words begin this chapter, "many fro", is a collation prophetic conclusions recorded in Daniel 12:4. Many fro, and knowledge will become abundant . Words that many religious movements have been applied to the developments experienced in the period covered by the final decades of the eighteenth century until the late nineteenth century, this period of great spiritual awakening and of great importance and the resurgence of many new movements that seek to scriptural truth hidden for centuries.
Something certainly help this new drive to seek truth, digging into the origins, was the arrival of so-called Bible, which were nothing more than groups sponsored by religious groups, or directly by individual decisions of people who wanted the Bible really come at all. Thus from the outset, the purpose was to form nonprofit corporations and multi-, whose meaning was put into circulation as many Bibles as possible. The first of these, or was the BFBS British and Foreign Bible Society, organized in London in 1804. While in Germany and in 1710 had formed the Biblical Institution of Halle, in order to help in Bible study and translation, also was formed in 1780 Naval and Military Bible Society, the latter, in order to deliver Bibles to soldiers and sailors. But these attempts had failed to reach beyond certain guilds or limited populations.
early nineteenth century, still remains difficult and costly to acquire all translations of the Bible. In fact the birth of the first of these Bible societies, was the result of a striking experience was Thomas Charles, a Methodist preacher, who sold Bibles on demand in Wales. As it was, up came a young woman named Mary Jones, who was looking forward to have her own Bible and to do had made a long journey in search of the holy book. Although the specimens that had Thomas, were reserved, at first refused. However he had no choice but to sell one to this noble woman, for their enthusiasm and eagerness to look, apparently cried and begged for, paying anything for it. This suggested the preacher in great need of Bibles that were in his time and launched a struggle to organize a foundation on which through external grants could publish many Bibles for the benefit of the rural and national levels.
The project came to fruition when Charles Thomas was presented in December 1802, to the Religious Tract Society in London, and was very well received. Another preacher, in this case, the Baptist Joseph Hughes suggested going even further and do it globally. A statement attributed to this is: "Without doubt it would have to form a partnership with this purpose and if we do it for Wales Why not for the empire and the whole world? Thus was born the BFBS. From this, other Bible societies emerged in different countries of Anglo-Saxon world, especially in America, even go so far as India.
turn of the century Bible societies had achieved the Bible were to be published in whole or in part in 567 languages, and by 1928, in 856 languages. In 1938 the figure exceeded one thousand languages, and now the Bible is available in over 2400 languages, some even alphabet and writing were invented to achieve it. In 1946 he took an important step when, in a meeting in England with representatives of the Bible societies of 13 countries, were the United Bible Societies, to coordinate the activities of its members throughout the world.
Another way which is increasingly available in this new century, was printed publications, were numerous magazines, brochures and other regular publications that started out religious at the time, which gave another boost to the dissemination of knowledge and doctrinal development. Many alternative Christianity emerged in this century made use of these means have subscribers coming in very distant from the center of action.
On the other hand, the Pietist movement in some way made part of Protestantism mobilize for greater evangelization. Therefore missionary services were instituted, which led to many missionaries from different Christian denominations to bring their areas until that time impregnable. Many Pacific islands, end East, and Africa, Christianity began to see another very different from the Catholic conquistadors had forced to accept, even becoming the Protestant the first to know.
also be seen in this century, the emergence of several religious movements that have grown to become the most active to this day, managing to reach the most distant planet, with little means and especially without the support of nations or governments, as happened with the major religious movements within Protestantism.
attention should be here as he lived this period the Catholic Church who saw much of the Americas, mostly to the north, fell into the trap of Protestantism in all its branches. Multi-religious emerged there was evidence not only of religious division of Protestantism, but of the Catholic decline and lost influence. So I was determined not to allow other places to the south fell into the same dynamic.
Thus in countries dominated by France, Spain and Portugal, continued the inquisition and cruel persecution of dissent again used again soon banished the Jesuits, who in this century will be restored, to do against this religious revival in the north. But the arrival of the French Revolution and the independence of almost all nations of America, and the consequent zeal of many Christian movements made while the Catholic church has remained a majority in most nations resulting free But in most cases, have not come to have immense power they had in European countries.

Pope Pius IX, known for introducing the papal infallibility, the doctrine of the immaculate conception of Mary, but especially for his fierce opposition to the translation of the Bible
The pope himself was a controversial opposition to the translation of the Bible and this was demonstrated by their views as unfavorable to the Bible societies, as if it were a greater danger than atheism, they wrote in a his encyclicals sent to all countries of its influence: These are the sects clandestine departures from the darkness to the ruin and destruction of church and state, condemned by our predecessors, the Roman Pontiffs, with repeated anathemas his apostolic letter, the which we, with all power, uphold, and command that are observed with all diligence. Such are the wise Societies Bible, which, by renewing the old ways of heretics, cease not to adulterate the meaning of the sacred books and translated into any vulgar language against the most sacred rules of the Church, and performed frequently with false explanations, distributed free of charge, large number of copies, and huge expenditures, the men of any condition, even the toughest, so that, leaving aside the divine tradition, the doctrine of the Fathers and the authority of the Catholic Church, each interpreter to taste what God has revealed, perverting their true meaning and falling into serious errors. In such societies, Gregory XVI, who, without deserving it, we succeeded in office, following the example of predecessors, failed with his apostolic letter, and also the reprove us. ( encyclical Pope Pius IX, November 9, 1846 "Qui pluribus" para 9)
few years later in 1864, in his encyclical Quanta Cura, lists these Bible societies at the level of socialism , communism, secret societies (in clear reference to Freemasonry), and mentions them as pests to be destroyed at all costs.
The pope himself elaborated against the trends that were single or antitrinitarian taking shape and that resurfaced with force in the nineteenth century, and warned against this: not ignorant that are also in our times who, moved by the spirit of Satan and incited by him to reach such wickedness are not afraid to attack the King himself, our Lord Jesus Christ, deny your divinity criminal obscenity. And now we can not but praise you, venerable Brothers, to the best and most well-deserved words, with apostolic zeal as you have never ceased to raise our voice against impiety so great bishop. (Encyclical Quanta Cura parr9)
The Catholic world watched in amazement the advance of ideas, the result of higher biblical research and strongly entrenched doctrines were shaken for years. Not only is the Trinity, but to Hell fire, the immortality of the soul and the separation of church and state, everything is questioned and looked at the lens of biblical research. As also appeared aided by archeology, manuscripts closest to the originals, which were compared by scholars now neutral and aid a better translation and definition of the terms of the Bible. For that reason, the Church was contrary to the advancement of knowledge did in America and threatening to reach everywhere and especially in the area of \u200b\u200bCatholic influence.
it is curious that the text of Daniel 12:4, used as the vanguard of those times, the church tried to change, manipulation that has come up a few decades ago. So while the commonly used Bibles full text reads: And as for you, O Daniel, make secret the words and seal the book until the end of time. Many fro, and knowledge will become abundant . "(T. New World). This last sentence other translations put it: many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall increase (Reina Valera 1989), will be many, and science has multiplied. (Cassiodorus Reina 1865); until many are taught, and knowledge is increased (Translation Kadosh, Messianic Jewish studies); Many will read and increase their knowledge . (Nacar-Colunga). The same idea appears in the King James Version, of Rotherham and other major Protestant English.
But Catholic immobility test, was the fact not only continue to deny freedom of translation of the scriptures, but his attempt to maintain or introduce surreptitiously expureos texts or badly translated, and precisely the text of Daniel , is one of them.
Bibles In Church officials have refused to correct some of his translations, a form expurea of \u200b\u200bDaniel 12:4. So we see a classic way to pour the words of Daniel in the first editions of the Jerusalem Bible: Many walk wandering here and there, and iniquity will grow " (Jerusalem Bible 1976, 1 st and 2 nd edition) or English version of Jünemann who pours it like this: until they have finished raving many and land fills injustice. A difference so substantial that completely changes the meaning of the prophecy as referring that the outcome of the investigation would only bring more violence and lawlessness. But older versions do not include this change so drastically, in fact we have examples like the following: In the version of Torres Amat 1825, transcribed the text as follows: until many are taught, and knowledge is increased.
Why is adultery in later versions of the text, to the point of having a meaning opposite to the original?
Jünemann For the first translator of the Bible in English Catholic America, so in the case of the Old Testament supposedly from the Septuagint. Well then this makes several errors, one was removed some text from sources other than the Greek Septuagint itself. Jünemann uses including the Textus Receptus, which contains several sets of later editions, some of whom are from medieval scribes, mostly monks of the Western World, and other texts in which the error also reported centuries ago by Isaac Newton in 1 John 5:7,8. And the change made in Isaiah 63:9.
According to the authors and the Church itself, the Jerusalem version was the first Catholic version of the Bible that is not limited to translating Latin Vulgate version of Jerome to the vernacular, but that goes to the Greek and Hebrew manuscripts, ultimately delivering high quality work. But what sets manuscripts? In the same adulterated that Jünemann and other copied? Were the Erasmus refused to wear and Newton complained? Interestingly it looks like it was so, since even in the Latin Vulgate text itself points in other directions other than the official Church, and so the Latin phrase: multiplex erit scientia (fold increase in the science or knowledge) . In the Hebrew texts appear more reliable: tarab shu-ra-da bah-ath (knowledge will be increased). Never is the word violence and lawlessness in the oldest manuscripts in the original languages.
There is no official explanation for the subject, or notes in the Bibles above, explaining the reasons for this change, but the passage of time and the weight of the evidence, have made in recent versions Jerusalem Bible itself, was restored in its original text. Arriving late, like many things, like Galileo or forgiveness apology for the excesses of the Inquisition, when they made such acts were gone.
So we can say that if the seventeenth and XVIII, gave rise to large Protestant churches of America, as we saw, Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Congregationalists and many other Anabaptist and Pietist-inspired. In the nineteenth century, began a proliferation of beliefs and the reopening of issues, which until that time were untouchable in Christianity. Issues ranging from the purest style revivals mountains like those made by the Pentecostals, the so-called gifts of the spirit, (miracles, healings, speaking in tongues), around the millenarianism of the early days of Christianity, or questioning immutable doctrines at that time, as the immortal soul, hell fire, or the Trinity.
arise in one century, an amalgam of all ideologies, the result in part to the enhanced release of the scriptures and written numerous studies, translated into English, which previously only connoisseurs of Latin could access.
religious freedom in America was considered an essential part in its formation as a nation, not just in U.S. but in Canada, did not happen in Europe, where it still looked evil or persecuting those who disagreed in most cases had to flee, as we saw it happen with many minorities even in the tolerant Russia at that time, when from the mid-century from different minority ideologies had to leave their land and take refuge in the New World. Thus the number of religions that emerge from what would then mainly in North America and not Europe.
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