as explained in the chapter on the movement of the Saints of the past few days, they regard as sacred scripture, besides the Bible, the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price . In this chapter we highlight a few quotes and phrases from these texts, we shed light on its origin and show the reality of whether or not they were inspired.
As with other books considered sacred in the past, among others, the numerous Gnostic books, the multiplication of apocryphal gospels and apostolic letters of second and third centuries, including the Koran of the Muslims, they all tend to found his style and forms in the biblical texts, perhaps to give them a more mystical tone or inspired, in almost all cases, it is possible, quote verbatim from her to relate to her. In any case, all these religious texts as we have seen have proven to be distortions and manipulations of the Bible intentionally prepared for certain purposes or adapted to other cultures, where the Koran.
In what has to do with the Book of Mormon, something similar happens, is given a tone and a format similar to the Bible, in fact found in about 27000 sentences copied verbatim from scriptures, both Old and New Testament, though awarded to characters and different periods. But then to be compared with scripture, leaving many holes and gaps, both in time and in details, names and other uses, things that reveal their origin, long after the alleged and casts doubt on their sources of inspiration. ;
Most other Christian groups, the time that Smith movement emerged, fully rejected the book of Mormon and other texts all Mormons. Some did so based on the advice that the apostle Paul wrote back in 52 to the Galatians that says, I marvel turn away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, for different gospel which is not another gospel, but there are some who trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than that which we preached to you, let him be accursed ! 9 Under we have said, and around again to say: If any man preach a gospel other than what you received, let him be accursed! (Galatians 1:6-9)
This text remains a stumbling block to the acceptance of these writings that deviate from the biblical canon. Mormons often defended on the grounds that according to this advice, all subsequent letters of Paul himself, the Gospels of Mark and John, which were written later year 52, should not be regarded as of divine inspiration. And the Apocalypse, which was an angelic message to the aged apostle John, also could be considered as part of the scriptures. But unlike the book of Mormon, the other letters and gospels after the letter to the Galatians, in no way were in opposition or contradiction to what is written until then. On the other hand in defense of the Apocalypse, this was given to one of the apostles, John not to any upstart who was proclaimed prophet, John himself was not considered and the same prophet, but merely a receiver of messages and visions.
Indeed, the key was not the time to write, the apostle Paul recognized that even for those first decades, Christianity needed more, it was in its infancy and all other letters and gospels were necessary , but come a time to be completed and no more missing. Speaking of which acknowledged that: Love never concluded. If it is the gift of prophecy, they will eventually, if language, cease, if knowledge, it will end. Because our knowledge is incomplete and imperfect our gift of prophecy, but when completeness comes, the partial will pass away. When I was a child, I spake as a child, I felt as a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, finished with childish things. For now we see through a mirror dimly, then face to face. Now I know imperfectly, then I shall know fully, with perfection with which I am known. But now there are faith, hope, love: these three virtues. And the greatest of these is love. ( 1 Corinthians 13:8-13)
As to when it was completed they had partial knowledge, there are several interpretations to this. Those were the Christians of the early centuries was that Paul was referring to complete the scripts, which took place when the last of the living apostles, wrote the Apocalypse. Argues the warnings about apostasy that would come after his death the last of these, it is seen by what was written in the Epistle to the Thessalonians of the century, where it says: "Let no one deceive mode one, because before the apostasy has come and has to receive the man of iniquity, the doomed, the adversary .(...) Do you not remember that, while still with you, I told you this already? You know very well what he now holds, preventing its onset until its time. Really the mystery of iniquity is already at work, only that now need to retain what is out of the way. "(2 Thessalonians 2:3,5-7)
Thus, we concluded that, after death visible the last living witnesses of Jesus, daily beginning the period known as apostasy, which had its onset final at the end of the third century, a period not recognized by Catholics, but by most other Christian movements, including the Mormons.
But it is possible that Mormons interpret this text as his writings are the perfect supplement or that knowledge that Paul mentioned in Galatians. In any case, the full knowledge that the scriptures could not be in contradiction with the other party, otherwise not completed or complement, but to supplant. The books considered canonical, since the second century were accepted as inspired, have a relationship of harmony and a combination that makes it complete, others and only the most posterior contradict the override.
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Manuscript orignial Joseph Smith |
Thus, it should be clear that what the apostle warned in writing to the Galatians, was one of those revelations that were against which enveloped the base of Christianity or contradict the basic truths of Scripture. So why were rejected all the Gnostic writings, which boasted a special knowledge or gnosis, but containing fables and legends, wholly unconnected to the scriptures. It is true, then based on a same canonical scriptures, there have been endless contradictory doctrines in another endless groups called Christians, but it goes further by addition of traditions in the study and interpretation of these.
But when we tried for allegedly inspired other books, written mostly in the second century, as the Gnostic texts, is some interest in disguise or misrepresent the true and original inspired writings, these texts often supplanted names apostles (see Apocalypse of Peter, Apocalypse of James or Paul), who falsely attributed the development to not reveal their true meaning and purpose. Or on other occasions in the Gospels were invented and mixed including astrology, Jewish traditions, Egyptian and other non-Jesus Christ himself attributing words and expressions that never said. It was also common among the Gnostics, including prophetic words of the old characters such as Adam, Shem, Melchizedek and others, who never played that role. In the case of Adam is a kind of obsession to show that he was pardoned, justified or acquitted of their sins, even sanctified. Or in others you are the victim of a cruel God and manipulative. (See chap. Related to the Gnostics). Obviously this goes against everything that Christians received as good news, and therefore should reject it and they did mostly.
In the case of the Koran, is an angel, mentioned in the Bible as Gabriel, who is said to be put contact with Muhammad and thus is a new revelation. And the resulting text in the form of chants or suras, contains a number of lessons for the most part opposed to Biblical scripture, and on the other side making many appointments Gnostic texts. This, as already considered in the chapter on Islam, shown in a way its source. Interestingly, in this case that, as with the Gnostics, again, the figure Adam appears as a saint, prophet and someone acceptable to God.
Now 1200 years after Muhammad, is presented Joseph Smith, who claims to have received from other heavenly angel named Moroni, also a revelation. There would be less and again gives us a different understanding Biblical scripture, starting from Genesis, through the teaching of Moses and the life and message of Christ. In this first point, for example, to treat the case of Adam, one of the books in the Book of Mormon, 2 Nephi, justifies the fall of Adam as follows: For, behold, if Adam did not had transgressed he would not have fallen, but would have remained in the garden of Eden. And all the things which were created must have remained in the same state in which they found after being created, and have remained forever, without end. And they would have had children, therefore, have remained in a state of innocence, no joy, they knew no misery doing no good, they knew no sin. Adam fell that men might, and men are to have joy. (2 Nephi 2:22,23 )
This amounts to saying that because Adam sinned, humanity came into existence, which means that it was part of the purpose of God that Adam fell into sin. Very different is the idea that Genesis gives us, which from the beginning, according to the story, to be created given an order, " Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue . The own translation of Genesis that Joseph Smith was based on King James, also mentions that. (See Genesis 1:28-30 ).
more in line with the Book of Mormon are these words taken from the apocryphal Book of John secret, written in the late second century, which also procreation is justified by the fall of Adam, not God's purpose: To date, the coupling has persisted since the first ruling. He planted the lust for reproduction of the woman who was with Adam. Through the first intercourse was governing bodies duplicates, and breathed into them part of his mind otherwise. "He put these two leaders on the elements, so they could rule over the tomb body. "When Adam knew what his own prior knowledge was a child as the Scion Site. He called Set, like the stem of the eternal realms. ( Secret Book of John 13:12-15)
Again we see that the sexual relationship with Eva, it seems that was the sin that gave birth to humanity. But at least this Gnostic text, supported by more than one occasion that he says is contrary to what Moses wrote in Genesis, admits to being a revelation opposite. It is not the case in the book of Mormon is supposed supplements biblical scriptures. But coping with these stresses in a sinuous, but outright. So, on another occasion, in another of the sacred texts of Mormonism, a kind of second exhibition of Genesis of Moses, written by Joseph Smith in 1830, and included in the Pearl of Great Price says the following: And Adam heard the voice of God, and exhorted his sons to repent. And Adam knew his wife again, which gave birth to a son and named him Seth. And Adam glorified the name of God, because he said God has appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain killed. Adam declared this prophecy to be inspired by the Holy Spirit, and kept a genealogy of the sons of God. And this was the book of the generations of Adam, saying: The day that God created man, like God did, ( La Perla, Moses 6:1,2,8 )
is easy to conclude that Adam as shown here seem to enjoy divine sanction to be used and inspired by God to proclaim divine messages. More consistent than the Bible, that the foregoing is with the Koran, when he says that Adam had special knowledge and superior to the angels: Adam Tell them their names! "When they were informed of their names, said:" I told you not know the unseen of the heavens and the earth and I know what you reveal and what ye hide? "( Sura 2: 33 )
Following this idea of \u200b\u200bAdam inspired and justified by God, we are given another appointment that goes further to ensure the following to explain the unnecessary infant baptism but by the way, reversing the biblical idea of \u200b\u200binherited sin, when he says: And our father Adam spake unto the Lord, and said: Why men need to repent and be baptized in water? And the Lord said, Behold, I have forgiven thee thy transgression in the Garden of Eden. From there it spread among the people of the saying: That the Son of God hath atoned for original guilt, so that the sins of parents can not fall on the heads of children, because they are whole from the foundation of the world. And the Lord spoke to Adam, saying, "Because your children are conceived in sin, just as, when they start growing, sin is born in their hearts, and they taste bitter to learn to appreciate the good. And he is given to discern good from evil, so that they are their own agents and other law and order I have given. Wherefore teach it unto your children, it is necessary for all men everywhere to repent, or in any manner shall inherit the kingdom of God, for no unclean thing can dwell there, or dwell in his presence, for in the language of Adam, his name is Man of Holiness, and the name of his Only Begotten is the Son of Man, even Jesus Christ, a righteous Judge who will come in the meridian of time. ( The Pearl of Great Price, Moses 6:53-55)
However the Bible never mentions Adam as a prophet, nor sorry, nor acceptable to God, is what gives the example of failure and guilty of the sinful situation and of course the fall unrelated to offspring.
According to Smith, this way of explaining the Genesis was inspired, but the contradictions facing the Genesis of the Bible and the similarities between this story and the Gnostic texts as the Secret Book of John and the Qur'an: Sura 2, are striking. In the same way that Muhammad had knowledge of Gnostic notions, it seems Smith, reached the same understanding, perhaps even by the same means.
any case, the similarity of this text not only to these writings, but also with others closer in time. So the idea embodied in the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg Scientific lit, the vastness and variety of worlds, is also found in the writings Mormons. For example take the statement made by the visionary scientist about it, other creations out of the ground, where according to this, living creatures that provided the source of spiritual beings: In the afterlife is well known that there are several lands and in them men and, from these, spirits and angels, for there, to anyone who wishes for the sake of truth and therefore the utility is allowed to talk to spirits of other lands, so convinced of the plurality of worlds and learn that mankind does not come from one land but many lands. ( The sky and its wonders, Swedenborg 43:416)
Notice now what he wrote Smith in the same book of Moses: I created worlds, and I created for my own sake; and through the Son, which is mine Only Begotten, I've created. And the first man of all men have called Adam, who is many. But only give you an account of this earth and its inhabitants. For behold, there are many worlds by the word of my power have ceased to be. And there are many that exist today, and innumerable are the man, but for me all things are numbered, because they are mine and I know. ( La Perla, Moses 1:33-35 )
The idea of \u200b\u200bother worlds, inhabited and ruled by angels, as we see was not new, came somewhat from the statements of Swedenborg, however, Smith developed to the extent of hinting that there gods or beings who ruled certain constellations or universes. Among these, the same operator which is assigned specific ua star:
And I, Abraham, had the Urim and Thummim, which the Lord my God had given me in Ur of the Chaldeans, and saw the stars, and they were very large, and one of them was nearest unto the throne of God, and there were many great ones which were near and the Lord told me: These are the governing, and the name of the elder is Kolob, because it is near me, for I am the Lord thy God I have put this one to govern all those belonging to the same order as that on which you are. ( Pearl of Great Price, Abraham 3:1-3)
The explanation given to this strange image of God living in a star or planet called Kolob, the less striking results. Kolob first name that appears in no astronomical study, and catalog or constellations of stars, they say Mormons have gone from being the solar system, a state that is at the center of the galaxy. Brigham Young, said concerning this place called Kolob and land as follows: When the earth was formed and brought into existence and man was placed on it, came close to our Father in heaven. And when the man fell. . . the earth fell into space, and took his place in this planetary system, and the sun became our light '( JD 17:143 )
As happened with the Koran of the Muslims, the Book of Mormon and the Pearl of Great Price fall into historical errors and mix of characters, which leave much to be desired for reliability. We have the text of La Perla, cited above where we talk about the use of Urim and Thummim by Abraham, long before these lots there or make mention of them in the Bible, therefore, the texts Smith does not appear to fit well the times.
Another example of this is in the book of 2 Nephi, who says on one side than on American soil began to build precious metals, and immediately ensure that there was nothing in those lands, see: And taught my people to build buildings and work with all types of wood and iron, and copper, bronze, and steel, and gold and silver and precious minerals that were in great abundance. And I, Nephi built as a temple, and built on the model of Solomon's temple, but it was not built of so many precious materials, as there were in that land, therefore, could not build as the temple of Solomon. But the manner of its construction was similar to the temple of Solomon, and his work was very beautiful. (2 Nephi 5:15,16)
Interestingly, according to the Bible, for construction and decoration of the temple of Solomon, was used: Wood, iron, copper, gold, silver. The same minerals as the first book of Nephi and claims to have handled in the following verse says that there were in those lands. It is striking the other hand, the mention of the steel, which was developed as we know it until 1740, through the procedure of the clockmaker Benjamin Huntsman.Es smelter may or inspirational writer of the book of 2 Nephi, ignorant of the constitution Temple of Solomon, and also inadvertently introduced early steel.
More complicated to understand is the following story, taken from the book of Mosiah, which speaks of a king Nephite named Noah, where non-Israelite names are mixed, as was the case of the name Noah, other than if you were . But the quote is also attractive because of details such as vines, drunk and high towers, vaguely reminiscent of other stories and precedent. The account in question says: It happened that king Noah built many elegant and spacious buildings, and decorated with fine wood work, and all manner of precious things, gold and silver, iron, bronze, Ziff and copper. And he also built himself a large palace and a throne in between, all of which was of fine wood, and was adorned with gold and silver and precious things. (...) And it came to built a tower near the temple, yes, a very tall tower, so high from the top so I could see the land of Shilom, and Shemlon land, held by the Lamanites, and even I could see all the surrounding region. It happened that he built many buildings in the land of Shilom, and made a great tower was built on the hill which was north of the land of Shilom, which had been a refuge for the people of Nephi when they fled the land , and did this with the wealth obtained by the taxes of his people. It happened that he gave his heart of their wealth, and spent time in living wild with their wives and concubines, and also his priests spend their time with harlots. And it came to plant vineyards in various parts of the country and built wineries and made wine in abundance, therefore, became a drunkard, and so did his people. ( Book of Mosiah 11:9-15).
Besides the curious parallel of the Biblical Noah's drunkenness, that one, the very fact that vines and grapes are mentioned at the time and area, presumably between 127 and 147 BCE, it sounds suspect not accord with reality. It is known that the grape was to America by English settlers after the fifteenth century. And it was only in the lowlands of North and South America, where the fruit flourished. It is therefore an inconsistency or error due to ignorance of the author, which mentions that fruit, however they were descendants of Israel, had spent many years to remember who were the vines and grapes. As is the case with other fruit mentioned in the Book of Mormon, fig. Supposedly when Jesus came to visit the Lamanites in the new world, began to teach, things like that showed when he was in Israel, and used the same illustrations, as if those people were familiar with that, let's see: By their fruits you shall know them. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? (3rd Nephi 14:16 ).... And pass that Jesus commanded his disciples to bring him bread and wine. And while they went to bring the bread and wine, he commanded the multitude to sit on the floor. And when the disciples had come with bread and wine, took bread and broke it and blessed it, and gave the disciples and told them to eat. ( 3rd Book of Nephi 18:1-3)
If this was put as a quote from the gospel, and not words that Jesus spoke to the inhabitants of North America in the year 34 EC, would have been better, but Jesus, who always emphasized by using metaphors or illustrations appropriate to matters considered by the inhabitants of the area where he preached, now there is no reference corn or other fruit typical of that area. Then it comes to wine, drink that they should not be common, except that referred to a sugar cane liquor or corn. Why would use a fruit that people were unknown? In fact it is known that early in the New World figs were planted in Mexico in 1560. And it was not introduced in the U.S., especially in California, until the time when the Catholic Mission of San Diego was established in 1769.
On the other hand, draws attention to some names of characters in the book, highlights the case of Timothy It happened in the morning, when the crowd was assembled, behold, Nephi and his brother , whom he had raised from the dead, whose name was Timothy, as also his son, whose name was Jonas, and also Mathoni and Matoníah, his brother and Kumen and Kumenoni, and Jeremiah, and Shemnón and Jonas, and Zedekiah, and Isaiah - and these were the names of the disciples whom Jesus had chosen - and pass that moved and placed in the middle of the crowd. ( 3Nefi 19:4)
It is true that the name Timothy in the Bible, but in the New Testament, not as a Jewish name, but Greek, meaning "honoring theos" (God). Maybe the writer thought that as the story told in book 3Nefí was the time he lived also Timothy Bible, it makes sense to place there. But he made the mistake of not realizing that Timothy was the son of a Greek and therefore hardly an Israelite away from Greco-Roman influence, after six hundred years in the Americas will put his son a Greek name.
Another issue that reveals an ignorance of the biblical story inspired by the Book of Mormon is what it tells about the mysterious Jaredites, which the book of Ether, came from the descendants of the inhabitants of Babel, and that the Lamanites are much after coming to America, it says about them: Jared And that came from the great tower with his brother and their families, and some others and their families, at the time that the Lord confused the language of the people, and swore in his wrath to be scattered across the surface of the earth, and according to the word of the Lord the people were scattered. And as the brother of Jared was a big man endowed with great strength, and highly favored of the Lord, Jared, his brother said, begs the Lord not to confuse us so they do not understand our words. It happened that the brother of Jared did cry unto the Lord and the Lord had compassion upon Jared and therefore did not confound the language of Jared, and Jared and his brother were not confounded. ( Ether 1:33-35)
This speaks of a certain Jared, of which he says is not confounded their language, which can mean two things, speaking the original language, which apparently was identical the Hebrew Israelites, as they understood them perfectly, or simply writer did not understand that meant the confusion of tongues is recorded in the Bible after the tower of Babel. Jared is assumed that begs to not confuse their language and not understand themselves, as if he were speaking in tongues intelligible what happened on that day. also spake a few words concerning his fathers. And his first parents came from the tower, at the time the Lord confounded the language of the people and the severity of the Lord came upon them, according to his judgments, which are fair and their bones lay scattered on the ground North. (Book of Mormon, Omni 1:21,22)
This was another race different, apparently if it was affected by the change of language, and yet he spoke with them as his own language, a major contradiction.
precisely on the same Jared, there is another curious reference in which tells how his daughter was a dance and asked the head of an enemy into a kind of covenant. (Ether 8:8-12) suspiciously similar to what happened to the daughter of Herod and the head of John the Baptist.
Another curious coincidence is the conversion of a character named Alma, son of the founder of a church, also named Alma, who became a cruel persecutor, but a vision that changed his mind: Now it came to while he was going to destroy the church of God - because he was secretly with the sons of Mosiah, seeking to destroy the church and mislead the people of the Lord, anything contrary to God's commandments, and even the king - because as I said while here and there were rebelling against God, behold, the angel appeared to them the Lord, and fell like a cloud, and spoke with a voice like thunder shook the ground on which they were, and so great was his astonishment that fell to the ground, and did not understand the words I spoke. Nevertheless he cried again, saying: Alma, arise and stand forth, then why are you persecuting the church God? For the Lord says: This is my church, and I will establish, and nothing shall overthrow it, the transgression of my people. . (...) And behold, now can you dispute the power of God? Well, here, did not make my voice shook the earth? What I see before you? And I am sent from God. (...) And then Alma and those who were with him fell to the ground again, for great was their astonishment, because with their own eyes had seen an angel of the Lord, and his voice was like thunder that shook the earth , and realized that there was nothing, but the power of God that could shake the earth and make it tremble as if about to split. But so great was the astonishment of Alma that was dumb, so he could not open his mouth, yes, and was so weak he could not move his hands, (Alma 27:10-19 )
Remember this both to the conversion of the apostle Paul, from persecutor Christian atrocious persecution of Christians, who hardly could deny that this is a full-scale plagiarism. For Alma, the story and the result of the vision are similar, except for small details changed, such as staying silent, instead of blind or vision of an angel, instead of Jesus himself, otherwise the story is the same, although the period of the speaker's book Soul is distant, it is clear where he got his inspiration. There
many more and plagiarism inconsistencies like this, as when one speaks of Moses was tempted by the devil, as Jesus, or when it is said that in the time of Adam was baptized a voice from heaven. He received the Holy Spirit and was like born again. That Enoch saw the descendants of Cain and that they were those of the black race, cursed by both. (Moses 1:11-14, 6: 64 -67: 7: 22; ).
Another curious coincidence is the conversion of a character named Alma, son of the founder of a church, also named Alma, who became a cruel persecutor, but a vision that changed his mind: Now it came to while he was going to destroy the church of God - because he was secretly with the sons of Mosiah, seeking to destroy the church and mislead the people of the Lord, anything contrary to God's commandments, and even the king - because as I said while here and there were rebelling against God, behold, the angel appeared to them the Lord, and fell like a cloud, and spoke with a voice like thunder shook the ground on which they were, and so great was his astonishment that fell to the ground, and did not understand the words I spoke. Nevertheless he cried again, saying: Alma, arise and stand forth, then why are you persecuting the church God? For the Lord says: This is my church, and I will establish, and nothing shall overthrow it, the transgression of my people. . (...) And behold, now can you dispute the power of God? Well, here, did not make my voice shook the earth? What I see before you? And I am sent from God. (...) And then Alma and those who were with him fell to the ground again, for great was their astonishment, because with their own eyes had seen an angel of the Lord, and his voice was like thunder that shook the earth , and realized that there was nothing, but the power of God that could shake the earth and make it tremble as if about to split. But so great was the astonishment of Alma that was dumb, so he could not open his mouth, yes, and was so weak he could not move his hands, (Alma 27:10-19 )
Remember this both to the conversion of the apostle Paul, from persecutor Christian atrocious persecution of Christians, who hardly could deny that this is a full-scale plagiarism. For Alma, the story and the result of the vision are similar, except for small details changed, such as staying silent, instead of blind or vision of an angel, instead of Jesus himself, otherwise the story is the same, although the period of the speaker's book Soul is distant, it is clear where he got his inspiration. There
many more and plagiarism inconsistencies like this, as when one speaks of Moses was tempted by the devil, as Jesus, or when it is said that in the time of Adam was baptized a voice from heaven. He received the Holy Spirit and was like born again. That Enoch saw the descendants of Cain and that they were those of the black race, cursed by both. (Moses 1:11-14, 6: 64 -67: 7: 22; ).
There is also a subject that intrigues those who read the Book of Mormon, talks about three characters that Jesus, when humans lived among gave immortality on earth Who are the three immortals who preach on earth? As told in the book of Mormon, three disciples of Jesus in America, received a sort of immortality and had experiences in which he always emerged unscathed, experiences that any connoisseur of the Bible will be familiar: Now if they were mortal or immortal, from the day of their transfiguration, I do not know, but this I know, as history has been given, they left on the surface of the earth, and ministered to all the people, adding to the church to those who believed in his preaching, baptizing, and many were baptized received the Holy Spirit. And they were thrown in prison for those outside the church. And the prisons could not hold because it broke in half. And they were thrown on the ground, but smote the earth with the word of God, so that by his power were delivered from the depths of the earth, and therefore could not dig trenches of sufficient depth to contain them. And three times they were thrown into a furnace, and received no harm. And twice thrown into a den of wild beasts, and behold, they played with the beasts as a child with a suckling lamb, and received no damage. ( 3Nefi 28:17-22)
is clear that some of the stories, have a suspicious resemblance to those occurring with Daniel and the three Hebrews in Babylon, or release from prison miracles of Peter and Paul. Most disconcerting is that it assumes that what tells Nephi, happen when the Nephites and Lamanites had been separated from their homeland, (taking into account that left there from before the destruction of Jerusalem to Babylon), by both were not aware of Daniel or the three Hebrew children and their experiences. However, these three immortals, suffered the same hardships as them. It says those immortal would come to the end of time But later in the book called Mormon explains losque happened to those : And I tried to preach to this people, but it was closed the mouth, and I was forbidden to preach unto them, behold, they had rebelled against her intentionally God and the beloved disciples were removed from the ground, because of their iniquity. ( Mormon 1:16)
These facts, ie the lives of the immortals, as the chronology of the Book of Mormon occurred between the beginning of the century, until about 400 CE. But the mix of facts and situations put it at another time it was unknown for them, but not for the writer and inspirational text.
On the other hand, some beliefs are not exposed in the Bible as the Trinitarian doctrine was accepted and assumed by Smith, to the extent that in the Book of Mormon, is collected in a much more blatant. Thus, unlike the Bible, where for years trying to find a theological basis, and found no definitive basis to support it, the Book of Mormon but does not walk with openly speaks well of the presentation of Jesus to the inhabitants of the earth : Behold, I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I created the heavens and the earth and all that in them. It was with the Father from the beginning. I am in the Father, and the Father in me and in me hath the Father glorified his name. I came to mine, and mine own received me not. And the scriptures concerning my coming are fulfilled. And as many as have received me, I have given to become children of God, and so will I do with all those who believe on my name, for behold, by me redemption cometh, and in me has fulfilled the law of Moses. I am the light and life of the world. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. ( 3rd Book of Nephi 9:15-18).
This makes it clear that the idea of \u200b\u200bidentifying Jesus with the creator of all things, was part of the beliefs of the writer and inspirational the book, such as those who claim to authenticate the following : know that if we are faithful in Christ, our clothes will be clean from the blood of all men, and be found spotless before the tribunal of Christ, and dwell eternally with Him in heaven. And the honor be to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are one God. Amen. ( Book of Mormon, testimony of three witnesses)
Although in contradiction to this, we have own vision that Smith claims to have been the beginning, where it sees two distinct and separate character, God and your child. Seen in this way is contradictory and therefore the message visions.
Although in contradiction to this, we have own vision that Smith claims to have been the beginning, where it sees two distinct and separate character, God and your child. Seen in this way is contradictory and therefore the message visions.
The issue of gifts, like speaking in tongues, healing and prophecy, is closely linked to the Mormons, at least prophecy, although not a common gift among all members, as in some Pentecostal churches sign. But the words that brings the Book of Mormon, seemed to respond to those who denied such powers or gifts, as we passed, on the basis of the above words of Paul in 1 Corinthians 13 on the removal of such miraculous gifts. The Book of Mormon in clear opposition to this idea says: And I speak unto you who deny the revelations of God and say they have already stopped, no revelations, nor prophecies, nor gifts, nor healing, nor speaking with tongues, and interpretation of tongues. Behold, I tell you that anyone who denies these things do not know the gospel of Christ, yea, has not read the Scriptures, and if you have read, not understand them. (Mormon 1:8)
Joseph Smith himself says he had healing powers , then tend to defend the gift of tongues saying the ease with which its missionaries to learn and master different languages \u200b\u200b in the countries being sent.
Also about this says the following: behold, one is given by the Spirit of God to teach the word of wisdom, to another, teaching the word of knowledge by the same Spirit, to another faith extremely large, to another gifts of healing by the same Spirit, and again, to another, doing powerful miracles, and again, to another, prophesy concerning all things, and again, to another, seeing angels and ministering spirits, and again, to another, all kinds of tongues, and again, to another, interpretation of languages \u200b\u200band different kinds of tongues. ( Moroni 10:8-16)
Although the theme of the gifts of miracles, such as tongues and healing, will be subject to be discussed in later chapters, it is worth saying that these things are by no means to identify wheat demonstration drowned. The very fact that religion as antagonistic as the Pentecostal Evangelists, Mormons, Catholics, Charismatics, some Methodist churches, including the mysterious Rosicrucians claim to them, is baffling. Not to mention the miracles of Lourdes, Fatima Fatima Catholic and Islamic, all of this and makes us wonder about the source of those gifts or the truth about them. One of two, or from the same Holy Spirit, which would be a call of God contradictory, or are all false, which would disqualify all these movements. Other facts therefore are the ones to demonstrate the reality and the true wheat.
As an anecdote, when to seek parallels copied from the real story, this quote is supposed to happen in the third century AD, in the Americas, is spoken of as the church founded by Christ in America, curiously had reached a state similar to what it was in Europe, Asia and Africa., came to a similar decline and division. Let : It happened that when they had passed two hundred and ten years on earth had a large number of churches, if there were many churches which professed to know the Christ, however, denied most of his gospel, so that tolerated all manner of wickedness, and administered what was sacred to those who were forbidden because of unworthiness. And this church is greatly multiplied because of the wickedness, and Satan's power that gripped their hearts. (...) And continued to establish churches for themselves, and garnished with all manner of precious objects. And so it took two hundred and fifty years, and two hundred and sixty years. ( 4 Nephi 27,28,41)
missing only mention the pope and the Catholic Church here found that apparently had a parallel in America.
Details like these demolish the entire contents of the book of Mormon, lacking base any historical, archaeological and logic and common sense. It is necessary to take into account that, in the cities mentioned, as the names of the characters, places, everything is as out of place, there is no trace of them. Adding to this, that nothing is said of the original inhabitants of the Americas, only distantly dropped some American Indian tribes were descendants so-called Lamanites, who as punishment is said to have darkened his skin. Not making it clear why his Hebrew language, which was maintained for over 800 years intact, now had nothing to do with the knives, Aztecs, Mayas, Incas or other tribes farther south than any of the traditions absolutely oral chigger American tribe recognizes or remembers his alleged Jewish background. The same applies to the Polynesians, of whom are said to have descended from another race mentioned in the Book of Mormon, Lehi, all that aside to get away from the biblical evidence also contradicts the scientific and is not anything in archeology that witness. However, millions of people base their faith in the words of the Book of Mormon and accept sn doubt the inspiration for all other writings of Joseph Smith, the American prophet.