Greetings to you. I, Kuthumi greet you once again. I have been consulted as follows: Ascend animals? A very interesting topic, right? Some people consider certain animals as sacred, even above themselves. Others regard the animals as a financial tool. Many times animals are tortured, abused, some of them even can go crazy as a result of the cruelty they endure. Other people consider animals as a nuisance, as something that can shoot guns and kill them. While others just see animals as food and take only what they need for their livelihood. But then there are those who fill with great love for their chosen animal. These people feed them, nourish and inclusive, the pampered, emotional and loving, and treat their animals like their own children. A sharp contrast in attitudes between men and women of your planet, are not you? Understand that, in the same measure in which there is the kingdom hominal, there is the animal kingdom. The animals serve the kingdom hominal, as do the mineral and vegetable kingdom. There are some animals that enter the human food chain. They (Animals) come to embody the earth knowing this in advance. Do you think a bird, a cow or a deer, among others, are not aware, perhaps they think they have feelings? You judge that this is because they do not communicate the way you do, that is, speaking a language. Yes, understand that they are able to mourn for shock, fear, or when in pain. They, like you, are flesh, blood, bones and nerves, exactly like you. They also have a form of intelligence. Although she is not at the human level, however, this intelligence does exist in animals. Really, I can assure you that they feel pain, both emotionally and physically. This is the time for humanity to change its attitude towards the animal kingdom, from a position of arrogance toward one of compassion. All beings of Nature serve in the cycles of life, of existence.
For example, look at those animals that come to you sa c your pet, often an animal is chosen or elected by you. As long as there are many species, I will talk about animals like the dog or cat. Many of them come into your life to heal at some level. Generally, in these cases, it is an emotional healing. You will provide food, roof, ie, a safe haven. In return, you receive from these animals, unconditional love and loyalty. Many of you looking to find these qualities in a human relationship, and they can not find. Therefore tend to give much love and affection to your pet, often, this pet is happy to realize they are with you sharing the same room. Many of you make your pet a confidant, and even, sometimes, they have their problems, their worries, their feelings. You may recognize that their pet's look at you with a look very deep, since at that time, the animal understands your emotions, your feelings.
Often, if you sit, your dog will stop or walk towards you, and, if appropriate, support your head on your legs. This gesture of the animal is equivalent to a human embrace. Animals communicate with humans at different levels. The level of understanding of them is bigger than you think. A person's eyes are the gateway to your soul. This very fact is what happens in the case of an animal. Those of you who listen to your souls, surely understand what I'm saying. It is often difficult for you, the love, give them your unconditional love, while an animal, yes I can. In fact, many dogs do domestic.
They have learned that human company is all they care about. In this relationship with you, this is for them, love, peace, is trust. They become beings who devote their devotion to you, with the basic component of loyalty. How many of you who experience a close relationship with another person, could say the same about the devotion and loyalty that person has to you? How many of you may say they love unconditionally? At this time, think about it. With the word "it" I mean, accepting various patterns of conduct of others, whether good or bad. Can you really accept these different patterns of conduct of others, without much problem, no bother, without judging? Can you express to his fellow man, a true unconditional love? Know that a dog can. Yet, you believe that animals have a lower intelligence level than yours. Note that sometimes an animal can be your teacher, your teacher. Even when you are angry, your dog reacts calmly and sits waiting as long as necessary, until you feel your anger, that your discomfort has subsided, before attempting to log back in to your energy field. Apparently, this animal does so without further trial. There are some dogs and cats who touch the lives of people, because they have previously shared a life with them. For a true understanding of this statement, of course, the person must believe with the utmost conviction, on the "reincarnation. In this situation, it is possible that in that previous life, could not complete a stated purpose for it. Then they return to this life, just to complete or experience, something that was missing and could not be fulfilled earlier. Exactly, like two human souls can be recognized each other, just as an animal soul and a human soul can be recognized between them. In that situation, you feel an immediate recognition, perceive a sense consciential to meet the other soul.

Feeling very comfortable between animal soul and a human soul, these animals embody on Earth with a purpose. By the way, there is a saying of "channeling" in this instance comes to mind: "Offer him a house to a homeless animal and street, and he, soon, pay you back with kindness." And after that, continue to say that there is an animal intelligence? I tell you, think again about these your preconceptions wrong, stay quiet and just observe. In that scenario, I have been asked if an animal goes up. What you call up? What do you think happens to an animal that stands? Precisely as in the human experience of life after another, in which the human soul experiences about learning the same way, a pet through the same kind of experience, but it happens to their level of evolution where it is. I say "pet" for a reason, because unlike other animals, they carry a higher vibration than wild animals. Accordingly, to the extent that its vibration rises, they bring more light, more love, and thus, they walk a higher path towards ascension. Thus, domestic animals serve humanity and God, just as humans do. You see my friends and think that the ascent is on learning, the study, to assimilate experiences during this transition by learning this school called Earth. This is the understanding and human understanding, this is human expression. Understand that the rise may not be achieved until you truly feel in your heart, with unconditional love, not judging others, without inflicting harm to another being vivo, either verbally or physically. Do you see these aspects related to the ascension? Do you understand now that there are many levels in the path of ascension? Often, the bonds of union between a man and his pet, become very strong. Both feel that and they both respond with love and tenderness, affection. In many cases, the animal becomes part of the family. Exactly, as you need a healing or a cure-all, your pets in need. By the way, cats and dogs are very intuitive, like horses. They respond strongly to various other energy fields. Likewise, they often absorb negative energies, particularly, their human companions. I do not want to use the word "owner" or "owner" of a pet, since no one can be "owner" or "owner" of another soul. Universal healing energy is of great benefit, since it clean and healthy auric field of an animal, as well as your physical body, exactly, as this energy works in your case. This prolongs the life energy and restore harmony at every level.
Did you know that these pets also reside in higher dimensions, once they cross the barriers of this dimension in which he lives on Earth? Precisely because of this, the souls of these animals have evolved to higher dimensions can manifest itself through a "medium" to express among others, its recognition of the human family with whom they lived during their experience of life on Earth , which reveal their deep love and gratitude, in the same way you do when crossing the barriers of this dimension. All these pets come to Earth with love, and in that dimension than would have been raised, there can be no hint of negativity of any kind. Insofar as you raise your vibrations, will be able to communicate with higher dimensions and even many of you, to raise their vibrations, they can communicate telepathically with their pets. Consequently, very shortly, will be opening for you, other levels of communication with higher dimensions. Stay with the mind and open heart, with all your love. Master Kuthumi
Animal Healing: The Archangel Ariel, the guardian of the animal kingdom comes to you to guide them towards an area of \u200b\u200btenderness and love, where they are able to send healing and love to Earth, on behalf of their pets, both for those who are in the physical realm of Earth, as well as those found on the other side. Communicate, love it and cúrenlas them all that well can be found in all dimensions. Archangel Ariel The Original Message in English released by: Kuthumi School of Wisdom.

http://www.kuthumischool.com/en/teachings/volume8/do_animals_ascend.php Translated by: ROMAN ZAMBRANO Jebner jebzam@entelnet.bo Group "AMETHYST "Master of Saint GermainLa Paz - Bolivia
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