of Reeve and Muggleton to be those two witnesses, may have inspired other major millennial movements that would emerge in the nineteenth century .
was Thomas Tany, who around the year 1626 had announced that he was a descendant of one of the tribes of Israel, more specifically from the tribe of Reuben, and that God had commissioned to gather the lost tribes in England.
The English preacher, born into a farming family, was a self-taught, it is said, the seven years he learned to read and write, almost single-handedly. Later in his mind, too, took depth Bible studies. Influenced by reading the Old Testament and the emergence of great prophets, he felt compelled to copy your system and apply it to Christianity, but with a special and peculiar interpretation. He felt his purpose was to commission and return to Israel as Zion Bible prophecies and incorporate new nation, from which brighten to all peoples. He came to change his name and brought together Tany Theauraujohn a small group of supporters who began to live in tents in the center of the camp set up a sort of tent-like Moses and Aaron in the desert. Tany
interpreted the United announced millennium in Revelation, was the restoration in Israel of the Kingdom of God, interpreting literally the words of Paul in the Epistle to the Romans, which states: P ecause I would not, brethren, the sacred secret, lest discrete you be your own eyes: a dulling of sensibilities has happened in part to Israel until the full number of people of the nations has come and so all Israel shall be saved. Just as it is written: "There shall come out of Zion the Deliverer and away from Jacob ungodly practices. (Romans 11:25,26) . interpreting these words literally identified as the deliverer to mentioned there, creating a sort of Jewish millenarianism, which was no doubt an inspiration for other movements later. He even published a pamphlet, with the help of a rich businessman known as Captain Robert Norwood, who covered the printing costs.
His message was strong, denouncing the clergy with harsh words: are as dumb evil dogs, shearing rather than help poor people , Tany said. While he spoke of bringing together Israel, that does not mention him away from Christ and the gospel, that way seems to be to create a new kind of Judaizing Christianity because it was circumcised and began to implement certain provisions of the law, including the Sabbath. He was accused of certain disturbances in London in those years, some riots and arson and other attacks, which led him to prison for some time. Because of these difficulties apparently went to the Netherlands, changed his name again by that of Johoram collide with the aim of bringing together the lost tribes in the Netherlands, but there they lost his trail, some say it is possible to die in a flooding due to their habit of living in tents.
According to his detractors, Tany's writings, now lost most touching themes of the varied and confusing, among other things, spoke of magic and mysticism, alchemy and astrology, numerology and angelology. It is said that he devoted much of his time reading works related to Neo-Platonism and Gnosticism, he realción with certain concepts of the Rosicrucians, reading and interpreting the Kabbalah. Although many of these claims have no firm basis. Their sources were varied, although they seem to have included almanacs, popular prophecies, and legal treatises, including the Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs and other books relating to Jewish mysticism. After his death, his disciples were dispersed and disappeared soon his legacy.
On the other hand had also emerged for the first decades of this century, the figure of a dark lit named John Robins, a former member of Ranters, who reportedly stated that it was the incarnation of Christ. Ensuring that came to judge the living and the dead, as was the Christ, his power had risen and had redeemed Cain and Judas Iscariot, and Jeremiah had also risen and many of the Old Testament prophets. His followers claimed to possess prodigious talents, making some strange effects on his wanderings through the cities with their message. No doubt it was usually charlatans who used magic tricks to use with certain devices manufactured by them to impress and attract followers behind them.
But this kind of enlightened, inspiring others and somehow influenced the emergence of a stream of characters that is attached himself to be recipients of household goods and special commissions, faced each other, as George Fox himself, founder of the Quakers struggled to not be identified or confused with some of them, as often imitated his style.
In that line came another move that was a little further, making a pair of illuminated in the prophets of God. The motion in question was known for Muggletonians Church, which although not a preacher or missionary character, unlike the aforementioned, survived until very into the twentieth century. The name comes from one of its originators, Ludowicke Muggleton, London Taylor, born in 1609 who had contact with the Ranters and other radical groups of a spiritual nature, like the followers of Robins and Tany. Disabused of these, he joined his cousin John Reeve, also a tailor and a deep spiritual nature.
John Reeve, born in the small town of Wiltshire, England, was a visionary who in 1651 claimed to have received a personal revelation from God that this had instructed him to direct the call Third Committee in preparation for the final days of earth . Did call himself as "Reeves" or New Vespers It is also considered the Prophet of God in the manner of Moses, and Muggleton, as the new Aaron.
This light, called his mission, the Third Committee, considering that the work of Moses and Israel, was the first, Jesus and Christianity was the second and the was considered the third and final chance at redemption of mankind.
That happened on February 5, 1651, as Reeve's own account by the voice of the words of Christ, who gave orders include the following:
- I've given you all the understanding of Scripture above all men in the world. "It looks on the inside, there you will see the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of Hell. "I have chosen as the last messenger to a great commission, go to the bloody world of unbelievers. And Lodowick Muggleton have given the privilege of being your mouth. "I put the double-edged sword of my spirit in your mouth, so whoever I pronounced blessed by the mouth of yours, is blessed for all eternity, and whoever I damn rule by mouth to yours will be damned eternity.
also denounced the work of other enlightened of his time as Thomas Tany whom they accused of being 'a fake priest' and forgery of a prophet, marking it as a rant and his group the cave of Cain. John Robins was identified as the Antichrist because according to Reeve believed he was exalted in the place of God.
By April 1651, Muggleton had begun to feel doubts that haunted him, especially related to traditional doctrines of Anglicanism and persistent in Protestantism, including the fire of hell, the idea of \u200b\u200ban immortal soul, in direct contradiction to the teaching Biblical resurrection of the just and unjust. Since I could not find answers in the religious establishment of his time, he sought among the most obscure. Finally concluded that he must leave everything in God's hands. Especially when according to him, began to experience revelations that explained the meaning of writing. In February in 1651 his cousin John Reeve, who worked in the same workshop that ran suffered similar experiences was when the two began a mission.
At that time the book of Revelation, was rarely considered among Protestant movements, we saw what Luther thought the Book of Revelation, as in his Treatise on the New Testament books, criticized the book saying that it is neither apostolic nor prophetic, but if you wrote a bygone interpretation of its meaning. Calvin declined to comment on the complex biblical book, in fact even to accept it, was the only book of the New Testament did not write any comments, so the Calvinist groups, whether Presbyterians or Puritans, just took it as a study book. The Anabaptists considered the idea only previously understood by Waldensian and applying the term Paulicians Babylon the Great of Chapter 17 to the Church of Rome. And Baptists considered only in their meetings and studies, the first five chapters and the last two. True, the naturalist and Egyptologist Joseph Mede, a friend of Newton wrote in 1627 Clavis Apocalyptica, in which he explained his interpretation of the mysterious book, influencing the thinking and vision of others, including one's own Newton, who was also a student of Revelation, but we'll give the account in a later chapter.
Therefore, the interpretation of Reeve and Muggleton began to teach his followers about prophetic symbols of Revelation was revolutionary at the time. Among other things gave a different explanation of prophecies that in most cases they are applied to themselves. For example according to Revelation chapter 11 referred to two witnesses appointed by God, who preach to an unbelieving world, under trials and sufferings, in preparation for the beginning of the final days. Reeve and Muggleton were identified by their disciples as the two witnesses of Revelation. The Millennium issue was a topic almost forgotten since the time of Augustine of Hippo, but they started talking time it as close and as something that literally fulfilled. Soon its apocalyptic messages were echoed in the beleaguered London.
Soon had made those two lighted what would be the basis for a new religion, far from what they considered false religion of Satan. The six principles of Muggletonians are summarized in the following ideas:
"There is no God, but if the glorious Man Christ Jesus.
"There is no devil, it is the reason that dirty men.
"Heaven is an abode of light infinite and beyond the stars.
-The Instead of Hell will this earth when the sun, moon and stars are extinguished.
-Angels are the only beings of Pure Reason.
-El Alma dies with the body and thus be raised in the resurrection.
As for the origin of evil, but did not accept the Calvinist view of predetermination, spoke on a doctrine called for the two seeds. According to this, the natural process of generation did that, even at the time of Noah, all the people had in them something of September and some of Cain. The Muggletonians call this the doctrine of two seeds, the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent. Therefore there is always conflict within each person, as the seed of evil moves us commit crimes and do bad, and the seed of good to the search for God.
also said to not accept the trinity, but in reality simply because they did not accept the idea as the Council of Nicea said, but simply asserted that God is Christ and that is, the Holy Spirit is not mentioned for this were accused of being anti-Trinitarian.
The Muggletonians had a hostility to philosophical reason, a biblical understanding of how the universe works and a belief that God appeared directly on this earth as Jesus Christ. A belief that God is therefore not observe or intervene in daily events on land and generally do not intervene to take action to bring the world to an end.
The Muggletonians have avoided all forms of worship, including rituals, public prayer or preaching, and in the past, has been found only for the discussion of his writings or to socialize among their members. The movement was egalitarian, apolitical, peace and evangelism resolution has been avoided.

The Spiritual Transcendence Treaty became the main book Muggletonians. Written in first person by John Reeve, but appears under both names Reeve and Muggleton, considered by them as the latest true witnesses. The book was printed in 1652 in a second edition slightly different from the first, the following year. This was intended as a message of Christ to which they were chosen as the last prophet and precursor of the reappearance of God in the heavens above the earth on the Day of Judgement.
In 1653 both were convicted on the basis of denying the Trinity and sentenced to six months in the correctional Old Bridewell. During this period, Reeve wrote another booklet entitled Protest Eternal God, was printed and published by Jeremiah Mount and well received by people eager to learn new ideas. Reeve was so sure of himself, I get to write another book of his called Divine Mirror in 1656, more indicating its position as a prophet. At the opening of this book states that all Scripture comes from divine inspiration or human imagination, saying only the Commission of the last witnesses was of divine origin. In a letter written on August 15, 1656 to Alice Webb said if the Lord Jesus not our witness testifies and makes clear that he has sent us a few months then you may conclude that there has never been any true prophet.
At the same time going into poverty, partly because it was his full time to his work, leaving his family financially supplement, which by common consent must feed his wife, working, but in 1656, died this and the situation of Reeve, it becomes more complicated, ongoing incarceration will cause a disease that did not come out, dying in 1658.
members achieved a degree of public notoriety curse those who insulted their faith publicly, this was done in front of the temples Puritans, Quakers and other faiths of which receive more critical. This practice, which proved incredibly effective, stopped in mid-nineteenth century. But also brought them much persecution and imprisonment both its originators and those who succeeded them. After Reeve's death in 1658 Lodowicke Muggleton became sole leader of the group as the prophet exclusive. Muggleton eventually made changes to many of the ideals of John Reeve. For example, introduced the idea that God deliberately ignores the daily activities and does not interfere in human affairs. Some of his followers did not like this because it denies any personal relationship between the believer and God. This led, at one point in the history of Muggletonians, a division, there were those who felt they had more in common with John Reeve and Muggleton Lodowicke least.
The reasons why the changes occurred in the way of understanding some original ideas was that John Reeve was an ideologue something exalted while Muggleton had the virtues of a quiet man, and weighed more issues. On the other hand Reeve lived for six years in the faith, Muggleton 46. Reeve had announced calamities against London, which softened after his death Muggleton, otherwise it would become clear, since those harbingers of Reeve, never fulfilled. Muggleton
The animosity toward the Quakers, who should consider closer apparently due to three reasons. First, he believed guilty of witchcraft spiritual, that the claim of George Fox to be presumed to have cured some people, Muggleton saw it as a manipulation of Fox to attract supporters, believed that faith should be free and people should close to it without coercion or reward in sight. Second, the bounty of the doctrines among the Quakers, he considered the irreducible Ranters, it is possible that there might come accusations that linked with them, because to preach a religion without creeds. Third, the church Muggletonians considered the seventh, and last, the last day antiiglesia of days and so its very existence was seen as the removal of each and the journey of the person to paradise, while the Quakers did not do enough by prophecy, or by attacking the great whore, which were considered the established church, criticized the fact that Fox, be introduced into the churches Presbyterian, Congregational and other faiths to speak in their midst and dedicated as they are not announcing their destruction. Muggleton
tried to explain the text of Revelation in its own terms, he took as his text and assigned as a basis for faith Muggletonians. Postmodernism is guided by the reader and gives readers the power to interpret a text in real terms, belongs to the author.
The Muggletonians, especially after the premises are introduced by Muggleton useless prayer, public worship or preaching. The first two rituals are clearly pointless if God is deaf to world affairs. But the third does not have an understandable explanation. At first when both are considered the two witnesses and their dedication was simply to denounce people and announce its destruction, no sense preaching to make disciples, because the end was imminent. They did not encourage his followers to preach and his followers simply to study and have limited family tradition his teaching, waiting for the final day.
With the passage of time to tune many of those predictions, Muggletonians faced the situation of having to achieve more faithful as doing some preaching or proselytizing. Muggleton
same ruefully recorded in his memoirs, which his family, friends and neighbors he managed only convert their two daughters and his cousin Roger in Northamptonshire. If the truth is that those who converted to Muggletonians did as a result of inward contemplation, in some cases on its own mystical experience, but not for education or direct preaching. Although in the end, as recognized by Richard Farnham and John Bull who honestly claim that his own call was the result of reading the writings Muggletonians. After the death

Thomas Tomkinson Treaty on the Letter of Jude and the famous book of Enoch
Tomkinson For the time had finally accepted some doctrines that were not originally accepted in full, leaving his credo thus summarized:
Christ is God,
"The nature of the Trinity
" The Devil can not be found anywhere, but if the man
-soul must die to await the resurrection body
"The doctrine of the two seeds which predominates.
-Resurrection for the saints
Tomkinson argues that God can not be an infinite spirit, otherwise we all have something of that spirit within us and there would be an eternal distinction between creature and Creator changing immutable. Tomkinson was by far the most prolific writer Muggletonians, and for centuries his writings have been studied from the movement.
But the passing of time off and obscuring the movement Muggletonians practically limited to being a body of philosophical discussion, but a religious group, the silence of his work just a testament to their existence. Only brief mentions in books or journals, they note its existence. For example, in an edition of 1739 of the History of London, mention is made of two Muggletonians meeting places in and Aldersgate Southwack, but for the nineteenth century, those congregations were gone.
In 1846, he knew a Muggletonians Fresta named Isaac who published the book Two Systems of Astronomy, a book that defended well illustrated by antinewtoniana cosmology which postulated the Muggletonians. This activity was the brainchild of Isaac and his brother Joseph who having made his fortune in the copper smelting business of Derby continued to spend significant sums to the publication of his texts once they had moved to London. Much of the dedication of the Muggletonians was the subject chronologically, and numerology, besides the prophetic, but not so high-profile appeals to their origins.
faith to public attention in 1979 when Mr Philip Noakes Muggletonians last known, died on 26 February of that year, records of the movement, which he had kept, were transferred to the British Library. Many others of the published works of Muggletonians are still available at the Library Postal Westcliffe-Over-Sea, Essex. There remains much of the Muggletonians file including correspondence, papers general and historical interest publications.
Besides being the first to reject the idea of \u200b\u200bthe immortal soul, introduced Christianity in the third century, the path taken by these enlightened was not the most accurate, especially in rejecting the preaching or evangelism, work for which the Christianity has come so far. But his efforts to seek understanding of prophecy, but perhaps too early in the century XVII, with the aim of Reeve and Muggleton to be those two witnesses, may have inspired other major millennial movements that would emerge in the nineteenth century .
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