: Remember that the Constitution Prevents English government "to cover actions that go beyond the scope of competence management has allocated" so that the City "can not allocate its resources" to the query. -------------------------------------------------
A state newspaper
: WAS A farce in the best tradition of English boy Gender: voted adolescents 16 years and African immigrants, the turnout was very low, the count is made without warranty, and the organization was like a club of friends who were preparing to spend a holiday.
All that said, would be a mistake to just a joke what happened yesterday in Catalonia, where some 700,000 citizens were summoned to the polls in 166 towns to vote on independence from the absolute passivity of the Government of Zapatero, who did nothing to prevent this flagrant illegality. -------------------------------------------------, with final data released by decidim.cat. This means that 192,490 people have voted
sovereigntist A query evidences that wants to be English Catalonia [Source Meneame]
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These crap that happen to those who have no other power there objective to perpetuate the power of the many in Taifa who want to turn this country. I really do not want independence for several reasons, including the following quote, taken from Globedia.
1 .- Catalonia's independence means that being out of Spain would be outside the European Community, this means significant economic setbacks as the loss of subsidies for agriculture and public works. Unemployment.
2 .- Outside the European Union, the Catalan products should pay fees for marketing in Spain and the rest of the EC. This will automatically cost more expensive and therefore cease to be competitive, result in more unemployment. 3 .-
Unable to use the Euro to be outside the EC. Would have to create a new currency. Some speak of "Carodín." I think that they would return to the "stripping", which would have to resort to borrowing abroad. This would mean dramatic increases in taxes and of course the debt that was contracted out mortgages and loans would be multiplied by at least two.
4 .- What would happen to Social Security? Catalonia should create a social system from scratch. Catalan retirees would no longer collect Social Security English and we would see how they would arrange the evening, Montilla, Carod and others to keep these people out of misery that will probably lurking.
All these things are not counted in Catalonia and if someone is able to raise them to a Catalan independence that you are stale tales of English nationalism. It's easy. They can summon if they have it so clear that they give way, declaring themselves independent and see what happens. Do you lack courage or need the money?.
Another fact about what is happening with inquiries:
Barcelona, \u200b\u200bDecember 14, 2009
. The first day (apart from the initial consultation Arenys de Munt, on 13 September) consultations on independence, which was held Sunday in 166 municipalities,
closed with a stake of 27.42%
of the 702,072 who were called to participate
. As you can see I get information and could put some more related to the UN, UNESCO, European Union and other international agencies to evidence the mistreatment of English in his image distorting, manipulating the minds of all Catalans and going against the constitution, some mayors should now receive the full weight of the law by going against of this. You want to partake of it? "You want to put the ass by a group of buddies in love with Franco Nazism etc.?
The letter translated for those who do not know (also entitled but did not apply to the authorities, as expected in any democratic constitutional state) clarifications in bold:
We went to all the neighbors ofOn December 2 we set up the Coordinating MAÇANET DECIDE, election commissions to work, made up of people of the town and the adherent *.
Masanet de la Selva (not all of the official text is written only in Catalan, so it is only for cataloparlantes) and entities to submit the query on the independence of Catalonia("have you informed population is a query that illegal?) to do the February 28, 2010. On 2 December
constitute MAÇANET DECIDEIX Coordinator, elecotrales committees to work, made up of people from town and affiliated entities *.
We ask the residents to vote freely YES or NO BLANK
(or just not vote)
to the question that has been done and what will be done at all visits: CATALUNYA AGREE THAT BECOME RULE OF LAW, independent, democratic
(of democratic, it has absolutely NOTHING to official evidence I refer) AND INTEGRATED SOCIAL THE EUROPEAN UNION? To exercise our right to self-determination, recognized by the United Nations Organization. (yes, true, but its people have reported that participation must be majority? The last vote did not pass the 27% is not enough buddies, is a paltry participation, people do not participate because they believe in the independence and does not believe in dictatorial plans of politicians Catalans)
December 3, 167 towns, villages and cities in Catalonia in the consultation voted in the first round. The next February 28 will touch us, along with many other people, voting in a deepening of direct democracy. We still
a task that involves much work. I ask everyone, neighbors, neighbors and I adhereis entities making proposals to the campaign, volunteering, participating in various committees. And to work together with your financial contribution (there wanted to come, as no) , however small, is welcome, the need. (Of course will need a lot of money if conseguis independence, as will you be on the verge of bankruptcy, make, make little money) (Contributions to the account of the Caixa de Girona 2030 0123 18 3300012391.) Masanet
DECIDED - -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------
If you want to stick, to volunteer or possibility for any consultation, our email is: massanetdecideix @ gmail. com
* AMICS adherent of the FLAME of Canigó ASSOCIACIÓ d'Immigrants of MAÇANET (corrupt association that seeks its own interests, has anyone informed at all immigrants in their language, which leads to this?)
, MAÇANET TENNIS CLUB, band i THEATRE THE Gínjol, AMB Joventut GANES, i Societat de Caçadors the d'HISTORY WORKSHOP MAÇANET.
The original letter for those who do not know English, Catalan great lovers:
We are addressing all of the neighboring Forest Maçanet and organizations to submit questions about the independence of Catalonia will on 28 February 2010.
want to ask neighbors to vote freely YES, NO or blank in the question that has been done and that will all queries: Catalonia to become agrees that the rule of law, independent, democratic and INTEGRATED SOCIAL IN THE EUROPEAN UNION? To exercise our láutodeterminació right, recognized by the Organization of the United Nations.
On December 13, 167 villages, towns and cities throughout Catalonia we vote in the query into the first group. On February 28 we will have next to us, along with many other people, voting in a deepening of direct democracy. We still
a task that involves much work. We ask all residents, neighbors and organizations will join the campaign by making proposals, working there as volunteers, participate in various committees. And co-Work with your financial contribution, however small, will be welcomed, we need. (Contributions to the account La Caixa Girona 2030 0123 18 3300012391.)
----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- If you
adhering , get peer volunteers or any questions, our email is massanetdecideix @ gmail. as adherent
: Macanet de la Selva:
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