Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Should I Get My Lengha From London?
Metaphysics Class 2 in 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
I Want A Pagan Wedding
Miceal Ledwith tells about the story of Jesus, from the various schools of wisdom for which Jesus has gone through from Tibet, India and Egypt to make his ministry in Jerusalem
Friday, October 9, 2009
Katesplayground Zip Sets
film showing the reality of children and young indigo, from the perspective of more than 15 experts from international influence, speaking on this subject so momentous in a changing world.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Best Blowjobs On Sean Cody
Lamb Marinated In Buttermilk
comes from father and mother and child. The creative source contains three aspects in nature that are deeply linked, and the existence of one of them requires the existence of the other two are interdependent of each other. They are: Father, Son and Mother (Holy Spirit). And this is known as "The Holy Trinity"
These three aspects are related to specific qualities. The Father is the power of will, of power, order, the Son is the energy of consciousness, wisdom, the great mind, and Mother is the energy of the event, cohesion and love. All these qualities are essential ingredients for the existence of the universe and all life on it. Of these qualities emerge all other divine virtues: perfection, truth, unity, mercy, etc. Everything
aware of their existence in the universe is part of the second person of the trinity: The child. This son, born with all the pure qualities of the source, is made with the same substance, the same energy, contains within it a Father-Mother is perfect, this child is the Higher Self or I AM.
However, as any child needs to grow, knowing yourself, knowing its potential to manifest itself fully. When the son realizes he must take a path of self-knowledge, is when you have the right to choose away as possible from the source to achieve this goal, because if energy is within the Father-Mother hardly know yourself. But it is impossible to divide the Father-Mother, therefore, projects a beam of light, a portion of the site itself further from the source: the flat dense matter, the earthly, human.
There, in the physical, mental emotional and that spirit comes as an individual human completely forgets its divine nature and from deep darkness begins to experience all that first creative source is: hatred, loneliness, emptiness, etc.. But as you go along, to have known all that creative source "is" beginning to recognize the love, joy, wholeness; be reunited with his nature. And so is realizing that it is able to love, to understand, to use his divine power to command his life, his energy and to create an entire universe around himself, as did the creative source.
While the human individual is recalling its potential, rediscover their strengths and capabilities, the other aspect of your being, your higher self, still living in the areas of light where it was created, emanating their divine qualities to human form so that it can remember and experience his divine nature to get a full understanding of himself and return to his heart, your Higher Self, which knows it is a major part of the creative source, where you know the Father, Son and Mother are one.
How humans often think we are so small, we're so alone, we are filled with the sadness, anger, boredom, and many other negative emotions. All this is because you do not remember who we are, yet we do not know, we can not look inside and see the magnificence of our own light. Probably
Humanity is ready to remember, to recognize our divine nature. We just have to start recognizing our potential as children of God (the creative source.) This is the only way that will make our civilization a step further towards a more friendly, happier, more united. Contact
Higher Self is not difficult, just think about that is that Being, close your eyes and feel the heartbeat, knowing that your energy is what gives my life and all its perfection is flowing right now through me, with the power to remind me, enlighten, heal, harmonized, etc.
write this text with the aim of all the energy of love and light infused in these words be a blessing to wake up in the light of the trinity that you keep in your heart.
Monday, October 5, 2009
How Do You Apply For The Job In Poptropica
The City of Shamballa is the highest spotlight of the world and serves as crown chakra of Mother Earth. The main objective of Shamballa is to support and guide our development, connecting with the creative source and the original purpose of our existence. Generally, our human consciousness, attempts to place this city somewhere on the planet, the truth is that in the higher planes where this civilization there is no time or three-dimensional space. Would be more appropriate to say that the city of Shamballa is a state of awareness that a physical city. However, it is known as the heavenly home where all ascended beings who have attained enlightenment in our world, reside. And from there, lovingly watch over our development and provide us guidance and assistance they need to move forward in our journey of self-knowledge. They formed an order known as The White Brotherhood.
heart in the center of Shamballa is the container or cup of life, which receives the pure energy coming from the center of our galaxy. This energy gives life to the Fire Shamballa, which contains within itself the triple nature of the creative source: Will, Wisdom and Love
The Great White Brotherhood is responsible for filtering and manage this energy, transforming its vibrational rate in softer energy we are able to assimilate. There, in the transition to lower levels, this fire is transformed into the Seven Rays Metaphysics current practice.
The current chief of Shamballa or Lord of the World is Gautama Buddha, which together with the Great Divine Director and Sanat Kumara (the Ancient of Days), form the triumvirate of Shamballa.
Further down the hierarchy are the Maha Chohan, Paul the Venetian, the Planetary Christ, Lord Kuthumi and the Manu of the race, Lord Morya.
Then come the seven directors of the Seven Rays: Mr. Sirius, Soo Che Lady, Lady Rowena, Mr. Serapys Bey, Mr. Hilarion, Mr. John the Beloved and Lady Mercedes. Notably
office of Mr. Saint Germain, as an avatar of the Age of Aquarius, and Micah Angel Unit (Our Master Jesus known and loved.)
While the city of Shamballa as such, can not find it in our physical plane, there are points that serve as major planetary chakras of this energy. The most important is today on the Andes, on Lake Titicaca, covering lands of Peru, Bolivia and Chile. Earlier this same source was located in Tibet.
There are many legends about the mythical city of Shamballa, and many different names have been given also. Most describe it as a city of white buildings with a large central temple like the Taj Majhal with glass and light streets, with a river of water flashing silver glitter and a lot of life, loved wonderful loving.
To contact the energy of Shamballa city or its inhabitants, just enough to enter a state of meditation and think of all the light and love expressed in these spiritual levels.