"Judgement," engraving by William Blake
One of the most ardent supporters of the ideas of Swedenborg, was the English poet and painter William Blake, born in 1757 , when the visionary scientist, had 69, but still had 20 years to live. It is therefore somewhat mysterious relationship with this young painter, who also claims to have had visions and dreams, then usher in drawings and prints of incredible artistic quality.
Blake, came from a family of so-called dissenters, the name given in England to all dissident Anglican church. In fact, his mother, the former husband of it, belonged to the United Fratum or Moravian Brethren, and it is quite possible that her second husband also belonged to that church. William received the education that was consistent with his doctrine, which is not known is how he came into contact with the writings of Swedenborg, you may out through some meetings that some of his early followers remained in London since 1783. Through a writer named William Sharp, with whom she had a close friendship and working partnership, the group presented the study of the works of Swedenborg, among whom was Philip de Loutherbourg, Richard Cosway, John Flaxman and another close friend of Blake.
From this small study group was established over time, what would be called The Church of New Jerusalem. It is considered the year 1787, as an officer for the establishment of the new religion, fifteen years after Swedenborg's death, but in reality, as saw the seeds were those meetings were the work of Swedenborg the basis of his study, without giving up their religions of origin. But since 1787, he realized how distant were the teachings of Emanuel, so they decided to form separate from its previous practice of religion. This new religious movement proposed that a new revelation was about to replace the corrupt beliefs perpetuated by earlier Christian churches. While Swedenborg
not intend to found a new church, but looked in his writings the idea that a new would have to come, according to their calculations during the human epoch on earth had been several stages where a church was replaced by corruption and pollution of their beliefs and doctrines. Thus, he stated that existed in the beginning, the Adamite, then Noah, the Jewish and the Christian Church. According to Swedenborg told the Christian Church was coming to an end, and according to his followers, with William Blake in the lead, thought that this gap would be covered by the Church of New Jerusalem.
Although not directly attributable to Blake the establishment of the new

Often the works of Blake, referring to spiritual reasons, very close to the images transmitted Swedenborg in his alleged angelic and heavenly visions. On the other hand there were many interested in contact with the spirits, and some founders of the so-called Theosophy, which were also interested in the writings of Swedenborg, but they rather hurt the progress of swendenborgianos true, for because of these often Spiritualists were charged by his detractors, some also relate to the Masonic lodges, which also found interesting writings of the visionary scientist.
William Blake, poet and painter, and one of the originators of the movement called the New Jerusalem Church of
Basically the doctrinal line of the new movement had the following arguments:
"He rejects the creation of nothing human, although it rejects pantheism, the world derives its being from God by contiguity, not continuity.
"The theory of correspondences. The images from the physical to spiritual and physical world of animated things, reflect or correspond to moral and spiritual qualities or ideas.
-Interpretation spirit of the Bible. Based on the correspondence theory, where Swedenborg argued that all Scripture has a literal and spiritual meaning, and claimed that his special mission to reveal the true spiritual meaning of Scripture. For swendenborgianos them, try to give a symbolic interpretation of the Bible.
-A reinterpretation of the doctrine of the Trinity and the Trinity is not three, but three essential principles. Father innermost principle, the ineffable love of God, the Son as the divine wisdom and the Holy Spirit as the divine power. But in reality, are only the beginning of the same divine person, Jesus Christ himself, the understand and take it directly as God.
-Rejection of rescue and teaching the theory of atonement. Thus the death of Christ is a sacrifice to make satisfaction for divine justice, but a triumph over temptation and spiritual evil example of the reconciling power of God by which all men can overcome evil.
-Absolute freedom of personal will in spiritual matters. No one is predetermined to be saved or go to the heavenly life, but each chooses in the land.
-Salvation by faith plus works. Although God is the ultimate source of all the merits and good works, man must choose between cooperating with the power of love and seek God and spiritual health reform through a life of doing good.
-election of all between heaven and hell in the intermediate and transient which is the land, there is a purpose of future life on earth, not the end of the world.
-The continuation of life in the sky, including marital life, the true conjugal love lives in heaven.
"Spiritual realization of the Second Coming and the Last Judgement in 1757, when it is supposed that the doctrine of the New Jerusalem Church was formed. Although this as a church did not become established until decades later. Although Swedenborg actually not see it that way, the thought and spoke of a future distant. In any case members of the General Church of New Jerusalem, awaiting the day that the elimination of all religions today, leaving only the true church, to make way for a new stage.
"Besides not speak of resurrection in the flesh, but always spiritual, but the situation is elected much like a perfect society on earth with beautiful palaces, ideal temperatures, lack of disease, etc.. The liturgy in their churches is based on that of the Anglicans, with reverends, bishops, etc. ..
never have accepted Swedenborgians name, but it is inevitable that identify themselves as such.
The movement came to America in 1784 by James Glen, who is on his way to British Guyana, he stopped in Philadelphia, where he preached the new teaching. A major shipment of Swedenborg's books addressed to him arrived shortly after he was gone and they were sold by auction. Soon, a group of readers was formed in Philadelphia around the family of Francis Bayley, who became the first editor of Swedenborg's Scripture in Latin. In 1792 a society was organized in Baltimore and reorganized by the Rev. John Hargrove in 1798.
albeit slowly due in part to the above reasons, the church was extended by several European countries, even went to African and American land, but in Sweden, a country of origin of Swedenborg, the movement was severely persecuted until the year 1875.
In 1876, at the initiative of a large group of intellectuals who were attracted to the ideas of the visionary scientist, established a teaching academy, where in addition to publicize, translate the writings, secular education for members, ministers are prepared to to become preachers of the New Church.
The problem arose when I had to decide which text had more weight, or the Holy Scriptures, with a story line, which until that time little understood and is needed to understand or " True Christian Religion, "indicating a new path, taking some things and rejecting others.
Or the Bible, reinterpreted, as symbolism, or explanations of " Heaven and Hell "taken literally as an absolute reality eyewitness.
Or the New Testament, which speaks not to add or remove anything, or seek contacts with the Spirits (Galatians 1:6-9) or the "Arcana Caelestia " with its theory of correspondences, longing for a new revelation and open contact with spiritual beings.
In 1890 came a break at the very heart of the Academy, with regard to baptism, consideration as inspired writings of Swedenborg's books and how to lead the new church, a movement that came up today has been the strongest of those arising from the swendenborgianos. So for 1897 under the leadership of Rev. WF Pendleton, formed a new church body that adopted the legal name of General Church of New Jerusalem, is still referred to his organization as "the New Church or the General Church. This led to a new community in Pennsylvania, where more than three thousand people joined the new movement.
Due to the zeal of their leaders and the generous support of leading church members, the Academy grew. Today this includes high school for boys and girls, a primary school and a theological school that trains ministers from every continent and a graduate program in religious studies. During the past decades, the Academy family, including Bryn Athyn College in Pennsylvania as the Academy of the New Church Theological School, has helped turn the movement into a global community. Students from around the world have come to Bryn Athyn to study the arts and sciences in the light of New Church teachings and of course following Swedenborg's texts as sacred.
The church now has a presence in more countries in the world, including Brazil, Japan, Korea, China, Ghana, Kenya, Ivory Coast Russia, Spain and Czech Republic. Where efforts are aimed at translating the Scriptures of Swedenborg in several other languages \u200b\u200blike English, French, Russian, Chinese, Korean, and Zulu. At the same time, new centers for theological education are being established worldwide. In South Africa the increase has been greater, it is believed that more than half of all members residing there.
Famous writers and philosophers of the world have expressed their fascination with the writings of Swedenborg, including the famous deaf-blind lecturer, Helen Keller, who said, in tribute to the work of Swedish scientist: "True Christianity still flooded the world as the ocean, that overwhelm, submerge and regenerate mankind. No barrier built warships, troops and fortifications remain in bringing these mighty waters. "It was and a recognition of the prophecies of the Swedish lit, with respect to the advent of the new religion, though some say it is already here.
Another striking support came from the famous Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges, who often wrote and lectured praising the work of Swedenborg. Borges A striking comment about the figure of Swedenborg was: Emanuel Swedenborg If it had intended to cheat, there would resorted to the anonymous publication of much of his work, as it did in the nine volumes of his Arcana Caelestia, who renounce the authority under a name already distinguished. We know that the dialogue did not seek to proselytize. In the manner of Emerson and Walt Whitman, he believed that the arguments do not persuade anyone and simply stating a truth that will enable partners to accept it. Always shied away from controversy. In his entire work does not find a single syllogism, there is but smooth and quiet claims. I refer, of course, his mystical treatises ...... I have it for me stating that the opinion is certainly unorthodox, a mere man of letters, not a researcher or a theologian Swedenborg, like Spinoza or Francis Bacon, was a thinker on their own (in His own right) who made an awkward mistake when he decided to bring their ideas to the framework of the two Testaments. The same thing had happened to the Jewish Kabbalists, which essentially were Neoplatonists when invoked the authority of the verses, words and even letters and transpositions of letters, from Genesis to justify the system.
This contradiction shows that all are in the person of Emanuel Swedenborg, first praising his way of explaining things, to express their ideas, but also wary of him, for his audacity to present himself as a lighted was privileged to communicate with angels and yet never wanted to become enlightened leader of a group of followers, but their knowledge, even putting everything in writing as stated as being that of a treaty or thesis research. The comparison with the Kabbalists, to give each word to a symbolic interpretation of the Old Testament have anything to do with the method of Swedenborg, to give symbolic to all parts of the Bible that contradict its principles, to make them consistent with these.
Many others have used the beliefs of Swedenborg, but no mention, even some of the new modern religions have taken at face value scientific explanations Swedish about life on other worlds, the theory of correspondences and other beliefs semiesotericas and have taken over.
other hand, has nothing to do with the swendenborgianos, the New Jerusalem Church of Atlanta, an evangelist church seal. Nor is there the call in a Swedenborgian Rite Masonic lodge, it means that this would end. Neither that theosophy, and anthroposophy scientism, citing some ideas of this or drink from his writings misrepresenting the substance and content of your household, this means that they originate from Swedenborg. But the fact is that it itself is attributed to divine inspiration in his writings, sooner or later get mimic many other inspirations and methods.
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