In the period we have been busy these last few chapters have been considering the so-called Renaissance period in which science gradually going away and away from the religion and that until that time had almost shared professorship at universities. However, there were some scientists from that era noted for his religious opinions, was far from the case of Roger Bacon, held at the time of Thomas Aquinas. One inventor, theologian, and eminent scientist was silenced by the power of the Church of his time. But during the Renaissance, yet the power of Christianity is responsible for silencing some of the scientists to scientific discovery or theological those exposed, one of the most dramatic cases was that of physician, discoverer of blood circulation, Miguel Servet, who was cruelly martyred by refuting the doctrine of the Trinity.
There was another dramatic case also, the Neapolitan astronomer Giordano Bruno, who around 1566, while being trained to become a priest was accused of rejecting images in worship, shortly after having been in Geneva in 1572 abandoned the habits of his approach to Calvinism.
Giordano Bruno, the martyr for claiming among other things, the possible existence of other planetary systems.
Although also had problems with Calvin, who critics say that he had committed at least 20 errors of biblical interpretation. He was tried and imprisoned for up to recant later abandoned Calvinism find not according to intellectual freedom. Later, he taught at the University of Oxford, there and insisted publications against the earth was the center of the universe, defying an acceptance from the time of Aristotle, stated that the universe was infinite and composed of many worlds, similar to the solar system, indeed in 1584 wrote a treatise on the issue that title: Infine University e mondi ito.
Despite their ideological disputes, its reputation as scholar and broadcaster, poet and philosopher, he used to be known by many major universities. Traveled to various European countries as a lecturer at various universities and giving lectures and writing papers on cosmology, physics, magic and memory. At that time, came to Lutheranism, which looked less intransigent than Calvinism, but also struggled, as he began to exhibit a utopian idea of \u200b\u200bthe possibility of peaceful coexistence of different religions, that in full Catholic-Protestant conflict was not well accepted in Germany which earned him another ban, now the Lutheran Church.
In 1591 he wrote his book " On the Immense and Innumerable ", which again was the subject of the possible existence of other worlds like ours in other solar systems. Apart from this, he believed that the universe is infinite, that God is the soul of the universe and that material things are manifestations of a single principle infinite. He was invited to a Venetian nobleman, Giovanni Moncenigo, who having read his book on the art of memory, I wanted to inquire more than Neapolitan philosopher. It was erected in his private tutor and supporter and helped him to publish many of his writings, so Bruno returned to Italy. In 1592, however, Moncenigo betrayed him for some ideas about magic, which Bruno defended. So without thinking twice, denounced Bruno to the Inquisition who accused him of heresy.
So it was Giordano Bruno in 1592 was brought before the Roman authorities and jailed for over eight years while preparing a process where he was accused of blasphemy, immoral conduct and a heretic. Bruno did not accept such accusations and refused to recant, in a trial led by Romulus Bellarmine, bishop, cardinal inquisitor and the Society of Jesus, the February 8, 1600 was read the sentence where he was declared heretical, unrepentant, stubborn and stubborn. It is said that led to the following sentence to which he judged, "but ye tremble to announce this decision than I receive." He was expelled from the Church and his works were burned in the public square.
Before being executed at the stake a monk gave him a crucifix to kiss him, but Bruno refused, saying he would die as a martyr and his rise with the fire soul to paradise, thus dying a religious freethinker who believed in freedom of religious choice, was burned on a pyre erected in Campo dei Fiori on 17 February 1600.
But if there is an even more remembered by history, this is Galileo Galilei, who was unfairly forced to recant and ostracized. But in reality the case of Galileo, it is somewhat surprising, then was sentenced to assert and defend the earth was the center of the universe and that moved around the sun like other planets in a system.
say strange, because only years earlier had killed another astronomer that was the one who really raised the heliocentric theory, a few decades ago, Nicholas Copernicus. And this it did so based on a forgotten Greek observer and philosopher named Aristarchus of Samos. Interestingly Nicolaus Copernicus, who was afraid to publish his theory and waited almost until the last years of his life to do, never suffered no attacks or religious pressures, and his work, consisting of six volumes, was published with help from others German Lutheran bishop, called Tiedemann Giese and his first volume delivered to Pope Paul III himself, the driver of the Council of Trent
to and the Inquisition in Italy.
Statue of Copernicus, the driver of the heliocentric theory.
Copernicus, who was very religious canon and, linked to Catholicism, wrote this letter to the pope, "Holy Father and, well I can imagine that certain pers onas, aware that this my book On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres, attributed to dust certain movements, I proclaim, supporting those views, should be mocked for my nonsense ... So I was wondering for a long time about whether to publish these written reflections show the motion of the earth, or whether it would better follow the example of the Pythagoreans and others, who were in favor of teaching their philosophical mysteries only to intimates and friends, and do so in writing, but in words as evidenced by the letter of Lysis to Hipparchus. In considering this issue and the fear of ridicule that my new and absurd view could bring me, I almost deterministic aa abandon the project.
Copernicus died in peace, buried in the vicinity of Frombork Cathedral in Poland, where he had served as canon. The pope, who at first did nothing against Copernicus, or against a book, for he thought that the author himself did not believe what he had written. The effects of the writings of Copernicus, however, came later and made a lot of things change between science and Christianity.
For example in the universities in the Protestant side, Copernicus' book had great impact and was the subject of study, at first only for certain select students. Among these students selected was a mathematician named Johannes Kepler, who went on to become one of his most animated supporters.
Johannes Kepler, was born into a Lutheran family and raised and taught in these doctrines, he appreciated their religion and in fact always defended. That although the same Luther was convicted years ago of the Copernican heliocentric theory, and Copernicus had described "upstart astrologer" claiming that " This crazy to invest all the science of astronomy" . But that theory was so logical and visibly proven that nothing could stop it.
On the Catholic side, something similar happened, Copernicus texts were circulating and being studied, but with more stealth, only twenty three years after publication, was born in Pisa, Galileo Galilei, who eventually suffer the consequences of the theory put forward by Copernicus. Galileo was brought up Catholic, in fact for a time lived in a convent of Santa Maria de Vallombrosa in Florence where he received religious training. A Galileo was attracted to the idea of \u200b\u200bjoining the religious life, but his father, a mathematician, he wanted his son to study medicine, retired from the monastery without notice and forbidding back, maybe in his life had a religious deception, which do have that attitude than against the religion but did not Galileo. Thus over time Galilei, decided to study science, becoming an astronomer, philosopher, mathematician and physicist, besides the great inventor and discoverer, for improvements in the telescope, which meant having considered the father of modern astronomy. His contribution to the dissemination of the heliocentric theory of Copernicus, he did have serious problems with the Church.
The problem was that in those days scientific biblical interpretation and still largely reluctant doctors of the Church, who approved or disapproved of what s taught in universities, and wanted to continue so. Were a major contradiction between the Copernican theory and the writings of teachers and parents of the Church and the scriptures. What
base had to find a contradiction between the Bible and science? If it deepens, first be noted that nowhere in scripture are positioned on if the sun and the planets revolve around the earth or the earth revolves around the sun. Just in Genesis says that God ordered two lights to illuminate one day and one night, but it does not indicate whether these would be about this, or vice versa is not mentioned anywhere in the idea that the earth was the center of the universe or planets revolved around him, because not even mentioned. It is true that in Genesis 1:8, speaking of the sky, but the Hebrew expression " Rakiya " Sky release as many Bibles, actually means expansion, giving the idea of \u200b\u200bsomething Extended and expanded outwards and that is where the stars are. It had nothing to do with the sky referring to the ancient Egyptians who believed that stars and other objects in the sky, hanging from a kind of coverage placed by the gods above the earth
The World According performed at the average age
The other case was the story of Joshua 10:12-14 where it mentions that the sun miraculously stopped, some interpret it to this expression supports the idea that the sun revolves around the earth. Apart from the possible explanation que pueda tener ese milagro, en el que no se dice : Dios detuvo el sol, no, sino que simplemente dice que después de la solicitud de Josué, para alargar el día, el sol se quedó inmóvil, por supuesto fue Dios quien tuvo que efectuar tal milagro, pero no se dice como lo hizo, solamente lo que ellos desde su punto de vista vieron. Así que la expresión que hace pensar en que el sol se detiene, lo hace desde el punto de vista del que ve, tal como incluso en la actualidad se habla de salir el sol o ponerse, pues no hay otra manera de expresarlo si lo que queremos expresar, deseamos que lo entiendan nuestro oyentes; así uno ve el sol salir y el sol ponerse, o el sol detenerse como en el caso del milagro. ¿O acaso cuando hablamos dawn and dusk should pretend to say: in the morning the rotation of the earth makes the sun appear in the lift and the next morning where we are the face of the earth where we are placed back to sun? That would be an orthodox way of saying it, but impractical, being much easier and understandable express talking about the rising and setting sun. The scriptures, therefore, not being a book purporting to explain the workings of the universe, no need to use precise technical or scientific terms to refer to certain routine matters, as is talk of sunrise or sunset, just mentioned that using colloquial language. In the story it is not to explain how the solar system, or the universe, but as the day dragged on, making it seemingly had no sunset.
Moreover, when the Bible if you try to explain some natural physical issues or makes a simple but accurate, to the extent that even were hardly surprising because due to the mind or thoughts of the writers themselves. For example, talking about the planet's position in space, says in Job 26: 7: extends north over the empty land suspended over nothingness, in the first sentence using the Hebrew term "Tohu " that basically says the idea of \u200b\u200bwilderness, empty, desert and the second, the expression "Be file" literally means an expressive do anything!, which indicates the absolute nothingness or emptiness incomparable. Contrary to the accepted idea that for centuries the land was on something or that God himself was holding in her arms, a common belief in the medieval period.
Another example is found in Isaiah 40:22 " The globe sits on land " using the Hebrew expression " Kjug " which literally means circle or sphere. For the period in which he wrote the prophetic book of Isaiah, among the wise Greeks and Egyptians, with some exceptions, had established the idea that the earth was flat. He even used terms such as Land's End to refer to points where the sailors would not exceed, for fear of falling into the abyss.
also said talking about the depths of the earth following in Job 28: 5 "From the earth comes the food, but below is stirred as by fire " Making clear reference to the inner glow of Earth's core, something difficult demonstration at that time and place, where the absence of volcanoes did not support such a conclusion. So the scriptures when it comes to explaining physical situations, it does exactly, but if not That is, just use common expressions.
The problem at the time of Galileo, was that the Church and most of the scientific tradition and astronomical time, refused to abandon what for centuries had been teaching, saying the Ptolemaic theory that the planets and the sun , revolved around the earth. It was the Greeks, from Plato through Aristotle, who defended the idea that the earth was the center of the universe. Although there were some dissenters Greek scholars regard the idea of \u200b\u200ba geocentric, Ptolemy, born in the year 100, when they had completed the Apocalypse and the latest apostolic letters of John, was the driving force behind these ideas and the one who embodied in a book that eventually became part of the basic teaching of the philosophers, teachers, and from there to the scholastic and medieval and Renaissance universities. We can therefore conclude that in fact the Church was defending against reason and logic of discovery Copernicus and Galileo evidence for a theory of an astronomer Christian no more than 1500 years ago, used to shield the scriptures, which not even standing, nor did they mention this issue. Interestingly
for several years Galileo himself will continue teaching in Florence, both in schools and universities Aristotelian and Ptolemaic theory of the universe, it is possible that even he could not find conclusive evidence did not reject it categorically. As he was respectful and devoted to his religion, is even invited by the Florentine Academy to present lessons on the manner, place and size of Dante's Inferno. On the other hand the pressure from the authorities respect for education in universities and all the weight he had the church in this area made it difficult to cope with new ideas.
only being able to live a time when Florence and its surroundings, were protected from the presence of the Inquisition, Galileo was able to make from running definitively in favor of Copernicus' theories, especially to be able to demonstrate convincingly that this was right, even improving some details that the Polish astronomer disregarded.
On March 4, 1610, Galileo published his discoveries in Florence in the publication of Sidereus Nuncius, which resulted in his first stellar observations. For him, Jupiter and its satellites are a model of the Solar System. Thanks to them, believes he can prove that the orbits of Aristotle crystal do not exist and that all heavenly bodies do not revolve around the Earth. He also corrects some errors Copernican who claim that all heavenly bodies revolve around the Sun, showing that only the planets.
April 10 of that year, shows the discovery of these stars to the court of Tuscany, with great acceptance. The same month, provides three courses on the subject in Padua, then find another great support in astronomy, Johannes Kepler who offers support to Galileo. But not confirm this German astronomer Galileo discovered through September, thanks to a lens offered by this in person.
Galielo Galilei, famous for being forced by the Inquisition to recant his astronomical discoveries.
The fame of his observations with telescopes that it builds, you do get to have some popularity. Even we know that the April 24, 1611, at the request of Cardinal Bellarmine of Rome, who had brought before the Inquisition to another astronomer Giordano Bruno, for his ideas on other systems, closed an investigation into the findings and writings of Galileo, if the ideas expressed by this are held to the truth. The Roman College, composed of Jesuits, and led by Christofer Clavius, confirmed by Cardinal Bellarmine that Galileo's observations are accurate. However, the sages are saved either to confirm or deny the conclusions made by the Florentines, because they think they would recognize that hitherto was not taught correct. That saves
temporarily being accused of heresy, as well as the writings of Copernicus, are considered throwing guesses without being believed or accepted by the author. The problem is that if Galileo firmly accepted their ideas and conclusions of its work, also the beginning to openly declare all this we had problems, first alone with other teachers, but then also come with the Jesuits, defenders to the death of the Catholic tradition.
In 1612, began a discussion with the Jesuit Christopher Scheiner, a German astronomer, on the subject of sunspots. Scheiner and other famous astronomers of the time defend the immortality of the Sun saying the spots were actually collections of stars between the Sun and Earth. Galileo demonstrates, however, that the spots are on the very surface of the sun, or so close that you can not measure its altitude.
The Dominican Niccolo Lorini, professor of ecclesiastical history in Florence, gave a sermon resolutely opposed to the theory of Earth rotation. And this marks the beginning of religious attacks against Galileo, because apparently used the aforementioned passage in the Book of Joshua, as a weapon against the theological.
On 20 December the same year, a Florentine priest named Caccini very violently attacked Galileo Santa Maria Novella church. While shortly after the January 6, 1612, the Carmelite priest Paolo Foscarini, published a letter trying to positively view the Pythagoreans and of Copernicus on the mobility of the earth, feeling the Copernican system as a physical reality, and starts controversy and even division within the Church, some accepting the Copernican theory and others rejected. The controversy came to Rome, where Cardinal Bellarmine is forced to intervene again, and the April 12, 1612 wrote a letter to another cardinal which unequivocally condemned the heliocentric theory in the absence of a conclusive refutation of the geocentric system, basing his reasoning on the authority of the Church has blessed and accepted that teaching.
A consequence of this Galileo was summoned on 16 February 1616 by the Inquisition for the examination of the propositions of censorship. It is a disaster for him, as it paralyzes much of their projects. The Copernican theory is condemned as "foolish, absurd in philosophy and formally heretical. Copernicus's writings are included in the Catalogue of Prohibited Books, which had established the Council of Trent, the censorship being ratified by the Inquisition and the Pope Paul V. The Galileo is imposed silence and you agree not to disseminate their ideas.
In this context it's like, Galileo was asked to present his thesis, presenting it as a hypothesis and not as a fact, but because the evidence was clear and forceful, he could not deny that reality, ignored the well-meaning advice and insisted on his reasons. That made the whole Church to take over Galileo was only found support at the border Protestants. For example in 1622, in Frankfurt, Galileo's Apology appears written by Tommaso Campanella. A defense that would hinder rather than defend, as Campanella and is condemned for heresy.
But a change of potato softens things blamed for the astronomer, as the August 6, 1622, Cardinal Barberini Matteo is elected pope under the name of Urban VIII. The pope, warrior famous for his appetite, even to mount a fabirc Arms obstenta seems to save some sympathy for the scientist. This was so the February 3, 1623 Galileo received permission to publish his works precisely Saggiatore the new pope. The work is published on 20 October 1623. Galileo somehow becomes the representative of the intellectual rebellion against the Romans in intellectual and scientific conformity imposed by the Jesuits. Years pass and Galileo continues its work and findings under the protection of Urban VIII and the Duke of Tuscany Ferdinand II de 'Medici, and in 1632 published in Florence the dialogue of the Massimi sistemi (Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems), which makes a mockery of the geocentric theories of Ptolemy. Dialogue is both a revolution and a scandal, openly pro-Copernican.
But in Rome Galileo had powerful enemies, mainly among the Jesuits of the Collegio Romano, and Orazio especially Grascci Christopher Steiner, who considered the intellectual branch of the Church, and these may well be those who started the rumor that Pope Urban was in fact, the likable but lackluster Simplicio in the work of Galilei. This was very detrimental to Galileo, as Rome was well known in the huge self-esteem Pope. Moreover, Galileo did not help write his book cited in common language rather than Latin used the time between the scientists, because the Church did not like that works directly reach the common people.
Thus again was faced with the Inquisition, the process was irregular, as though the book had passed the filter of the censors, he was accused of introducing heretical doctrines. But he could not be accused by his writing, as this left in the wrong place for such sensors, the official charge was therefore violate the prohibition of 1616. For those dates
Galileo was extremely ill and exhausted, already had 68 years, so it took to go, well that at that time there was an epidemic of plague in Italy. Although presented medical certificates saying these circumstances, the end of December 1632 was immediately ordered to go willy nilly. That was not his will to delay the trip as evidence that because of the plague, was retained for a period of 42 days to leave Tuscany. Moreover, the treatment received during the process was successful, stay in the rooms of the palace of the Inquisition, and getting all the attention he needed, but it was not any special treatment different from other VIPs and other people of their condition . The process began
with an interrogation on April 9, 1633, where Galileo expressly acknowledges receipt of any order of Cardinal Bellarmine. Moreover, the order appears in a report was not signed by either the Cardinal or by Galileo himself. With flimsy evidence is difficult to make a sentence, so it was ordered to confess, with threats of torture if he does and promises of an otherwise benevolent treatment. Galileo agrees to confess, which takes place in a court appearance on 30 April. Once the confession, there is the conviction on 21 June. The next day, the Roman convent of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva, it is read the sentence, where he was sentenced to life imprisonment and ordered him to renounce his ideas, which makes then. Although according to tradition was after the withdrawal when he said the famous sentence: Eppur si muove, which translated says: And yet it moves!, Although there is no confirmed evidence that this was before the court has said, unless you have done in a low voice, for that inquisitorial tribunal, would not tolerate such a remark, even in the case of an elder. After the abjuration Pope commuted prison to house arrest for life.
The news of that sentence is all over Europe and not indifferent, some philosophers including Descartes, criticized the decision and consider it an evil conspiracy of the Jesuits, in part was right, as were most vocal in rejecting the Copernican thesis. Thus, because of an erroneous application of the scriptures, he did great harm not only to science but to the Bible itself, for centuries after the high-criticism, used the same arguments or the biblical texts that the Church used to attack Copernican theory, but this time to unfairly attack the accuracy or reliability of the scriptures in science.
Some writers of the day including the famous Dan Brown, suggests that Galileo belonged to the Illuminati, something without any historical basis, as the famous astronomer, died in 1642, more than 130 years before the founding of the movement of Adam Weishaupt. And he never wanted to leave their religion, which was willing to renounce his own convictions to not be excommunicated or martyred.
There was another dramatic case also, the Neapolitan astronomer Giordano Bruno, who around 1566, while being trained to become a priest was accused of rejecting images in worship, shortly after having been in Geneva in 1572 abandoned the habits of his approach to Calvinism.

Giordano Bruno, the martyr for claiming among other things, the possible existence of other planetary systems.
Although also had problems with Calvin, who critics say that he had committed at least 20 errors of biblical interpretation. He was tried and imprisoned for up to recant later abandoned Calvinism find not according to intellectual freedom. Later, he taught at the University of Oxford, there and insisted publications against the earth was the center of the universe, defying an acceptance from the time of Aristotle, stated that the universe was infinite and composed of many worlds, similar to the solar system, indeed in 1584 wrote a treatise on the issue that title: Infine University e mondi ito.
Despite their ideological disputes, its reputation as scholar and broadcaster, poet and philosopher, he used to be known by many major universities. Traveled to various European countries as a lecturer at various universities and giving lectures and writing papers on cosmology, physics, magic and memory. At that time, came to Lutheranism, which looked less intransigent than Calvinism, but also struggled, as he began to exhibit a utopian idea of \u200b\u200bthe possibility of peaceful coexistence of different religions, that in full Catholic-Protestant conflict was not well accepted in Germany which earned him another ban, now the Lutheran Church.
In 1591 he wrote his book " On the Immense and Innumerable ", which again was the subject of the possible existence of other worlds like ours in other solar systems. Apart from this, he believed that the universe is infinite, that God is the soul of the universe and that material things are manifestations of a single principle infinite. He was invited to a Venetian nobleman, Giovanni Moncenigo, who having read his book on the art of memory, I wanted to inquire more than Neapolitan philosopher. It was erected in his private tutor and supporter and helped him to publish many of his writings, so Bruno returned to Italy. In 1592, however, Moncenigo betrayed him for some ideas about magic, which Bruno defended. So without thinking twice, denounced Bruno to the Inquisition who accused him of heresy.
So it was Giordano Bruno in 1592 was brought before the Roman authorities and jailed for over eight years while preparing a process where he was accused of blasphemy, immoral conduct and a heretic. Bruno did not accept such accusations and refused to recant, in a trial led by Romulus Bellarmine, bishop, cardinal inquisitor and the Society of Jesus, the February 8, 1600 was read the sentence where he was declared heretical, unrepentant, stubborn and stubborn. It is said that led to the following sentence to which he judged, "but ye tremble to announce this decision than I receive." He was expelled from the Church and his works were burned in the public square.
Before being executed at the stake a monk gave him a crucifix to kiss him, but Bruno refused, saying he would die as a martyr and his rise with the fire soul to paradise, thus dying a religious freethinker who believed in freedom of religious choice, was burned on a pyre erected in Campo dei Fiori on 17 February 1600.
But if there is an even more remembered by history, this is Galileo Galilei, who was unfairly forced to recant and ostracized. But in reality the case of Galileo, it is somewhat surprising, then was sentenced to assert and defend the earth was the center of the universe and that moved around the sun like other planets in a system.
say strange, because only years earlier had killed another astronomer that was the one who really raised the heliocentric theory, a few decades ago, Nicholas Copernicus. And this it did so based on a forgotten Greek observer and philosopher named Aristarchus of Samos. Interestingly Nicolaus Copernicus, who was afraid to publish his theory and waited almost until the last years of his life to do, never suffered no attacks or religious pressures, and his work, consisting of six volumes, was published with help from others German Lutheran bishop, called Tiedemann Giese and his first volume delivered to Pope Paul III himself, the driver of the Council of Trent

Statue of Copernicus, the driver of the heliocentric theory.
Copernicus, who was very religious canon and, linked to Catholicism, wrote this letter to the pope, "Holy Father and, well I can imagine that certain pers onas, aware that this my book On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres, attributed to dust certain movements, I proclaim, supporting those views, should be mocked for my nonsense ... So I was wondering for a long time about whether to publish these written reflections show the motion of the earth, or whether it would better follow the example of the Pythagoreans and others, who were in favor of teaching their philosophical mysteries only to intimates and friends, and do so in writing, but in words as evidenced by the letter of Lysis to Hipparchus. In considering this issue and the fear of ridicule that my new and absurd view could bring me, I almost deterministic aa abandon the project.
Copernicus died in peace, buried in the vicinity of Frombork Cathedral in Poland, where he had served as canon. The pope, who at first did nothing against Copernicus, or against a book, for he thought that the author himself did not believe what he had written. The effects of the writings of Copernicus, however, came later and made a lot of things change between science and Christianity.
For example in the universities in the Protestant side, Copernicus' book had great impact and was the subject of study, at first only for certain select students. Among these students selected was a mathematician named Johannes Kepler, who went on to become one of his most animated supporters.
Johannes Kepler, was born into a Lutheran family and raised and taught in these doctrines, he appreciated their religion and in fact always defended. That although the same Luther was convicted years ago of the Copernican heliocentric theory, and Copernicus had described "upstart astrologer" claiming that " This crazy to invest all the science of astronomy" . But that theory was so logical and visibly proven that nothing could stop it.
On the Catholic side, something similar happened, Copernicus texts were circulating and being studied, but with more stealth, only twenty three years after publication, was born in Pisa, Galileo Galilei, who eventually suffer the consequences of the theory put forward by Copernicus. Galileo was brought up Catholic, in fact for a time lived in a convent of Santa Maria de Vallombrosa in Florence where he received religious training. A Galileo was attracted to the idea of \u200b\u200bjoining the religious life, but his father, a mathematician, he wanted his son to study medicine, retired from the monastery without notice and forbidding back, maybe in his life had a religious deception, which do have that attitude than against the religion but did not Galileo. Thus over time Galilei, decided to study science, becoming an astronomer, philosopher, mathematician and physicist, besides the great inventor and discoverer, for improvements in the telescope, which meant having considered the father of modern astronomy. His contribution to the dissemination of the heliocentric theory of Copernicus, he did have serious problems with the Church.
The problem was that in those days scientific biblical interpretation and still largely reluctant doctors of the Church, who approved or disapproved of what s taught in universities, and wanted to continue so. Were a major contradiction between the Copernican theory and the writings of teachers and parents of the Church and the scriptures. What
base had to find a contradiction between the Bible and science? If it deepens, first be noted that nowhere in scripture are positioned on if the sun and the planets revolve around the earth or the earth revolves around the sun. Just in Genesis says that God ordered two lights to illuminate one day and one night, but it does not indicate whether these would be about this, or vice versa is not mentioned anywhere in the idea that the earth was the center of the universe or planets revolved around him, because not even mentioned. It is true that in Genesis 1:8, speaking of the sky, but the Hebrew expression " Rakiya " Sky release as many Bibles, actually means expansion, giving the idea of \u200b\u200bsomething Extended and expanded outwards and that is where the stars are. It had nothing to do with the sky referring to the ancient Egyptians who believed that stars and other objects in the sky, hanging from a kind of coverage placed by the gods above the earth

The World According performed at the average age
The other case was the story of Joshua 10:12-14 where it mentions that the sun miraculously stopped, some interpret it to this expression supports the idea that the sun revolves around the earth. Apart from the possible explanation que pueda tener ese milagro, en el que no se dice : Dios detuvo el sol, no, sino que simplemente dice que después de la solicitud de Josué, para alargar el día, el sol se quedó inmóvil, por supuesto fue Dios quien tuvo que efectuar tal milagro, pero no se dice como lo hizo, solamente lo que ellos desde su punto de vista vieron. Así que la expresión que hace pensar en que el sol se detiene, lo hace desde el punto de vista del que ve, tal como incluso en la actualidad se habla de salir el sol o ponerse, pues no hay otra manera de expresarlo si lo que queremos expresar, deseamos que lo entiendan nuestro oyentes; así uno ve el sol salir y el sol ponerse, o el sol detenerse como en el caso del milagro. ¿O acaso cuando hablamos dawn and dusk should pretend to say: in the morning the rotation of the earth makes the sun appear in the lift and the next morning where we are the face of the earth where we are placed back to sun? That would be an orthodox way of saying it, but impractical, being much easier and understandable express talking about the rising and setting sun. The scriptures, therefore, not being a book purporting to explain the workings of the universe, no need to use precise technical or scientific terms to refer to certain routine matters, as is talk of sunrise or sunset, just mentioned that using colloquial language. In the story it is not to explain how the solar system, or the universe, but as the day dragged on, making it seemingly had no sunset.
Moreover, when the Bible if you try to explain some natural physical issues or makes a simple but accurate, to the extent that even were hardly surprising because due to the mind or thoughts of the writers themselves. For example, talking about the planet's position in space, says in Job 26: 7: extends north over the empty land suspended over nothingness, in the first sentence using the Hebrew term "Tohu " that basically says the idea of \u200b\u200bwilderness, empty, desert and the second, the expression "Be file" literally means an expressive do anything!, which indicates the absolute nothingness or emptiness incomparable. Contrary to the accepted idea that for centuries the land was on something or that God himself was holding in her arms, a common belief in the medieval period.
Another example is found in Isaiah 40:22 " The globe sits on land " using the Hebrew expression " Kjug " which literally means circle or sphere. For the period in which he wrote the prophetic book of Isaiah, among the wise Greeks and Egyptians, with some exceptions, had established the idea that the earth was flat. He even used terms such as Land's End to refer to points where the sailors would not exceed, for fear of falling into the abyss.
also said talking about the depths of the earth following in Job 28: 5 "From the earth comes the food, but below is stirred as by fire " Making clear reference to the inner glow of Earth's core, something difficult demonstration at that time and place, where the absence of volcanoes did not support such a conclusion. So the scriptures when it comes to explaining physical situations, it does exactly, but if not That is, just use common expressions.
The problem at the time of Galileo, was that the Church and most of the scientific tradition and astronomical time, refused to abandon what for centuries had been teaching, saying the Ptolemaic theory that the planets and the sun , revolved around the earth. It was the Greeks, from Plato through Aristotle, who defended the idea that the earth was the center of the universe. Although there were some dissenters Greek scholars regard the idea of \u200b\u200ba geocentric, Ptolemy, born in the year 100, when they had completed the Apocalypse and the latest apostolic letters of John, was the driving force behind these ideas and the one who embodied in a book that eventually became part of the basic teaching of the philosophers, teachers, and from there to the scholastic and medieval and Renaissance universities. We can therefore conclude that in fact the Church was defending against reason and logic of discovery Copernicus and Galileo evidence for a theory of an astronomer Christian no more than 1500 years ago, used to shield the scriptures, which not even standing, nor did they mention this issue. Interestingly
for several years Galileo himself will continue teaching in Florence, both in schools and universities Aristotelian and Ptolemaic theory of the universe, it is possible that even he could not find conclusive evidence did not reject it categorically. As he was respectful and devoted to his religion, is even invited by the Florentine Academy to present lessons on the manner, place and size of Dante's Inferno. On the other hand the pressure from the authorities respect for education in universities and all the weight he had the church in this area made it difficult to cope with new ideas.
only being able to live a time when Florence and its surroundings, were protected from the presence of the Inquisition, Galileo was able to make from running definitively in favor of Copernicus' theories, especially to be able to demonstrate convincingly that this was right, even improving some details that the Polish astronomer disregarded.
On March 4, 1610, Galileo published his discoveries in Florence in the publication of Sidereus Nuncius, which resulted in his first stellar observations. For him, Jupiter and its satellites are a model of the Solar System. Thanks to them, believes he can prove that the orbits of Aristotle crystal do not exist and that all heavenly bodies do not revolve around the Earth. He also corrects some errors Copernican who claim that all heavenly bodies revolve around the Sun, showing that only the planets.
April 10 of that year, shows the discovery of these stars to the court of Tuscany, with great acceptance. The same month, provides three courses on the subject in Padua, then find another great support in astronomy, Johannes Kepler who offers support to Galileo. But not confirm this German astronomer Galileo discovered through September, thanks to a lens offered by this in person.

Galielo Galilei, famous for being forced by the Inquisition to recant his astronomical discoveries.
The fame of his observations with telescopes that it builds, you do get to have some popularity. Even we know that the April 24, 1611, at the request of Cardinal Bellarmine of Rome, who had brought before the Inquisition to another astronomer Giordano Bruno, for his ideas on other systems, closed an investigation into the findings and writings of Galileo, if the ideas expressed by this are held to the truth. The Roman College, composed of Jesuits, and led by Christofer Clavius, confirmed by Cardinal Bellarmine that Galileo's observations are accurate. However, the sages are saved either to confirm or deny the conclusions made by the Florentines, because they think they would recognize that hitherto was not taught correct. That saves
temporarily being accused of heresy, as well as the writings of Copernicus, are considered throwing guesses without being believed or accepted by the author. The problem is that if Galileo firmly accepted their ideas and conclusions of its work, also the beginning to openly declare all this we had problems, first alone with other teachers, but then also come with the Jesuits, defenders to the death of the Catholic tradition.
In 1612, began a discussion with the Jesuit Christopher Scheiner, a German astronomer, on the subject of sunspots. Scheiner and other famous astronomers of the time defend the immortality of the Sun saying the spots were actually collections of stars between the Sun and Earth. Galileo demonstrates, however, that the spots are on the very surface of the sun, or so close that you can not measure its altitude.
The Dominican Niccolo Lorini, professor of ecclesiastical history in Florence, gave a sermon resolutely opposed to the theory of Earth rotation. And this marks the beginning of religious attacks against Galileo, because apparently used the aforementioned passage in the Book of Joshua, as a weapon against the theological.
On 20 December the same year, a Florentine priest named Caccini very violently attacked Galileo Santa Maria Novella church. While shortly after the January 6, 1612, the Carmelite priest Paolo Foscarini, published a letter trying to positively view the Pythagoreans and of Copernicus on the mobility of the earth, feeling the Copernican system as a physical reality, and starts controversy and even division within the Church, some accepting the Copernican theory and others rejected. The controversy came to Rome, where Cardinal Bellarmine is forced to intervene again, and the April 12, 1612 wrote a letter to another cardinal which unequivocally condemned the heliocentric theory in the absence of a conclusive refutation of the geocentric system, basing his reasoning on the authority of the Church has blessed and accepted that teaching.
A consequence of this Galileo was summoned on 16 February 1616 by the Inquisition for the examination of the propositions of censorship. It is a disaster for him, as it paralyzes much of their projects. The Copernican theory is condemned as "foolish, absurd in philosophy and formally heretical. Copernicus's writings are included in the Catalogue of Prohibited Books, which had established the Council of Trent, the censorship being ratified by the Inquisition and the Pope Paul V. The Galileo is imposed silence and you agree not to disseminate their ideas.
In this context it's like, Galileo was asked to present his thesis, presenting it as a hypothesis and not as a fact, but because the evidence was clear and forceful, he could not deny that reality, ignored the well-meaning advice and insisted on his reasons. That made the whole Church to take over Galileo was only found support at the border Protestants. For example in 1622, in Frankfurt, Galileo's Apology appears written by Tommaso Campanella. A defense that would hinder rather than defend, as Campanella and is condemned for heresy.
But a change of potato softens things blamed for the astronomer, as the August 6, 1622, Cardinal Barberini Matteo is elected pope under the name of Urban VIII. The pope, warrior famous for his appetite, even to mount a fabirc Arms obstenta seems to save some sympathy for the scientist. This was so the February 3, 1623 Galileo received permission to publish his works precisely Saggiatore the new pope. The work is published on 20 October 1623. Galileo somehow becomes the representative of the intellectual rebellion against the Romans in intellectual and scientific conformity imposed by the Jesuits. Years pass and Galileo continues its work and findings under the protection of Urban VIII and the Duke of Tuscany Ferdinand II de 'Medici, and in 1632 published in Florence the dialogue of the Massimi sistemi (Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems), which makes a mockery of the geocentric theories of Ptolemy. Dialogue is both a revolution and a scandal, openly pro-Copernican.
But in Rome Galileo had powerful enemies, mainly among the Jesuits of the Collegio Romano, and Orazio especially Grascci Christopher Steiner, who considered the intellectual branch of the Church, and these may well be those who started the rumor that Pope Urban was in fact, the likable but lackluster Simplicio in the work of Galilei. This was very detrimental to Galileo, as Rome was well known in the huge self-esteem Pope. Moreover, Galileo did not help write his book cited in common language rather than Latin used the time between the scientists, because the Church did not like that works directly reach the common people.
Thus again was faced with the Inquisition, the process was irregular, as though the book had passed the filter of the censors, he was accused of introducing heretical doctrines. But he could not be accused by his writing, as this left in the wrong place for such sensors, the official charge was therefore violate the prohibition of 1616. For those dates
Galileo was extremely ill and exhausted, already had 68 years, so it took to go, well that at that time there was an epidemic of plague in Italy. Although presented medical certificates saying these circumstances, the end of December 1632 was immediately ordered to go willy nilly. That was not his will to delay the trip as evidence that because of the plague, was retained for a period of 42 days to leave Tuscany. Moreover, the treatment received during the process was successful, stay in the rooms of the palace of the Inquisition, and getting all the attention he needed, but it was not any special treatment different from other VIPs and other people of their condition . The process began
with an interrogation on April 9, 1633, where Galileo expressly acknowledges receipt of any order of Cardinal Bellarmine. Moreover, the order appears in a report was not signed by either the Cardinal or by Galileo himself. With flimsy evidence is difficult to make a sentence, so it was ordered to confess, with threats of torture if he does and promises of an otherwise benevolent treatment. Galileo agrees to confess, which takes place in a court appearance on 30 April. Once the confession, there is the conviction on 21 June. The next day, the Roman convent of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva, it is read the sentence, where he was sentenced to life imprisonment and ordered him to renounce his ideas, which makes then. Although according to tradition was after the withdrawal when he said the famous sentence: Eppur si muove, which translated says: And yet it moves!, Although there is no confirmed evidence that this was before the court has said, unless you have done in a low voice, for that inquisitorial tribunal, would not tolerate such a remark, even in the case of an elder. After the abjuration Pope commuted prison to house arrest for life.
The news of that sentence is all over Europe and not indifferent, some philosophers including Descartes, criticized the decision and consider it an evil conspiracy of the Jesuits, in part was right, as were most vocal in rejecting the Copernican thesis. Thus, because of an erroneous application of the scriptures, he did great harm not only to science but to the Bible itself, for centuries after the high-criticism, used the same arguments or the biblical texts that the Church used to attack Copernican theory, but this time to unfairly attack the accuracy or reliability of the scriptures in science.
Some writers of the day including the famous Dan Brown, suggests that Galileo belonged to the Illuminati, something without any historical basis, as the famous astronomer, died in 1642, more than 130 years before the founding of the movement of Adam Weishaupt. And he never wanted to leave their religion, which was willing to renounce his own convictions to not be excommunicated or martyred.
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