Saturday, February 13, 2010

Writing On Alabama Football Helmet

the Socialist Nazional

The 28F you decide if you want to be a proud TONTOLABA

I have not posteo por motivos de trabajo, pero viendo lo que he visto con mis propios ojos, la verdad no doy crédito, resulta que han vuelto a repartir otro panfleto de esos demagogos que dicen que si Cataluña es independiente, nos doblaran el sueldo, o tendremos el triple de colegios o ¿que se podra hacer un nuevo hospital cada día? pero que cojones estas diciendo pirado, hay que ser verdaderamente idiota para creerse todas esas patrañas infantiles, cuando esta demostrado por entidades internacionales que si Cataluña se volviera independiente seria una hecatombe y un fracaso monumental económico, ¿a quien quieren engañar? claro a los pobres incautos que se creen cualquier cosa como por ejemplo, ayer vi un elefante volando por masanet and people believe it clear.

's really funny, they say they charge more per month € 1000 hahaha, yeah right and I draw the mona lisa a chimpanzee, will pamphleteers, demagogues and hypocrites of all. I think the petty politicians underestimate Catalanists his people believe that we are so stupid to give up their claims, folks! I encourage you not to vote, is the best thing you can do in these cases and give them the pamphlet in his face. A pamphlet which curiously has no link to the website and is signed by anyone, looks are pathetic. On the other hand some things mixed in percentages with outright lies, something like "just in school." Jajajajaja buenisimo is actually the string crap that is said in the propaganda pamphlet.

FYI I tell you this:

We will present a series of historical fallacies Catalan nationalism used to claim their division with the rest of Spain.

1. The Crown of Catalonia-Aragon and Catalonia and Aragon Condederació:

never was such a crown, it is always called the Kingdom of Aragon. Count of Barcelona Ramon Berenguer IV married Petronilla Queen of Aragon never titled King of Catalonia and Aragon. Not only that but Toledo acknowledged vassal of Alfonso VII the Emperor (his brother) who called himself Imperator Hyspaniae. Also by that time there was no Todavía the Catalan number gentilicio Aires.

2. The flag that shares cuatribarrada Aragon, Valencia, Baleares y Cataluña be Catalan:

Despite that Rovira i Virgili dijera: "The Union adopted the Catalan-Aragonese Catalan enseya of four red stripes." is false. The origin of the Aragonese flag. Representaba the royal house of Aragon. The first Aragonese King Alfonso II was to use it. All authors of the medieval Catalan ello between Muntaner llamaron cuatribarrada the flag, the true signal of Aragon. Never told that the shield of Catalonia as fuese DICEN Now the nationalists.

Speaking of flags or Catalan kings do not make any sense. There never was any king or any state Catalan Catalan. The only kings who can speak are the kings of Aragon. The home county of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhich does not represent actual Catalonia because it consisted of more counties, the one realm to which they belonged was that of Aragon.

cuatribarrada also on the flag is the origin of the national flag of Spain. The flag of the Royal Navy under Charles III still white, the other was changed to better distinguish at sea, was thought of the kingdom of Aragon, but not be distinguished either by very narrow bars and in imitation of this widened the stripes and the yellow was double than red.

3. The National Day of Catalonia, Catalan national symbol of resistance against imperialism Castilian.

As Catalan nationalism, "the centralism and the colonizing spirit of Castile to Catalonia has intensified until 1714, during the War of Succession, Castile and France allied vencierona Catalonia, England and Austria." Nothing more false.

Indeed, the September 11, 1714 what happened was the entry of the troops of Felipe V to Barcelona which was under French rule. In the siege involving thousands of Catalans Barcelona integrating the army bourbon. Thousands of Catalans in Barcelona besieged fought for they considered as legitimate English dynasty and "freedom from Spain." This is attested by such nationalist historian Ferran Soldevilla.

Not only that, but a century after the War of the Convention. The Catalans took part with enthusiasm in defense of their religion, their king and their country against the French revolutionaries. In fact you can read in the Diario de Barcelona of October 1, 1792 a Sonnet Catalá celebrating the capture of the town rosellonesa Bellaguarda:

"Vallese, Rossel, the entire French
espanyol value the excesses admires:
already expected to resist, and despair:
and rages against Cel, but raves: it
vol qui cel is that it becomes a Espanya
Rosselló, Navarra and Cerdenya.

4. Cataluña Spain historically opposed and rebelled against her

Well, with the Napoleonic invasion in 1808, the Catalans rose heroically against the French and fought to the death for freedom from Spain. In fact, the heroic defender Zaragoza, Agustina de Aragón, Barcelona parent was Lleida, and actually named Agustina Raimunda Saragossa Doménech. On the other hand, as Catalans were struggling in other parts of Spain, there were also English from other provinces who fought in Catalonia.

5. Catalonia is a nation's history.

contrary, Catalan nationalism had to do with the industrial and economic boom of the second half of the nineteenth century in Catalonia, in addition to the 1898 crisis with the loss of Cuba and the Philippines. See what

said Joan Estelrich , member of the Regionalist League-the party of Prat de la Riba and Cambo-in cuts of 1931 (source: The Catalan nationality, chap. VIII of E. Prat de la Riba )

"What we want is that all English is used to stop considering the Catalan as hostile as it deems authentic English, which it once and forever be known and accepted that the way that we have to be English Catalan (...) is preserving ourselves that we are not one iota desespañolizamos keeping very Catalans, in short, that the guarantee of our very English is very Catalan. Because the opposite is going against nature. And therefore must accustom people to consider the phenomenon of Catalan nationalism, not how an anti-English phenomenon, but as a phenomenon Españolísimo. "

Have clear enough? Right? for more:
Source: ABC : International Newspapers

In last April, the daily Financial Times published an article alleging that the "languages \u200b\u200band dialects" and "extra bureaucracy" that " impose "Catalonia, the Basque Country and Galicia are" inappropriate "for investors. Also questioned the excessive autonomy of the "regional governments." Anglo
Another newspaper, "The Daily Telegraph, addressed last June, the rise of the independence movement in Catalonia in an article accompanied by a striking picture in the which featured a hooded burned a English flag.
But the pioneer in this type of reporting was the weekly "The Economist" in August 2008, warned of "dogmatism language" Catalan and warned that the state of the autonomies "had gone too far." This time the institutional response was immediate, as the piece resulted in a formal protest of the Catalan government, who blamed foreign correspondents to be influenced by the Madrid press.
More recently, The Economist has compared the funding agreement to "Alice in Zapateroland" where "there are regions such as Catalonia, earn more than others. " According to the journalist, "the final rules for funding are largely a result of the Catalan Statute."

You want to know more of the lies of politicians in Catalonia? attempts to solve this TEST:
"Let's count dyads: Since its birth as a political movement, Catalan nationalism has used the manipulation of historical fact in an alibi to serve the" nation building ". It's made of lies and historical deception to the public the foundations of its political program "

Citizens complaint lies about Catalan nationalist myths If a political party openly denounced the Generalitat, is because their arguments are based on truth and rigorous documentation of the socio-cultural panorama of the region of Catalonia, we are not inept and we remain blind to this barbarism. More

The recently approved Catalan statute contains a statement that has been flown for decades by the nationalist parties, which is that Catalonia is a nation. Inclusion has also been endorsed by the government headed by José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero and the PSOE, in an unprecedented performance. Such a statement (which collides head-on with the articles of the Constitution) is based not on the reality of history, but on a historical lie of remarkable dimensions. And that Catalonia is a nation ever believed, but simply part of a nation called Spain.

As late as 1893, Francesc Cambo began the task of preaching the land Catalan in Catalonia. It would be he who, in his memoirs that describe the atmosphere was found.
Taken together, the Catalan was a miserable thing when, in the spring of 1893, I started on my performance (...) organized township tours and the Valles Penedes, where there was some isolated Catalan (...) I do not think we made great achievements: the farmers that we heard did not come to take seriously (...) That was a time when the Catalan had everything the character of a religious sect. It can be said that all knew each other Catalanists.

Cambo's words would be confirmed by Josep Pla, which would add:
the Catalans were very few. Four cats. In each district had about a Catalan, was usually a distinguished man who was reputed to nuts. Francesc
Cambó.Desde then, it was still a peculiar situation described by the two illustrious Catalan taking into account that, according to the principles of nationalism, Catalonia is a nation oppressed by Spain. On the contrary, what they wrote about the situation over a century and Pla Cambo is logical if one considers that in real terms and not mythical, reliable and not liars, the history of Catalonia and the Catalans always been the history of Spain.

course, the Romans, who created the Hispania-term limits always included in the territories of which, already far advanced in the Middle Ages, would Catalonia. Not in vain Tarraco, Tarragona today, was the capital of one of those Spains. The same happened when, shattered the Roman Empire, the Peninsula was established in a domain that crystallized in a Visigothic kingdom of Spain.

significant results, for example, the first capital of the kingdom, with Ataúlfo, was in Barcelona. We know that very soon the capital, with irrefutable logic, he moved to the center of the peninsula, and more specifically to Toledo, but at this point the writers Visigoths, with Isidore of Seville to the head, talk about a nation whose roots called Spain are Roman and Christian and recently arrived Goths. Such a vision is not broke-on the contrary, when the Islamic invasion of 711 smashed the Visigothic kingdom. The kingdom, not Spain, that rushed immediately to the resistance against the invading Muslim.
In an attempt to protect themselves from an attack Islam, the Frankish kings took control of territories to the south of the Pyrenees, which called Marca Hispanica (name, disclosures) and those who became safeguarding area. However, very significant way, the French king were aware that the land that centuries after it was already then Catalonia Spain.

815 in April, shortly after the creation of the county of Barcelona as the separation between the kingdom of the Franks and Muslims Louis the Pious, king of Aquitaine and sovereign Septimania, enacted a provision intended to protect the inhabitants of Barcelona County and other counties subordinates. The text speaks literally of the "English" Juan, Chintila and so on, and, above all, he says something extremely interesting on the inhabitants of what we now call Catalonia
Many English, unable to bear the yoke of the infidels and the cruelties which they exercised on the Christians, have left all their possessions in that country and have come to seek asylum in our Septimania or that part of Spain that we obey. Statue erected
Ramon Berenguer IV in Retirement madrileño.En document-as expected-not the word "Catalonia" and the word "Catalan" because they were ideas still exist, but refers to how the territorial area was part of Spain and its inhabitants were English.

Until 1096 the family of the Counts of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhich remained vassals of the Frankish kingdom, was of foreign origin, and, with the exception of Berenguer III, married Mary, daughter of Cid, long marriages contracted with women from somewhere north of the Pyrenees.
In the year 1137 a Count of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bRamón Berenguer IV broke that tradition followed for centuries by his predecessors, and the princess married Petronilla of Aragon. In this way, the county of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bCatalonia that neither was, nor was a Catalan nation, nor did it claim to be "returned to reintegrate into the reconstruction process of reconquest of Spain, which had been about to disintegrate completely because of the Islamic invasion. And he did it as part of a non-Catalan-Aragonese confederation, as they say the nationalists, although this name never appears in historical sources, but as part of the Crown of Aragon.

That was aware that only Catalonia a part of Spain and not an independent nation is also found in the kings who exercised sovereignty over it. By way of example. When, in 1271, Jaime I left the Council of Lyons, having given the cooperation of its people and its fleet to launch a crusade, said: "Barons, we can leave, but today at least we made it as the honor Spain. " Similarly, he was helping Alfonso X of Castile in the fight against the Moors in Murcia, Jaime I said it was "to save Spain." Similarly, King Pedro III said he had saved the honor of Spain to go to Bordeaux to do battle with Charles of Anjou, keeping his word.

And if this thought the monarchs who ruled, among other territories, about Catalonia, nothing else thought their historians. In the fourteenth century, Catalan Ribera Perpejá Espanña Chronicle wrote, which indicated just how Catalonia was a part of the Spain torn by the Muslim invasion, but eager for reunification. And the great Catalan historian Ramón Muntaner called for a joint policy of the four kings of Spain, who are, he wrote, "a carn d'e d'una sang." None of this can
surprising if one considers that as Catalan as warriors were thrown into battle almogávares screaming Catalonia is not, but "Aragon! Aragon!". Would they have been shouting something else, when Catalonia was but a part of the Crown of Aragon and not an independent nation?
Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa.Por its part, Bernat Desclot, an author whose reading would be more than enough to remove most of the historical lies of Catalan nationalism, has left us rather significant references. For example, referring to the battle of Las Navas de Tolosa (1212) noted, in his Chronicle, which had been involved in that fight "the three kings of Spain, of which one was the king of Aragon."

Similarly, in recounting a trip Count of Barcelona to Germany to meet with the emperor, Desclot reported that it had submitted to His Imperial Majesty, "Lord, I am a knight of Spain." Then, the same count of Barcelona had told the German Empress, "I am an earl of Spain called the Count of Barcelona." Not surprising that the emperor, it tells us Desclot Bernat, told his entourage: "(...) two gentlemen have come from Spain, land of Catalonia. "
No doubt the medieval Catalan-spite of them nationalists, had very clear ideas, and they were not part of an independent nation.

Thereupon repeated again and again not surprising that during the following centuries, Catalonia and the English Catalan deeply felt. Like the rest of the English, participated in the civil war of the early eighteenth century, which some claim falsely representing a Catalan separatist conflict, when it was a dynastic conflict. Defended-with the likes of Casanova, become nationalist icon-not independence of the Catalan nation, but the Bourbon pretender to the Austrian front.
Like the rest of the English, Catalan also resisted the French invaders in the Bruch and the siege of Gerona, and no longer Significantly, one of the most famous English heroines of the war of independence was the Catalan Agustina de Aragón.
Like the rest of the English, Catalan also fought in Morocco in 1859 under the command of a Catalonian named general Prim, and paraded through the streets to the sound of Volunteers, a military march that was played then for the first time.
Like the rest of the English, Catalan also suffered the disaster of 1898. Four of the last 33 Philippine soldiers were Catalans.

Enric Prat de la Riba.Como the rest of the English, in short, experienced the joys and sorrows of the history of Spain, not excluding civil war in 1936, in which both sides participated. No one can forget, for example because Tercio de Montserrat, which, framed in the national army, left his blood, for example, in the battle of the Ebro
not surprising that, as noted Cambo, there were just before him Catalanists , or, as he wrote Pla, the few that existed had a reputation for crazy people. How could anyone believe in nationalism with the historical past? Today, a historical lie so monstrous as that of nationalism aims to close the eyes of the Catalans to the truth. This has led to the slogan of Prat de la Riba:
had to know that we Catalans and not Catalans were just ... This work did not love ... but hatred.

Sad are the words of Prat de la Riba, but can not be branded as false. For decades, the nationalists were inoculated on successive generations of Catalonia that hatred to Spain, a Spain that has been painted as the mother is not common, but as an oppressor, not the trunk that supports the various national branches, but as a hateful and strange tree.
addition, those who have sown hatred were determined to usurp the name of Catalonia, as if it were their exclusive property, and have allowed catalanófobos cross off those who do not share the delusions of nationalism and aspire only that Catalonia is a land in which assault or assaults or those who are not nationalists, in which the Catalan language barrier is not separation but union instrument, in which parents can educate their children at mother tongue, which does not see the rest of Spain as enemies but as brothers and in which the law is the same for all independienteente of whether or not nationalists.
To prevent such lofty goals, to implement nationalism in hundreds of thousands of hearts, Catalan nationalism has had to resort to continuous and systematic use of falsehood, a lie which, among other things, says that Catalonia is a nation.

This text is a version edited the seventh chapter of LIES OF HISTORY, by César Vidal, who has just launched the market's Sphere Books .


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