In the early days of Channel 7, where his studies were under the Alvear Palace Hotel, entering the corner of Ayacucho and Posadas in Buenos Aires, many of the artists, entertainers and broadcasters who knew people through film and radio became more famous than they were and some went to the category of public ídolos.Desde beginning part of the entertainment programs, but their drivers ran the risk of encountering unforeseen to air live, they should overcome them with intelligence, quickness and skill. The same was true of the soap operas when a door through which an actor had to leave was deliberately closed as a result of the jokes that used to make both technical and artists testing the resilience of the interpreter to avoid the cardboard in the early cámara.En Channel 7's soap operas are made with two cameras and set designs used very small and occur with some frequency, that one of the two chambers is out of service due to technical problems during transmission, generating excitement and confusion technical director . More than once, any appliance requiring demonstration before the camera in the ads that were live, they would fail by a problem in the same apparatus, for the inability of the speaker or because some joker had desconectado.Entre drivers were able to gain the sympathy of the audience were Juan Carlos Torry, Ignacio de Soroa, Carlos Ginés, Hector Coire, Anibal Dagostino, Brizuela Mendez, Julio Bringuer Ayala, Fito Salinas, Jaime More, Leopoldo Costa, Victor Andrich, Juan José Piñeiro, Jaime Font Saravia and the female group was formed by Nelly Trenti, Isabel Marconi, Gloria Raines, Mendy, Nelly Prince , Raymond Kelly, Paloma Efrain (Blake), Thelma Mendoza, Pinky and probably many more I forget. Each had his moment of glory, may be somewhat exaggerated this expression but somehow learned to win the affection of the public at a time when everything was discovered on television.
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