An attempt to mix traditional Judaism and Christianity
We have seen how the trends toward Christianity looking at the Mosaic Law, it became common from the eighteenth century and especially in the nineteenth. Thus the case of the Puritans, Seventh Day Baptists, the Christadelphians, and Seventh-day Adventists. But were not the only nor the first to show that approach to the Jews. True Zionism has been present in some Christian movements such as the Christadelphians to await the establishment of the Jews in Palestine as part of biblical prophecy, or the early Bible Students (later known as Jehovah's Witnesses), which until the early XX, led them to interpret prophecies regarding the establishment of Israel as a nation literally. Although the latter corrected and better understand the symbolic meaning of these prophecies, there were many who expected a return of the Jews as God's people, through a mass conversion to Christianity. While this conversion is not any, nor has been, in the nineteenth century, There was some movement among some sectors of the Jewish community as a kind of rapprochement to recognize Jesus as the awaited Messiah.
This movement of Jews to Christianity or Christians to Judaism was not in itself new, and in Russia, talks about the Strigolniks, a movement in the fifteenth century, but had a new revival in the nineteenth .
The origin of the Strigolniks is somewhat uncertain, it is said was a result of a Jew named Horie began preaching a mixture of Judaism and Christianity, and had two main followers of his preaching, two Jewish priests, Denis and Alexie, who won a large following. Karp Soon after, an Orthodox exdíacono, joined the Strigolniks, and the highest clergy accused of selling the office of priesthood, and corrupt the church, to the point of grieving the Holy Spirit. He was a very successful propagation of this movement. They were joined by other movements such as Subbotniki Sabbatarian who, since the Orthodox Church, called for a return to the Sabbath holy. Also developed in the same Russian Orthodox, another spiritual movement called Khristovers and Ikonobors (fighters against the icons). Because of persecution many emigrated to England and America, along with some mixed marriages, compounds members of different ideologies.
The origin of the Messianic Jews, though not found in these sources, but in a fully Jewish origin. For centuries, between the different Jewish communities spread the idea of \u200b\u200bwaiting for a Messiah liberating everywhere arose false Messiah or characters that were attributed the title. According to the Jewish Encyclopedia, Messiah 28 different cases have appeared until 1744, and always resulted in disappointment, especially when they were captured or dead, to no avail.
In England, the Jewish community had grown from his return to the island in mid-seventeenth century, and it was there where we find the first Jews who left to wait for a future Messiah, the Jews were reformists who replaced the belief in a personal Messiah, a belief in a messianic age. Thus the messianic hope left to relate to the traditional idea of \u200b\u200ba return of exiles to Zion.
, others are focused on studying the Jesus who was, who did not accept in its day, the true Messiah was coming back now. Thus was born the movement now known as the Messianic Jews. The doctrinal foundation of these is in the following statement: When it pleased the LORD to include us in their restoration plan, we included in the same covenant given to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, which was subsequently established with all the people through Moses. So when the Torah was given to our people Israel in Sinai, the types and symbols in it guided us to the Messiah was to come, and that through him the Gentiles now have access to the covenants and promises of the Eternal . The coming of Messiah was announced from B'reshit (Genesis) 3:15 and its fulfillment is found in the pages of the Brit jadashah (New Testament). However, no aspect of the findings in the Brit Hadashah is, nor can contradict what was stated in the Torah. No statement both Yeshua, or Rav. Shaul (Paul) can not and should not contradict anything stated in the Torah. Therefore, we declare that the Brit Hadashah is the fulfillment of the above by the Lord in His Torah, and not a replacement for this, so do not call "New Testament" but Brit Chadasha or apostolic writings.
This movement, although not homogeneous, it is divided into scores of different groups have in common is accepting Christ and the Old Testament, sometimes in hand, others in full, avoiding sections which attacks the Mosaic law. The origin of this movement revolutionary and very rejected the Jews, goes back to two sources spaced in time and place, but over time merge.
According to the book historian Rabbi Baruch Maoz, "Judaism is not Jewish The first was found in a group of about 40 members of a synagogue in London, from which was formed in mid-century, a group that called itself the congregation of Ben Abraham. From there they went to form other groups like that led by a rabbi named CA CA Schönberger who along with other rabbis, he formed the Hebrew-Christian Alliance of Great Britain in 1866 organized with branches in several European countries and the United Together.
On the other hand, a Hungarian rabbi called Itzaac Lichtenstein, who began writing in the second half of the nineteenth century, leaflets encouraged all Jews to embrace Christianity. Although it was never join any Christian denomination formally, that is never named, but known to have anything to do with the Methodists. A phrase that is often attributed to him is this: "I looked for thorns and roses picked." The context of this phrase, it was his experience in researching for the first time in the New Testament writings. This rabbi became the leading advocate of the movement and is considered by all the different Messianic Jewish congregations scattered throughout the world, as an example of Jewish believer in Jesus.
\u0026lt;---- Itzaac Lichtenstein was born in an Orthodox Jewish home in northern Hungary in 1824. He was educated in a yeshiva and was ordained as a rabbi when they still had not twenty years old. That if you excelled in knowledge and understanding of the scriptures, so he led several Jewish communities in several cities in northern Hungary. Then established as rabbi of the city district Tapia Hungarian Szele, which served for nearly 40 years.
At the time he was employed as a rabbi in the city of Tapia, on one occasion a Jewish school teacher gave him a German Bible that he had, so that Itzaac give him his opinion. To see written on its pages the name Jesus Christ, that outraged much the rabbi and teacher reprimanded for having such a book. However he accepted the gift, perhaps thinking that at least would not be in the hands of some ignorant who let themselves be misled by its contents. So, that Bible was left behind shelves for favorite books did not think to read, remaining there for almost thirty years.
However, an unusual experience in his life, he changed his mind and search again that dusty Bible. It happened in a trial that was held in a nearby town Eslared Tisza, which was deemed a group of Jews, accused of murdering a Christian child to use their blood in ritual sacrifices. It was the first time that similar allegations were hurled against the Jewish community, or last. But in that case, help came from an influential group of Christianized Jews, including a university professor Dr. Franz Delitzsch Leipzig, who stood in defense of the Jews, although it had been rejected by his community to accept Christ or believe in Yeshua, as they know you. Those who call themselves Messianic Jews, exposed the plot and put the spotlight on those who call themselves Christians, were being unfair and slanderous.
That act of courage and sense of justice, attracted wide attention Itzaac because these Christians had come to the defense of the Jews, while not sharing their ideas. That prompted the rabbi to find in the dusty pages of that Bible still kept teaching that Yeshua in which he believed Delitzsch.
While reading those pages, he discovered something new and invigorating for him, because that Jesus was to be, someone who was said, the deliverer of Israel, which will bring peace, redemption and give life. The message of love found in the New Testament, on the other hand we see that many Christians do not actually practice Christianity who claim to defend. A book that was previously closed to him, begins to bring a fresh message, than I had ever heard of Jesus.
During the following years, continued research in the New Testament as we know, no help from anyone, keeping to if that knowledge and new light now made him see things differently. It was in their synagogue, where he began to enact his new teachings. At the beginning of a shadowy way, he spoke of love of neighbor, using the parables of Jesus and the messages contained in the Sermon on the Mount. That elicited astonishment and interest in his listeners, who had never heard that message. Logic on the other hand, for Jews only heard of the Christians, attacking messages, slurs and convictions of the Bible to the Jewish people, that made them think that the Christian Bible that contained only anti-Semitism, the various Christian movements, especially in Europe , enacted.
was just speaking from his synagogue, when Itzaac, two or three years after reading the Gospels, finally took the step of revealing to his listeners the power of its innovative message. True Saturday, when talking about hypocrisy, based on the words of Jesus in Matthew 23:27, which compares whitewashed tombs, the same is motivated to drop the mask that until that time prevented him from stating his true beliefs. After the beautiful presentation, he told his listeners that he had taken that teaching the New Testament and began to speak clearly of Jesus as the true Messiah who had waited and that once ignored. From that time Yeshua openly defended, as he began to call him, was the redeemer of Israel and encouraged everyone to join this movement ce believing Jews. However never encouraged Jews to join any Christian denomination, as the hypocrites and remote thought of true Christianity.
was then decided to write down their ideas, did so in three publications, which caused a stir among the Jewish community, as expected. The effect of these writings, crossed the borders of Hungary and became known throughout Europe. It was all a story that an old and respected Rabbi, still in service, was now calling his people to raise the banner of Jesus and exalt Him as Messiah of Israel.
Of course, the path opened by Itzaac was not going to be roses, because the response of many Jews was harsh insults and accusations against him. From the pulpits and the Jewish press was accused of anathema, but that did not stop in their quest to preach his new understanding, he was convinced that true Judaism was described in the New Covenant.
Much of the Jewish community was confused by the decision of this highly respected teacher to go over to the enemy and that many years, had castigated, abused, discriminated against and humiliated. A few years earlier, just after the experience in the trial of Tisza Eslared, he had shaped his thoughts on all this discord between Christians and Jews in a famous book entitled "Judenspiegel" (Jewish Mirror). In revealing his growing interest in understanding the reasons for such hatred, abuse and cruel insults against the Jewish people on behalf of "Christ." He also stated that there discovered that a few Christians truly believers were able to raise their voice in the midst of this intense indignation against anti-Semitism.
Nevertheless, one could say was a respected person in all areas, both among Jews and among Christians. His contacts with the Methodists are not clear, however, a biography of him appeared in the Methodist Episcopal magazine, The Gospel in all lands, so it is presumed, held a meeting with ministers of the movement, without actually belong to him, he died defending Judaism, but from a somewhat special. But such was the respect he had among many Jews, members of his synagogue, never asked for his resignation, were the pressures that other rabbis forced to leave their synagogue, after forty years of service thus wrote in 1892 as a voluntary resignation: Dear fellow Jews ; I, an honorable rabbi for a period of 40 years, I am now in my old age, treated by my friends as one possessed by an evil spirit, and my enemies as an outcast of society. I have become the butt of ridicule and accusations. But while I live, I will stand on my strong tower. Listen to the words of God, and seek the time when the return to Zion in mercy, and Israel will fill the earth with their songs of joy, "Hosanna to the son of David. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest . "
The persecutions and calumnies thrown then against him, by his former colleagues rabbis, it was so hard, that made him feel hurt and lonely, with so many enemies. His feelings are reflected in a letter he wrote to a friend called David Baron, who belonged to the Hebrew-Christian Alliance Schönberger CA. With the continued close collaboration, so it is accepted purposes of this foundation. And he wrote the following in 1898: My friends ... I do not understand. This is a riddle to them. The one I do not cut my connection with my people, I still frequently visit synagogues and Jewish circles, despite the continuous insult and humiliation. They do not see that it is in this how I get the chance I want to, distributing hundreds of New Testaments and other literature, and thus sowing the holy seed - 'They that sow in tears (Psalm 126:5) ( Letter to D. Baron I. Lichtenstein 1898)
Following the abandonment of his synagogue, he devoted himself to speak in different places, not only in Hungary but throughout Europe. It's funny, yet despite sympathizing with the organization of Baron and Schönberger, was never baptized as such, so he died and was buried in 1909 in a purely Jewish cemetery, although he always considered himself a Christian belief. One of the reasons why who would not take that step, it was noted that too much disunity in Christianity, even in the nascent Christian Judaism, even said on one occasion David Baron, as if it had been a single Hebrew-Christian Church, she would join, but having multiple and conflicting with each other, preferred not to take that step.
After that push I. Lichtenstein, gave the Messianic Jewish movement, more organizations were organized, but as it happened from the beginning, not all bear the same things in common. In some cases, the origin and development of these groups, resulting from its founder claims to have had Yeshua or an angel it sends a message and a particular mission. These are small groups that follow a Jewish leader from preaching this alleged vision among his new belief. In other cases these groups that maintain a closeness with other evangelical Christian movements.
Of course the rejection of idolatry, he departs from the Catholic and the Orthodox Church in their places of worship, very similar the classical synagogues, taught special classes and of course adapted to their special chants Christian idea. Maintain other Jewish traditions such as certain traditional festivals, also abstinence from certain foods such as eating pork, not mixing meat with milk, and avoid eating blood. In addition to the Sabbath rest, which remains sacred to them, also keeps the male circumcision. All this is broadly because there are certain groups that reject certain feasts or common practices of Judaism and accept others. The same is true of the Christian holidays, like Christmas, many Messianic Jews refuse to have pagan roots.
Most Messianic Jews, they use a Bible translation called the Fairy Brit sha in which it has removed the name Jehovah, Yahweh, because as Jews, maintained a tradition of not mentioning the name of God in vain. In the case of Jesus, the name Yeshua. A Fairy Brit sha Bible is known as the New Testament or New Covenant. Apparently this is a collection of Bible translation Peshitta (Syriac Aramaic) Syriac manuscript of the fourth century.
One of the most important differences between some communities and others, deals with the identification of God. For example, there is a community called the Congregation Shema Israel, the community of Jesus Christ and others who defend tooth and nail, the doctrine of the Trinity they call Hasheeloosh Hakadosh. However, others view Jesus as the prophet sent, similar to Moses, that is fully human. Some, like the Messianic renewed, or Beit Shalom, however say that Elohim is God the Father and Yahshua and never claimed to be the same Elohim, even if viewed as a being superior to humans.
Judaism Messianic declined during the world wars, the effect on anti-Semitism in the first half of the century, had an effect of rejecting everything that sounded a Christian. However, the movement was reborn in the 60's of XX century. A major change occurred when Martin Chernoff became the President of the body HCAA 1971-1975. Today there are great Messianic Jewish organizations representing most Messianic synagogues and congregations worldwide, including the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations or UMJC, the International Alliance of Messianic Jews Imja and the International Federation of Messianic Jews IFMJ. They all try to unite all messianic movements, but does not prevent discordant discussions remain within it.
In their training, cataloged UMJC five primary objectives:
* Encourage the establishment and growth of Messianic Jewish Congregations worldwide.
* Be a voice for Messianic Jewish Congregations and Messianic Judaism worldwide.
* Provide a forum for discussion of issues relevant to Messianic Judaism and Messianic Jewish Congregations.
* Assist in the causes of the Jewish people worldwide, mostly in Israel.
* Supporting the education of Messianic Leaders.
That is achieved or not depends on looking for a unification that will be difficult in some cases, particularly over the issue of the Trinity, that the opponents of this doctrine is abominable, while for the accept, they find evidence of them even in Kabbalah and Talmudic writings and other ancient Jewish writings.
Para el año 1993 existían aproximadamente 160.000 partidarios del judaísmo mesiánico en Norteamérica y 350.000 en todo el mudo. Para el 2003, ya había 400 agrupaciones mesiánicas en todo el mundo y en 2008, el número de Mesiánicos en los Estados Unidos fue de alrededor de un cuarto de millón. Sin embargo en Israel, son una minoría, su número apenas llega a los 15.000 miembros. Si bien se trata de miembros del antiguo pueblo escogido de Dios que ahora aceptan el camino que sus antecesores abandonaron al rechazar a Jesús en el primer siglo, no se trata de un renacer del judeocristinismo de ebionitas o nazarenos, o elkesaítas. Tampoco podemos afirmar que sea esta una vuelta original Christianity, since most assumed by accepting doctrines of Christianity of later centuries, until they meet requirements such as openness to the Gentiles, preaching without discrimination and other things to identify the Wheat drowned.
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