Saturday, March 12, 2011

Pediatricians In Markham Ontario

Healing Meditation

Sitting up straight, eyes closed, inhale and exhale to let go of all tension, to forget everything outside and focus on our internal energy, remembering that this moment is to purify and heal our being:


attention to Mother Earth

all the attention, to connect with nature

with water, the wind, with the mountain, with trees.

Breathe in the power of nature

exhale and release, submit it to the earth for its purification

inhale ... exhale ... and loose.

Feel the weight of your body on Mother Earth

lean on it ... breathe ...

give him what is not for you, so do not do well

She has the power to purify.

Dump the palms of your hands to the ground

breathe in, breathe out and give him all discordant energy

breathing, give him all energy constraint, it purifies.

the mother is there to purify, to dissolve, to renew

feel your love ... love ... love transmuting purifier

rests on it, lean on it.

View from your navel chakra

a ray of light down to your root chakra,

opens your roots and light down to the center of the earth

breathe, exhale

and loose, light viewing this connection to the center of the earth

inhale, release.

Let the energy flow

do not hold anything Hold nothing

everything moves, everything flow

breathe, exhale, that all energy flow in your aura

all energies flow into your cells

delivery ... that's

Open your crown

bring your attention to the top, the source, breathe pure white light

full exhale ... feels like your crown, and fill your front

breathe ... exhale

light your shoulders, light as it flows river

a mighty river, wise and loving

that penetrates deep into your auric networks

your etheric field, your physical field

and is clearing, releasing particles, releasing toxins

cells, energy waste in all its forms

breathe and feel this light, this river, this flow

carrying, dragging all of this is not for you

tensions dragging

dragging thoughts

feelings, emotions discordant

fears dragging, dragging ego

softening the heart

defenses loose, let go of the defense mechanisms

leaves go pride, let go of the pain, let go of fear

Feel the light, go down your spine lit your back, your shoulder blades

any stagnant energy is released It is clear, everything flows

light feel ... filling the chest is opened, releasing

energy flows through the chest, the armpits, taking any remaining arms

breathe light from the source exhale and release ... breathe

light opens your heart center

opens ... breathe, lights

light penetrates deep into your soul in your heart

stirring fears, concerns

removing distortions in your template soulmate

karmas removing stagnant

removing all pain in the soul, all lack

be open to the light, breathe , let it flow, let it move

leaves you open, let it clean

Permit, wish, which takes everything that does not serve you

that takes all limiting your soul

open your heart center

The light descends to the solar plexus

loose, let go of tension, release, let go of fears, images

let go of all accumulated in the mind, ideas, concepts, beliefs

all let it go stale belief

structures drop them

allow yourself to recover your flexibility, open-mindedness

open your mind to accept and accommodate to share with other

the structures fail, Soften, energy fits

is like water, the water settles to the runway

allowed to flow in harmony accommodating

is the mind that can not rearrange

release the mind, silence, breathing

that does not disturb your mind inner harmony

Open your solar plexus

let the light pass, the pure river clean that out, you drag, do not resist, give it up, enjoy

is wonderful, enjoy, released jaw

separates the teeth, lips apart, drop, drop your jaw, looser, looser

loose neck, shoulder blades loose, loose stomach

surrender, let go, surrender


column loose hips

The light descends into the belly

flowing through your auric field, for your etheric field, for your physical field

flows through cells and atoms, releasing, breaking scheme, breaking structures

that is ... let go

pure white light that illuminates your tailbone, let go ...

let go of

old, loose it is not for you, release fatigue, loose schemes

release the fears that create patterns

free yourself, Let go, let yourself be free, aligérate

Feel the energy filling the pelvis, filling the hips, thighs

releasing, dissolving the tightness in the action

dissolving slow and stagnant energies

light flows in harmony, powerful, perfect, vital

Light fills your knees, drop your knees, do not resist

light to pass to the open light, the light flowing through the calves

breathe, let go, let go , loose ankles and all the energy trapped in her

softens, softens

chakras are opened at your feet and let go, take a deep breath, exhale and flows

a river flowing through your body, your arms and hands, your legs and feet

a river flowing through your emotions in order, let them go, do not fear them, let them go

a river flowing through your mind, your thoughts, your structures

allows those energies you, be transformed, renew

a river flows in your human power, in your feelings

a river flows in your will, your consciousness

a river flowing in your mind I AM

Go up, go to the light of your presence, go to your master I AM

now receives the flow of your spirit, your energy gets original

Kael, Yael, Iniel, Ofiel Giniel, Aniel ... get, get your pure energy

Illuminating your crown, rearranging your crown, realigning your crown, pure energy of your essence


your front , rearranging your face, realigning your front, renewing your energy

Pure Energy, new in your larynx , open to new, open yourself to the light

new will, a new vision, a new communication, a new light

be open to the new

Open up to new ideas in your school thymus, a new universal love, pure energy

to remember the house, home, the essence

Receive the heart, open your heart, the new energy of your spirit

be new to your field, eternal consciousness to your I AM

receives new information

recode, reschedule, realign, realinéate your supreme being

a new feeling, a fresh joy, light, cheerful, young, light, bright ... get

Let it flow to your solar plexus

let heal, let it fix, let sacred alchemy transforms

all comes back to light, it all comes back to love

everything returns to harmony, everything is back to perfection

flow Let your belly a new creative force

a new engine line your essence, your vocation, your desire to be happy

from the divine to the human in harmony, in perfection

in freedom, complete freedom

obligation ends, we end the slaughter, the effort is over, everything has to be easy

realineate, let a new engine in your womb, connected, aligned, lightweight, free

free from fear, free from duality, separation-free ... free

a new energy to your engine

love, fertility, generator, manifesting

creative love, to create your world on earth in the material

to model your human forms

creator God on earth, God the Creator in the earth

shapes your life according to your human will to the divine aligned

believe in love, believe in life, believe in truth and believe in humility ... creates

allows flow your roots, allowed to anchor in the land, strong, confident, in faith

Lights your root

lights, anchors, are healthy, their matter becomes

creation, desire, will, love is manifested in the form

restore your body, the youth remains in your body, atoms and cells

everything is healthy, everything is regenerated, everything changes

matter is energy , maybe we'll see, but power to the end of the

are the same laws for the subtle or dense ... are the same laws

matter transforms as your creation, according to your human will to the divine now aligned

comándalo, let them, arrange it, ánclate, then root and manifest your divinity in the form

all about in the way is yours, perfection, love, life

... sound ... sound ... sound ... ... restores restores restores ... ... flowing ... flowing ... flowing

Inhale deeply ... and healthy, go to your heart ...

go to your heart and focus, go to your center, focus, alíneate

are in harmony with the universe, with the Christ

Christ event we

love, light, quiet, silence

... and at this stage we invoke:

In the name of the divine presence of God

I am what I am

invoke divine energy emanating from the heart of Shamballa

the light of Shamballa Fire here to expand

radiating Will, radiating wisdom, radiating Divine Love

I am invoking the Great White Brotherhood and all the hierarchy of light

our beloved ascended masters

to expand here Shamballa Fire

to expand here Flame Trina

to expand here the Seven Rays

flow and sky lights

in perfect harmony, in perfect place through us

I Am the order of Shamballa on earth

receiving the lineup, getting the light

order of Shamballa in heaven

I am the large glass of Shamballa Fire

receiving cosmic light of the Great Mother, the great son of great father

realigns everything, everything is renewed, all restarts

in Will, in wisdom and Divine Love

In the name of the divine presence I'm

invoking here

our beloved masters of Blue Fire

flame lit here Will

the divine order, direction, purpose, protection, strength and faith

Blue Ray beloved masters

Sirius beloved Lord, beloved El Morya, Archangel Michael

loved Hercules, Lady Miriam, Santa Amazona


here all the blue light, direction, order, Will purpose in a formal

in each of us in this place, in this work, in our homes, everywhere

cosmic realignment, realignment divine


Am, I Am, I Am

In the name of the presence I'm

The Fire Dorado is on

I'm invoking Fire the great masters of Golden Yellow

GautamaBuddha, Confucius, Lanto, Kuthumi, Maitreya, Soo Shee, Jofiel, Cassiopeia, Lumina

expand, expand, expand

Wisdom, Consciousness, Christ

here We in the church, everywhere, to flow, is impregnated, expand

In the name of the divine presence I'm

be on the Fire Rosa the Divine Love

I'm invocándote cosmic beloved mother

loved Paul the Venetian, beloved Lady Rowena, loved Chamuel

loved Eros and Amora, Orion and Angelica

come, come, come

spill love, love spill, spill love

here, here, in this temple, we

harmony flowing, cohesive power of love

that everything connects, holds everything, that every shape, that all states

says Rosa Fire light in each one of us from the subtle to the dense

in our temple from the subtle to the dense

in our homes from subtle to the dense

in our world from the subtle to the dense

holder love, creative love

In the name of I AM

be on the White Fire

I am beloved Serapis Bey invocándote

I am beloved brotherhood Bey invocándote

Brotherhood of Luxor loved, loved Gabriel, beloved Astrea, loved Purity

expands, expands, expands

master and ascension, and ascension mastery, mastery and ascension

beauty and harmony, inspiration

here in the church in us, in our homes, throughout the land

flows through us, flows through us, flows through us

perception expands, expands the beauty, innocence expands

expands here, here permeates , here expressed

I Am, I Am, I Am

In the name of the presence I'm

be on the Green Ray Crystal here in us, through us

I am invoking the healing light

Hilarion beloved teacher, dear Madam Asclepius, Hygieia loved, loved Hippolytus

dear Lord José Gregorio Hernández, beloved Pallas

truth, healing, light, loved Rafael

come, come, come

light, healing, love

beloved Mary restores restores restores

with your light and your love, your light and your love, your light and your love

regeneration through the initial planning, through the original template

all is restored, everything is healthy, is perfected in truth, in love

expándete, expándete, expándete

permeates the church in us, in our homes, in our world, everywhere

impregnate, truth, life, healing

... and say

In the name of I AM

Be here on the Fuego Gold-Ruby

invocándote I'm loved Angel Micah

invocándote beloved Lady I Am Nothing, dear John the Beloved

beloved teacher Surya, Archangel Uriel, love, grace, Aurora

come, come, come

spill here dreams of love and manifest dreams of love

miracles of light, the gifts of light, the richness of light

the manifestation of the treasures of heaven on earth

the manifestation of divine virtues on earth

for each of us to this place to our homes, for all mankind

rain abundance

a wealth rain

the manifestation of the treasures in heaven on earth

expándanse, soak up, and manifiéstese Marseillaise

In the name of I AM

be on the violet fire transmuting

I'm invocándote beloved master Saint Germain

invocándote beloved mother I am Kwan Yin

beloved Lady Mercedes, beloved Zadquiel and Amethyst, Arcturus and Victoria

come, come, come

Violet Flame spilled here, transmutation, alchemy, magic, ceremonial, light

divine power here in elegance, beauty, poise, in light

diplomacy good relations

diplomacy, good relations

diplomacy, good relations

unity and love in the end, in the light, mercy, forgiveness, compassion

We expand on this place on earth, everywhere

expand in Violet Flame, Violet Flame, Violet Flame

Here are the Seven Rays

beloved Lady Iris down here with your scepter of power and seals, stamps, seals the Seven Rays


inhale, exhale

thank our teachers and angels

energy thank us

energy flows, energy is God, everything is energy ... thanks

appreciate the energy in the temple in our homes and on earth ... thank

The blessing is sealed, the expansion is impregnated

command enacted, say something ... thanks


Little by little we are getting here ...


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