Thursday, December 24, 2009

Dr. Kanayama Training

Merry Christmas! Masanet

The rich people continue with their langostinitos and the poor continue to eat chicken or rabbit, nothing changes except Masanet some minor work that does not make people have a better quality of life. It is to live abundantly mobsters, Gypsies, Romanians and other scum of society who live by theft and drugs (the council with impunity contributes to the cause), this amino Residencial park of them and some day will come to the fore, why? because it is their life, their future (JAIL). A good people can not deceive us with false giggles, we know they are involved in drugs and theft and anyone who is coupled with that group will be prone to losing face, especially our children. So avoid them, indifference is the best we can do, coexist NO, indifference to feel the hostility of the people and leave a pu .. time, SI.
: Maçanet de la Selva:


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