was a question of time Well, I think about the words
hereby notify him that the plenary of the Constitutional Court, chaired by the Hon. President Dona Maria Emilia Casas Baamonde, and composed of Judges Excellencies. Mr. Guillermo Jiménez Sánchez, Vicente Conde Martín de Hijas, Javier Delgado Barrio, Dona Elisa Pérez Vera, Don Eugeni Gay Montalvo, Don Jorge Rodríguez-Zapata Pérez, Ramón Rodríguez Arribas, Don Pascual Sala Sánchez and Manuel Aragón Reyes , meeting today, have ruled on the unconstitutionality appeal no. 8045-2006, sponsored by over fifty Members of the Popular Group of the Congress of Deputies against certain provisions of Law 6 / 2006, dated July 19, amending the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia, with the following Error:
"partially upheld the appeal of unconstitutionality raised for over fifty Members of the Popular Parliamentary Group against the Organic Law 6 / 2006 of 19 July, amending the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia and, consequently,
declare that
1 lack legal effect interpretative references Preamble to the Statute of Catalonia "Catalonia as a nation" and "reality Catalan national. "
2 º are unconstitutional and therefore invalid: the words "and preferred" in paragraph 1 of art. 6, paragraph 4 of art. 76; item "exclusively" in paragraph 1 of art. 78; the art. 97, paragraphs 2, letters a), b), c) d) e) and 3 of art. 98, the clauses "and with the participation of the Council of Justice of Catalonia" in paragraphs 5 and 6 of Art. 95, the clause "by the President of the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia, who presides, and" in paragraph 1 of art. 99, paragraph 1 of art. 100, the clause "or the Council of Justice of Catalonia" paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 of art. 101, the clause "as principles or common minimum regulatory standards with the force of law, except in the cases determined in accordance with the Constitution and this Statute" of art. 111, subsection "the principles, rules and establish minimum standards" in paragraph 2 of art. 120, the clause "the principles, rules and minimum standards set by" paragraph 2 of art. 126, the clause "provided they have made a tax effort also similar" in paragraph 3 of art. 206; and subsection "may include the legislative capacity to establish and control their own taxes and local governments" paragraph 2 of art. 218.
3 º is not unconstitutional, provided that they are interpreted in the terms established in the relevant legal basis is indicated, the following provisions: art. 5 (FJ 10), and paragraph 2 of art. 6 [FJ 14 b)], and paragraph 1 of art. 8 (FJ 12), and paragraph 5 of art. 33 (FJ 21), art. 34 (FJ 22), paragraph 1 and the first sentence of paragraph 2 of art. 35 (FJ 24), and paragraph 5 of art. 50 (FJ 23), art. 90 (FJ 40), paragraphs 3 and 4 of art. 91 (FJ 41), and paragraph 2 of art. 95 (FJ 44), art. 110 (FJ 59), art. 112 (FJ 61), art. 122 (FJ 69), and paragraph 3 of art. 127 (FJ 73), art. 129 (FJ 76); art. 138 (FJ 83), and paragraph 3 of art. 174 (FJ 111), art. 180 (FJ 113), and paragraph 1 of art.183 (FJ 115), and paragraph 5 of art. 206 (FJ 134), paragraphs 1 and 2, letters a), b) and d) of Art. 210 (FJ 135), paragraph 1, letter d) of art. 222 and paragraph 1 letter i) of Art. 223 (FJ 147), and paragraph 1 of the third additional provision (FJ 138), and additional provisions eighth, ninth and tenth (FJ 137).
4 º dismissed the constitutional motion in everything else. "
have announced Excellencies dissenting judges. Mr. Don Vicente Conde Martín de Hijas, Javier Delgado Barrio, Mr. Jorge Rodríguez-Zapata and Perez and Ramon Rodriguez Arribas.
full resolution shall be notified in the coming days.
Madrid, 28 June, two thousand ten. PRESIDENT
The Constitutional endorsed most of the Statute of Catalonia by six votes to four
The Constitutional adopting a moderate cut allowing the status

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